Judge Releases 1/6 Participant, 1 Of Many Being Held After 6 Months For Non-Violent Offenses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Trump-Appointed Judge Releases January 6 Protester, Says Defendant Did Not Engage in Violent Behavior

US District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee on Tuesday released a January 6 protester from jail pending his trial because he did not engage in violent behavior.

Jensen is one of the many Trump supporters who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months for a non-violent offense.

The DOJ is purposely slow-walking all of the January 6 cases and denying Trump supporters their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

Jensen is on House arrest, wears an ankle bracelet, and is barred from using the internet.

The judge said Jensen’s behavior is “deeply concerning” but he is not accused of damaging any property or violently assaulting anybody.

After 6 Months the DOJ is still holding non-violent citizens who were in the Capitol, without bail while a federal Judge released BLM member John Sullivan, who is guilty of the exact same crimes as many still being held, without bail.


John Sullivan, who was charged by the FBI,
can allegedly be heard egging the pro-Donald
Trump rioters on in footage he filmed of the attack.

Democrats (and snowflakes) have denied / rejected the idea thatBLM incited the violence; however, video and audio of Sullivan debunks their claims:

'He allegedly told rioters, "We gotta get this s**t burned," and "it's our house motherf***er." He later tells rioters: "You guys are f**king savage. Let's go!" before dubbing, "This s**t is ours! F**k yeah. I can't believe this is reality."

John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman’s death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday without bail, according to Fox News.

According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for Sullivan’s detention was denied because it didn’t meet the court’s threshold for a hearing. Prosecutors had asked for Sullivan to be retained in jail at least until inauguration day.

Federal judges have denied bail to others who took part in the Jan. 6 chaos. Not Oberg.

“The court orders John Earle Sullivan’s release, in this case, based on a finding that the government did not establish a basis to hold a detention hearing…

Sullivan was first arrested by the FBI on Thursday, facing multiple federal charges including “violent entry and disorderly conduct” as well as “interfering with law enforcement” for his role in the Capitol chaos. Sullivan was interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper in the wake of the Jan. 6 violence, where he claimed to “document” the riots but did not disclose his participation in the capitol ransacking. He is also facing violence and rioting charges for his activities during a Black Lives Matter event earlier in 2020, according to Rolling Stone.

So Sullivan, who was illegally inside the Capitol, who was/is already facing charges for violence and rioting during a BLM riot, was released from jail while other citizens who remain in jail, whohave never done anything violent in their lives and have never been arrested before, remain in jail 6 months later.

Sounds like the DOJ is attempting to 'punish' conservatives and Trump supporters for being a part of the 1/6 event....like Sullivan was.


Trump-Appointed Judge Releases January 6 Protester, Says Defendant Did Not Engage in Violent Behavior

US District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee on Tuesday released a January 6 protester from jail pending his trial because he did not engage in violent behavior.

Jensen is one of the many Trump supporters who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months for a non-violent offense.

The DOJ is purposely slow-walking all of the January 6 cases and denying Trump supporters their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

Jensen is on House arrest, wears an ankle bracelet, and is barred from using the internet.

The judge said Jensen’s behavior is “deeply concerning” but he is not accused of damaging any property or violently assaulting anybody.

After 6 Months the DOJ is still holding non-violent citizens who were in the Capitol, without bail while a federal Judge released BLM member John Sullivan, who is guilty of the exact same crimes as many still being held, without bail.

View attachment 512766
John Sullivan, who was charged by the FBI,
can allegedly be heard egging the pro-Donald
Trump rioters on in footage he filmed of the attack.

Democrats (and snowflakes) have denied / rejected the idea thatBLM incited the violence; however, video and audio of Sullivan debunks their claims:

'He allegedly told rioters, "We gotta get this s**t burned," and "it's our house motherf***er." He later tells rioters: "You guys are f**king savage. Let's go!" before dubbing, "This s**t is ours! F**k yeah. I can't believe this is reality."

John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman’s death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday without bail, according to Fox News.

According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for Sullivan’s detention was denied because it didn’t meet the court’s threshold for a hearing. Prosecutors had asked for Sullivan to be retained in jail at least until inauguration day.

Federal judges have denied bail to others who took part in the Jan. 6 chaos. Not Oberg.

