Joy Reid Homophobic Posts

I can't find the actual comments anywhere.
Anyone have a link to her anti-homo? posts?
I couldn't locate a link only a news story describing the nature of her comments:
Joy Reid speaks out over homophobic blog posts

Funny thing though, she says she doesn't believe she wrote those comments. Not saying that I either believe or disbelieve her but I've been impersonated on the internet before and even the investigator I hired to locate the individuals involved allegedly was unable to tell the difference between my actual online postings and the fake ones. I was able to tell the difference and not simply because I knew I hadn't authored them. I still don't understand why he was unable to unless he was in on the scam too.
Repost: Joy Reid is a tough honest journalist and black, she poses a threat to the right wing media and the snowflakes who follow along. She will definitely come under fire as she is too honest with right wing nonsense and well spoken. The only thing i saw was a comment that she was uncomfortable with viewing gay sex, lots of people would probably acknowledge that as many would feel the same about heterosexual sex. It's not a common performance on TV or even movies last I checked. Close ups anyone? Google gay porn if you like. As far as the wayback nonsense, any data can be manipulated, didn't you all see my name on the Declaration of Independence? Did you miss it? America is a dumb nation today and the naive follow along.

While a bit off topic the book quoted below is a must read if you want to understand the lengths America has gone to to keep the blacks in their place. Read it read it read it.

"Trump supporters, therefore, saw their candidate as "America's last chance" to recreate a nation that reminded them of the good 01' days.#54 The country's growing diversity, Obama's very existence in the White House, and the ever-increasing visibility of African Americans in colleges and corporations had fueled a sense that these gains were "likely to reduce the influence of white Americans in society."#55 Trump's win exposed in frightening ways the "ethnonationalist rage centered around a black president" and the fear that all of the resources and wealth accumulated through centuries of public policy would be subject to "redistribution from older, white America to its younger, more diverse" population."

The ubiquitous campaign slogan "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) was, therefore, freighted with heavy racial baggage. #57 Some 20 percent of Trump supporters believed the Emancipation Proclamation had been bad public policy and that the enslaved should have never been freed." #58 [see reference below]

Page 170 and top of 171 "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide" by Carol Anderson
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

#58 Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves
I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt until I read the actual posts. But given the incredible democrat bias of media, the fact that the posts themselves are being hidden makes it likely that she did write them. If she was innocent the media would have her back in a heartbeat and would do everything to prove it.
She's got to be the ugliest fucking talking head on the MSNBC fake news channel. She literally looks like a disheveled Orangutan.

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