Judge declares smoking bans consitiutional

Probably no more than I despise some fatass wheezing her way up the podium because her lungs and heart can't support 400 pounds to whine about secondhand smoke.

Given a choice between sitting next to her and being squeezed to the side of my chair or sitting next to you and having to smell the walking ashtray that I imagine you are, not to mention putting up with your overbearing personality, I take the lardass any day.
Given a choice between sitting next to her and being squeezed to the side of my chair or sitting next to you and having to smell the walking ashtray that I imagine you are, not to mention putting up with your overbearing personality, I take the lardass any day.

Again, you assume much. But if you like sitting next to fat women, far be it from me to judge ....:eusa_whistle:
Who said I smoke, Einstein?

You don't have to say. You reek of it. And if you don't, you could definitely use some sort of narcotic to calm you down. Just be sure you ingest it some form that doesn't enter my bloodstream as well. Okay, Steven J Hawking?
The Federal government uses the Interstate Commerce Clause from the US Constitution to get at nearly every business, no matter how small. The entire 1964 Civil Rights Act was based on the Interstate Commerce Clause because without it, there was no way to prohibit discrimination by a private restaurants, bars, or stores. The Interstate Commerce Clause is a catch-all, because it basically says that the US Government can regulate anything that affects "interstate commerce". That has been stretched to include selling goods from out of state, selling to customers from out of state, or thinking about a relative who lives out of state.

In this case, the Supreme Court wasn't deciding the power of the federal government but of a state government. Because the constitution expressly states that all powers not given to the fed are reserved for the states, states usually have the power to make their own laws, provided that they afford at least the minimum protections afforded under federal law.

State laws have made smoking illegal under certain situations. Because there is no federal law protecting smokers or smoking (other than the millions paid to federal lawmakers by big tobacco), states basically have free reign to ban smoking so long as there is a reasonable basis for doing so.

Basically, Big Tobacco needs to spread their money around better, now filling up the coffers of state legislators and even city council members. C'mon Phillip Morris, stop complaining and pay up!

Love the screen name.
Perhaps old ... definitely appropriate.

What you say is what you are aside, can anyone on the message board give a good reason why a cigarette smoker's addiction to a public heath hazard should trump anyone else's need to breathe?

What would be the point of allowing smoking in public places? Is there any redeeming social value in it? Why is it smokers are not a protected class of people? There must be good reasons for that.

Most of all, why would a smoker want to harm another person?
Hmm I think I assumed that county courts were just another type of state court . I think I'm a bit over my head here, Civ Pro hasn't prepared me for this. :eusa_whistle:

i thought you two were suppossed to be budding lawyers or something.
We have non smoking in Philly and in New Jersey and I have to say it is really nice. I smoked young so I never complained but now you come home and don't smell like an ashtray. Great idea and they are adding space, outside and more secluded, for the smokers.
Given a choice between sitting next to her and being squeezed to the side of my chair or sitting next to you and having to smell the walking ashtray that I imagine you are, not to mention putting up with your overbearing personality, I take the lardass any day.

Isnt it too bad your bitch ass couldn't make that choice in the first place and choose a non smoking bar instead of insisting that projected estimations and the giant scourge of bartenders we see everyday indicates more than it does?

NO one makes you go anywhere that allows smoking. Take your pussy ass somewhere else since you clearly have a reason to make a choice.
You don't have to say. You reek of it. And if you don't, you could definitely use some sort of narcotic to calm you down. Just be sure you ingest it some form that doesn't enter my bloodstream as well. Okay, Steven J Hawking?

kinda like the alcohol in the bloodstream of the driver that drove home from a non-smkey bar that actually took a life beyond projected estimates and other bullshit stats?

Oh yea.. silly me. Those deaths are just not as important as crying about how your clothes smell after you leave a bar you shoce to enter.

What you say is what you are aside, can anyone on the message board give a good reason why a cigarette smoker's addiction to a public heath hazard should trump anyone else's need to breathe?

What would be the point of allowing smoking in public places? Is there any redeeming social value in it? Why is it smokers are not a protected class of people? There must be good reasons for that.

