Juan Williams opens the door...right into his own nose


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
One caveat here...On a personal level, I like Williams a lot more than the dopey Hannity.

But man, he should know a big flaming sack of dog poop when he sees it...Especially when that windbag Hannity is the one lighting it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMyQJjL9QcQ]‪Juan Williams Pwned: Sean Hannity Makes Williams Look Like Complete A$$‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
One caveat here...On a personal level, I like Williams a lot more than the dopey Hannity.

But man, he should know a big flaming sack of dog poop when he sees it...Especially when that windbag Hannity is the one lighting it.

‪Juan Williams Pwned: Sean Hannity Makes Williams Look Like Complete A$$‬‏ - YouTube

While that, no doubt, looked like an excellent gambit on paper- to Hannity- I must say that I never would do that to a friend....

....a debating opponent, but a friend.

Yes...I would do that here on the board....and love every second of it.....but watching that made me cringe.


I don't usually call someone a douche, but when I do it's usually Sean Hannity.​

There, fixed...
That was ugly.

Yes, Hannity is a douche.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7zfnbdyAW8]‪Sean Penn/Jeff Spicoli - You dick!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
One caveat here...On a personal level, I like Williams a lot more than the dopey Hannity.

But man, he should know a big flaming sack of dog poop when he sees it...Especially when that windbag Hannity is the one lighting it.

‪Juan Williams Pwned: Sean Hannity Makes Williams Look Like Complete A$$‬‏ - YouTube


That was funny to watch.

More of the deceitful way of punditry, reporting and/or journalism from Murdoch's money cow.

Juan's expression...PRICELESS!!!

Ouch! Hannity is a pretty dim bulb and I can't listen to him for more then a minute at a time, but that was bad. Juan's a lot sharper than that but he really didn't do his homework on that one.
One caveat here...On a personal level, I like Williams a lot more than the dopey Hannity.

But man, he should know a big flaming sack of dog poop when he sees it...Especially when that windbag Hannity is the one lighting it.

‪Juan Williams Pwned: Sean Hannity Makes Williams Look Like Complete A$$‬‏ - YouTube

yet another lame video link posing as a thought?

Oh well, some things never change. :eusa_shhh:

Dante? Trump dropped put a while ago, but he did get Obama to produce yet another "Birth certificate" and bust a cap in Osama.

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