Judge Cannon weighs dismissal of Trump classified documents case

Are you denying that Trump was charges for crimes?! Really?? It is a waste of time for me to try and prove a prosecutors case before the case has been brought. I haven’t made the claim that Trump is guilty of everything he was charged with. I simply said he was charged in court and in court evidence and law is analyzed. Contrast that to the right wing propaganda that hides in the media and is nowhere to be seen near a courtroom
You stated Trump was charged and there was evidence to support the charges.

Instead of deflecting and hiding from your statement, simply list the charges and tell us in your opinion what evidence applies to the charge.

You wont do it, because you are wrong.
No, ma'am.

The constitution states:

View attachment 917237

Any authority that the VP has or any agency derives from that power. Executive branches have traditionally been delegated the power to classify and declassify, but that in no way reduces the presidents ultimate power over classified materials.
Yes sir he does via Executive Order 13526. As far as I know that hasn’t been rescinded. The President has the ultimate power as you say, but for the purposes of confronting the claim some have made that the VP does not have the power to classify or declassify or the same security clearance as the President - it is untrue at this point in time.
You stated Trump was charged and there was evidence to support the charges.

Instead of deflecting and hiding from your statement, simply list the charges and tell us in your opinion what evidence applies to the charge.

You wont do it, because you are wrong.
Prove he is wrong. The charges are publicly available as is some evidence.
You stated Trump was charged and there was evidence to support the charges.

Instead of deflecting and hiding from your statement, simply list the charges and tell us in your opinion what evidence applies to the charge.

You wont do it, because you are wrong.
Yes, that’s how it works in court. Prosecutors present charges and evidence to make a cases and if credible and legal the case moves on. If not, like with Trumps stolen election bogus cases, the cases get dismissed.
Since when do criminals get shielded from trial because of mental stability?! That’s complete BS and not an excuse to not prosecute. It was a cheap political dig to try and save face because he didn’t have a case and knew the right wing turds would throw him in the fire.
You have no proof there is no case and you have less proof that a full investigation is not warranted.

Why does Biden have dozens of "s corporations"

How did Biden 4 million dollar homes.

What dd Biden know about the felonies Hunter Biden committed not paying taxes.

How did Biden's brother secure a billion dollar contract for the firm he worked for to build housing in Iraq

Why is Burisma not be pursued.

Did Trump have Burisma documents showing Obama and Biden guilty hence the illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago

Was Biden hiding Burisma documents in his garage next to his corvette?

From the PRA.

§2202. Ownership of Presidential records
The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Upon the conclusion of a President's term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.

(B) does not include any documentary materials that are (i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e) 1 of title 5, United States Code);

Declassification doesn't change authorship now does it? So please tell me what plain English in the PRA. Changes Classified documents into personal one's?
Sounds like the Archivist should be in hot water for not doing his job. He was responsible for the custody, control, and preservation of the records and blew it.
You have no proof there is no case and you have less proof that a full investigation is not warranted.

Why does Biden have dozens of "s corporations"

How did Biden 4 million dollar homes.

What dd Biden know about the felonies Hunter Biden committed not paying taxes.

How did Biden's brother secure a billion dollar contract for the firm he worked for to build housing in Iraq

Why is Burisma not be pursued.

Did Trump have Burisma documents showing Obama and Biden guilty hence the illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago

Was Biden hiding Burisma documents in his garage next to his corvette?
That has nothing to do with the topic.
You have no proof there is no case and you have less proof that a full investigation is not warranted
I have the results of a Trump friendly special prosecutor who investigated the matter and decided not to prosecute. That’s certainly not nothing. He also distinguished the two cases and made the point that Trump is being prosecuted because he lied and obstructed while Biden didn’t
A wall of words.

Here are some links (general and specific), do with it as you wish.

wow, when asked to explain, all you can do is a google search, and link, without quotes

I can do the same and state you are a liar.

Here is my link, you are a liar. The law does not state the vice president has the same powers as the president.

I just did what you did, what did that prove? Same as you proved, so if you claim you are right, you must acknowledge, by your rules, all I have to do is link, and you are wrong.
Oh brother, talk about blame shifting.
The law spells out who has responsibility. The Archivist should be investigated for any laws that he broke by not properly retaining control, access, and preservation of the records. Had he been doing his job he would have known exactly which documents Trump had and would have recovered them when Trump was no longer President.
A wall of words.

Here are some links (general and specific), do with it as you wish.

A wall of links, the first link does not give the Vice President the authority the president has. Further, it is an executive order, meaning it is an order by the president. Does the vice president have the power to issue executive orders, no.

Your first link, you did not quote from, does not contain the information you claimed.
The law spells out who has responsibility. The Archivist should be investigated for any laws that he broke by not properly retaining control, access, and preservation of the records. Had he been doing his job he would have known exactly which documents Trump had and would have recovered them when Trump was no longer President.
Exactly how is the archivist supposed to? It is incumbent on the president to provide all the material to the archives. If material is thought to be missing they contact him and is supposed to return it. They aren’t responsible for the custody of the documents until after the president leaves office.
A wall of words.

Here are some links (general and specific), do with it as you wish.

The claim is that vice presidents have the same power over classified documents as presidents. Your second link specifically states the contrary

This says presidents have a SCIF, there is no mention of the Vice President, now you are simply proving yourself wrong, that is the second link that does not state what you claimed.
“Presidents often have a temporary SCIF on their property or vacation homes.”

Further, you link specifically states the president declassifies anything he wants, not the vice president
The President has the authority to declassify any document. In 1999, for example, President Bill Clinton used the conclusion of a TS report from the President’s Daily Brief prepared by the CIA in a meeting on July 4th with the Pakistani Prime Minister. He asked permission from the Deputy Director of the Agency just before he used it. In my eight years in the White House with four presidents, it was the only time I witnessed a president declassify a report to use with a foreign official.

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