Most of all, why would a smoker want to harm another person?


Because YOUR bitch ass has never been dragged, kicking and screaming, into a smokey bar in the first place. AND, because projected estimates are about as impressive as pink lunger promises on an economic impact after the fact of a ban. I've got two cities who's experience prove that half of your dangled carrot promises are total bullshit. Wanna compare my evidence to your non-existent statistics?

Gosh.. yes.. what WOULD be the point in letting Americans enjoy the liberty of being an American... hmmm.. yes.. that's a tough question since, as we all know, smokers generally pull bitches like you into the smoky bars against your choice. Not to mention, you can't even blame cancer on tobacco since people get the shit EVERY DAY from other legal items from BBQ'd red meat to genetics.

Why is it that pink lunger pussies think that they can avoid their responsibility to make a personal choice regarding where they put THEMSELVES rather than simply making non-smoking choices and letting other Americans enjoy their legal drug of choice?

ahh.. silly me.. it just wouldn't be FREEDOM unless we forced someone to comply.

ps. smokers don't harm your lungs if you stay the fuck out of smoky bars.

It's hilarious that the same people who would otherwise be crying that the sky is falling over protest zones dont mind hopping the fence when it comes to big brother keeping their dainty little clothes from smelling like big bad smoke.

Because YOUR bitch ass has never been dragged, kicking and screaming, into a smokey bar in the first place. AND, because projected estimates are about as impressive as pink lunger promises on an economic impact after the fact of a ban. I've got two cities who's experience prove that half of your dangled carrot promises are total bullshit. Wanna compare my evidence to your non-existent statistics?

Gosh.. yes.. what WOULD be the point in letting Americans enjoy the liberty of being an American... hmmm.. yes.. that's a tough question since, as we all know, smokers generally pull bitches like you into the smoky bars against your choice. Not to mention, you can't even blame cancer on tobacco since people get the shit EVERY DAY from other legal items from BBQ'd red meat to genetics.

Why is it that pink lunger pussies think that they can avoid their responsibility to make a personal choice regarding where they put THEMSELVES rather than simply making non-smoking choices and letting other Americans enjoy their legal drug of choice?

ahh.. silly me.. it just wouldn't be FREEDOM unless we forced someone to comply.

ps. smokers don't harm your lungs if you stay the fuck out of smoky bars.

It's hilarious that the same people who would otherwise be crying that the sky is falling over protest zones dont mind hopping the fence when it comes to big brother keeping their dainty little clothes from smelling like big bad smoke.

Shogun, I'm beginning to understand why this message board has so few participants.
What you say is what you are aside, can anyone on the message board give a good reason why a cigarette smoker's addiction to a public heath hazard should trump anyone else's need to breathe?

What would be the point of allowing smoking in public places? Is there any redeeming social value in it? Why is it smokers are not a protected class of people? There must be good reasons for that.

Most of all, why would a smoker want to harm another person?

It doesn't have anything to do with a nonsmokers rights. It has to do with the rights of private businesses to run their own businesses the way they want to.

If you go into a bar and complain about the smoke, odds are that you are a moron. Bars are smokey places, jackass.
What you say is what you are aside, can anyone on the message board give a good reason why a cigarette smoker's addiction to a public heath hazard should trump anyone else's need to breathe?

What would be the point of allowing smoking in public places? Is there any redeeming social value in it? Why is it smokers are not a protected class of people? There must be good reasons for that.

Most of all, why would a smoker want to harm another person?

Ah ... you sound like one well-versed in the propaganda.

If your concern is secondhand smoke harming others, I am afraid I must request you cease and desist all use of your automibile(s) and all other gasoline-powered engines as the emission from them are far more deadly than any secondhand smoke.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
We have non smoking in Philly and in New Jersey and I have to say it is really nice. I smoked young so I never complained but now you come home and don't smell like an ashtray. Great idea and they are adding space, outside and more secluded, for the smokers.

Here's a newsflash for you: if you don't want to smell like a bar, don't go into a bar!!

I hate the smell of the deli. Does government have the right to ban the deli section in 7/11? It smells like shit, and many meats clog my arteries.

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