“The court orders John Earle Sullivan’s release, in this case, based on a finding that the government did not establish a basis to hold a detention hearing…

Sullivan was first arrested by the FBI on Thursday, facing multiple federal charges including “violent entry and disorderly conduct” as well as “interfering with law enforcement” for his role in the Capitol chaos. Sullivan was interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper in the wake of the Jan. 6 violence, where he claimed to “document” the riots but did not disclose his participation in the capitol ransacking. He is also facing violence and rioting charges for his activities during a Black Lives Matter event earlier in 2020, according to Rolling Stone.

So Sullivan, who was illegally inside the Capitol, who was/is already facing charges for violence and rioting during a BLM riot, was released from jail while other citizens who remain in jail, whohave never done anything violent in their lives and have never been arrested before, remain in jail 6 months later.

Sounds like the DOJ is attempting to 'punish' conservatives and Trump supporters for being a part of the 1/6 event....like Sullivan was.

I think one of the reasons they are slow walking these hearings is they don't want the blm and antifa types to be revealed to the press until absolutely necessary...

I think one of the reasons they are slow walking these hearings is they don't want the blm and antifa types to be revealed to the press until absolutely necessary...
The criminal FBI might also have to answer why they knew about the event in advance and chose to attempt to hire former Spec Ops members to infiltrate conservative groups instead of taking steps to prevent it from happening or to ensure Capitol Police were prepared to deal with it.

Trump-Appointed Judge Releases January 6 Protester, Says Defendant Did Not Engage in Violent Behavior

US District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee on Tuesday released a January 6 protester from jail pending his trial because he did not engage in violent behavior.

Jensen is one of the many Trump supporters who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months for a non-violent offense.

The DOJ is purposely slow-walking all of the January 6 cases and denying Trump supporters their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

Jensen is on House arrest, wears an ankle bracelet, and is barred from using the internet.

The judge said Jensen’s behavior is “deeply concerning” but he is not accused of damaging any property or violently assaulting anybody.

After 6 Months the DOJ is still holding non-violent citizens who were in the Capitol, without bail while a federal Judge released BLM member John Sullivan, who is guilty of the exact same crimes as many still being held, without bail.

View attachment 512766
John Sullivan, who was charged by the FBI,
can allegedly be heard egging the pro-Donald
Trump rioters on in footage he filmed of the attack.

Democrats (and snowflakes) have denied / rejected the idea thatBLM incited the violence; however, video and audio of Sullivan debunks their claims:

'He allegedly told rioters, "We gotta get this s**t burned," and "it's our house motherf***er." He later tells rioters: "You guys are f**king savage. Let's go!" before dubbing, "This s**t is ours! F**k yeah. I can't believe this is reality."

John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman’s death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday without bail, according to Fox News.

According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for Sullivan’s detention was denied because it didn’t meet the court’s threshold for a hearing. Prosecutors had asked for Sullivan to be retained in jail at least until inauguration day.

Federal judges have denied bail to others who took part in the Jan. 6 chaos. Not Oberg.

“The court orders John Earle Sullivan’s release, in this case, based on a finding that the government did not establish a basis to hold a detention hearing…

Sullivan was first arrested by the FBI on Thursday, facing multiple federal charges including “violent entry and disorderly conduct” as well as “interfering with law enforcement” for his role in the Capitol chaos. Sullivan was interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper in the wake of the Jan. 6 violence, where he claimed to “document” the riots but did not disclose his participation in the capitol ransacking. He is also facing violence and rioting charges for his activities during a Black Lives Matter event earlier in 2020, according to Rolling Stone.

So Sullivan, who was illegally inside the Capitol, who was/is already facing charges for violence and rioting during a BLM riot, was released from jail while other citizens who remain in jail, whohave never done anything violent in their lives and have never been arrested before, remain in jail 6 months later.

Sounds like the DOJ is attempting to 'punish' conservatives and Trump supporters for being a part of the 1/6 event....like Sullivan was.

I love how Sleazy is all about the punishing criminals except Trump and his minions. The guy who spent two years wanting to lock Hillary up, can't wait to let these insurrectionists out of jail.

Trump-Appointed Judge Releases January 6 Protester, Says Defendant Did Not Engage in Violent Behavior

US District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee on Tuesday released a January 6 protester from jail pending his trial because he did not engage in violent behavior.

Jensen is one of the many Trump supporters who has been sitting in jail for the past 6 months for a non-violent offense.

