Jorge Ramos wants the US to be non white?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
On Fox news Jorge Ramos INADVERTANTLY admited by his logic and standard is indeed saying he is a racist who wants the US to be "non white again" when he claimed Trump wants the US white again. (*he can't have it both ways by labeling common sense immigration restrictions as somehow wanting racial control then request the opposite open door which he is inadvertantly saying is changing the racial makeup to overcome white population numbers.

Furthermore while trying to make immigration about race he blatantly exposed his racism by ignoring the fact that immigration can be from all
cultures/races/countries and his blatant ignoring of those other cultures equal rights to immigrate being squashed by his demand of his culture over all others.
Even as far as admitting his culture is hogging all the open spots, but also preventing possible increased legal immigration through flooding the country with illegal populations restricting those quotas of legals. Which by the way
prevent those even of his own culture to come in the front door legally.
Jorge Ramos ideology is blatantly selfish self serving and predjudiced, and in many ways affects & harms his own latin
culture who are usually the victims of the damage done by undocumented illegals.
Damage such as lowered wages, stolen jobs legal immigrants do that illegals flood into, drugs, gangs, higher home and auto insurance rates, higher taxes, lower property values, stolen ids, competing and depleated benefits, business competition,
depleted school quality, sometimes hostages in their neighborhoods, higher mortality rates, higher stress, harder legalization processes and tougher new spouse processes etc...
Hey Jorge, you have a community already here -legally, needing your protection over those who place themselves above the law and other cultures.
Stop protecting racists! Stop being a racist! You are doing what you claim is wrong of others.
Self reflect -the racist is you and you are deflecting.
According to the United States government itself, Mr.Ramos's wish is due to come true.

According to the latest calculations, Caucasians will no longer be the majority of Americans by the middle of this century.

Although Caucasians will remain the largest ethnic group for a while, it is thought that Hispanic-Americans will eventually become the largest ethnic group or even the majority.
Millions of Left Wingers Voters are racist Aztlan Nationalist who believe that America is not a sovereign county and they want Latinos to take over America.
The Corrupt Democratic Party regards white voters as just tax revenue.
Jorge Ramos is an off the charts racist.
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Jorge is pronounced Whorehe in Spanish with the last e pronounced ee. Jorge means George in English. Nobody in their right mind would believe anything said by a person with the first syllable of their first name pronounced whore.
Jorge has locks on his door, probably a wall/fence/gates surrounding his property or community, just like the DNC had surrounding it's bldg.
Jorge probably has an intercom where he asks who seeks entrance into his domain.
Yet he can argue that we should not
inquire about who enters and that we keep open OUR DOORS. Meanwhile the people he argues for have 4 locks on their door and iron bar windows and doors, where they came from had similar locked up fortefied houses and adjacent country border wall and strict policies on entrance. Go figure!

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