The DOJ is purposely slow-walking all of the January 6 cases and denying Trump supporters their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

Jensen is on House arrest, wears an ankle bracelet, and is barred from using the internet.

The judge said Jensen’s behavior is “deeply concerning” but he is not accused of damaging any property or violently assaulting anybody.

After 6 Months the DOJ is still holding non-violent citizens who were in the Capitol, without bail while a federal Judge released BLM member John Sullivan, who is guilty of the exact same crimes as many still being held, without bail.

View attachment 512766
John Sullivan, who was charged by the FBI,
can allegedly be heard egging the pro-Donald
Trump rioters on in footage he filmed of the attack.

Democrats (and snowflakes) have denied / rejected the idea thatBLM incited the violence; however, video and audio of Sullivan debunks their claims:

'He allegedly told rioters, "We gotta get this s**t burned," and "it's our house motherf***er." He later tells rioters: "You guys are f**king savage. Let's go!" before dubbing, "This s**t is ours! F**k yeah. I can't believe this is reality."

John Earle Sullivan, a far-left agitator who was present at the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 and recorded a woman’s death at the hands of police, was released from jail on Friday without bail, according to Fox News.

According to Utah District Magistrate Judge Daphne Oberg, the motion for Sullivan’s detention was denied because it didn’t meet the court’s threshold for a hearing. Prosecutors had asked for Sullivan to be retained in jail at least until inauguration day.

Federal judges have denied bail to others who took part in the Jan. 6 chaos. Not Oberg.

“The court orders John Earle Sullivan’s release, in this case, based on a finding that the government did not establish a basis to hold a detention hearing…

Sullivan was first arrested by the FBI on Thursday, facing multiple federal charges including “violent entry and disorderly conduct” as well as “interfering with law enforcement” for his role in the Capitol chaos. Sullivan was interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper in the wake of the Jan. 6 violence, where he claimed to “document” the riots but did not disclose his participation in the capitol ransacking. He is also facing violence and rioting charges for his activities during a Black Lives Matter event earlier in 2020, according to Rolling Stone.

So Sullivan, who was illegally inside the Capitol, who was/is already facing charges for violence and rioting during a BLM riot, was released from jail while other citizens who remain in jail, whohave never done anything violent in their lives and have never been arrested before, remain in jail 6 months later.

Sounds like the DOJ is attempting to 'punish' conservatives and Trump supporters for being a part of the 1/6 event....like Sullivan was.

Most of the MAGA tourists will receive a slap on the wrist.

And the rest will receive many years in jail.

Because cult.
The key works "Tramp appointed judge"
"Non violent offender" are the key words, fucking clown.

Why is provocateur and agitator John Sullivan running free when so many are being held indefinitely
without charges? Is this Cuba or Russia?
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What freedoms have you lost that made you lose faith in the Constitution, Brother?

Freedom of speech is the biggest one. If you don't tote the liberal line, you are banned, blocked, etc.

The freedom to go anywhere without a fucking mask.

The freedom to decide whether or not to get the vaccine.

Freedom of health privacy invasion. The freedom to keep a job even if you choose not to be jabbed with this experimental concoction of God knows what. You USED to have rights to privacy with regards to vaccines and your job. Thanks to Biden, now you don't.

Freedom to bear arms. Biden and the left are coming after guns hot and heavy.

Freedom from arbitrary justice. Unequal justice based on your political affiliation.

Freedom from gov't monitoring without a warrant
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Freedom of speech is the biggest one. If you don't tote the liberal line, you are banned, blocked, etc.

The freedom to go anywhere without a fucking mask.

The freedom to decide whether or not to get the vaccine.

Freedom of health privacy invasion. The freedom to keep a job even if you choose not to be jabbed with this experimental concoction of God knows what. You USED to have rights to privacy with regards to vaccines and your job. Thanks to Biden, now you don't.

Freedom to bear arms. Biden and the left are coming after guns hot and heavy.

Freedom from arbitrary justice. Unequal justice based on your political affiliation.

Freedom from gov't monitoring without a warrant
Hahaha that's as funny as those speaking on the House floor with Censored masks on., and whining on all the Right wing radio and tv shows about it. "I's bean sensored"

There is no federal mask or vaccine mandate.

I'm with ya on the privacy of health info but that incursion didn't start in Jan. Neither did your last two.

Shotgun Joe ain't coming fer yer guns.

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