Jordan Slams January 6 Commission: If 'Everything's On The Table,' Why Can't We Question Pelosi

McCarthy, McConnell, and the GOP'rs who ran from setting up a bi-partisan Commission of experts.
I think it is you that are fact challenged. Pelosi removed any semblance of bi-partisanship when she packed the panel with her own "hand picked" choices. That is known as a "kangaroo court." The tactic was used twice before to no avail during the scam impeachments.
It was a peaceful protest that day with the only violence happening when an unarmed female protestor was murdered by a Capitol police officer.

Haha, it never pays to follow the MAGAMOB into the Capitol building, while Congress is in session counting the votge for the next president, while violently demanding the loser won. Then try to breaking into the House Chamber where member of Congress are sheltering in place from you and the Violent MAGAMOB, you'll probably get shot and killed and your killing will be a justifiable homicide.

Her family should sue the ring leader of the MAGAMOB. He is responsible for sending her to her death that day.
You know, poster OK, you have a bit of a track-record on this venue for being, ummm, unreliable in the 'facts' you manufacture.

So do this: Write the Select Committee, or the Congressman for your district and ask him to lobby for getting your 'allegations' before the Committee.
You can anonymously whine about it here as sort of therapy for you, I guess, but..............but you are kind of inflicting upon the forum here some nuttery that you are unwilling to source or vet for us.
So, it is pretty easy for the rest of the board to think of you as a phony, or, more benignly, as one of Trump's unfortunate Trump Duped & Snookered.
Which is a pity, Because you seem somewhat alert otherwise.


Well, 'hand chosen' seems a stretch. Meant to be pejorative, I'm sure.
After all, there were how many opportunities for the GOP to take the examination of January 6th seriously. They didn't.
Or rather they didn't want a closer look for fear of their complicity being publicized. Their loss. They had the chance. They flinched. Several times.

So, for poster 'Claudette', whose colorful but indiscrete language is always a novelty....well, when it comes to "stupid asses" I'd suggest, in this instance of investigating January 6th, well, those stupid ones belong with McCarthy, McConnell, and the GOP'rs who ran from setting up a bi-partisan Commission of experts.

And America is the poorer for their dunderheadedness.


So what you're saying is you're totally ignorant and uninformed. GOT IT!

Just remember this since you can't seem to know anything else, the capitol police are under the direct supervision of the speaker of the house. Personally I question the constitutionality of that arrangement, but it is what it is.

Haha, it never pays to follow the MAGAMOB into the Capitol building, while Congress is in session counting the votge for the next president, while violently demanding the loser won. Then try to breaking into the House Chamber where member of Congress are sheltering in place from you and the Violent MAGAMOB, you'll probably get shot and killed and your killing will be a justifiable homicide.

Her family should sue the ring leader of the MAGAMOB. He is responsible for sending her to her death that day.

So that's a yes to the Castle Doctrine Amendment being added to the United States Constitution making it the right of every citizen to exercise castle doctrine, stand your ground, and concealed carry, across this great nation?


Has anyone come up with a good reason why Speaker Pelosi can't be called to testify since it is a known FACT that she was told by the FBI of pending violence and was in-on the decision to reject the idea of having the National Guard in-place?

If 'all things are on the table' in order to 'find out exactly what happened', there is NO good reason for her to be exempt from testifying.
Has anyone come up with a good reason why Speaker Pelosi can't be called to testify since it is a known FACT that she was told by the FBI of pending violence and was in-on the decision to reject the idea of having the National Guard in-place?

If 'all things are on the table' in order to 'find out exactly what happened', there is NO good reason for her to be exempt from testifying.
It's a rule, Pelosi said you can't call Pelosi to testify.
They are trying the short bus routine of aversion.
You got it wrong. Nancy was one of many who caused people to protest their tyranny. If you do not recognize a corrupted and spoiled shrew and mistake it for leadership that is on you. All of those minority people in power as reps can not keep their own in line. So they blame someone else.
Haha, it never pays to follow the MAGAMOB into the Capitol building, while Congress is in session counting the votge for the next president, while violently demanding the loser won. Then try to breaking into the House Chamber where member of Congress are sheltering in place from you and the Violent MAGAMOB, you'll probably get shot and killed and your killing will be a justifiable homicide.

Her family should sue the ring leader of the MAGAMOB. He is responsible for sending her to her death that day.
So if radicals on the right start running. Real radicals. Like you have. Would you question it?
You know, poster OK, you have a bit of a track-record on this venue for being, ummm, unreliable in the 'facts' you manufacture.

So do this: Write the Select Committee, or the Congressman for your district and ask him to lobby for getting your 'allegations' before the Committee.
You can anonymously whine about it here as sort of therapy for you, I guess, but..............but you are kind of inflicting upon the forum here some nuttery that you are unwilling to source or vet for us.
So, it is pretty easy for the rest of the board to think of you as a phony, or, more benignly, as one of Trump's unfortunate Trump Duped & Snookered.
Which is a pity, Because you seem somewhat alert otherwise.


Well, 'hand chosen' seems a stretch. Meant to be pejorative, I'm sure.
After all, there were how many opportunities for the GOP to take the examination of January 6th seriously. They didn't.
Or rather they didn't want a closer look for fear of their complicity being publicized. Their loss. They had the chance. They flinched. Several times.

So, for poster 'Claudette', whose colorful but indiscrete language is always a novelty....well, when it comes to "stupid asses" I'd suggest, in this instance of investigating January 6th, well, those stupid ones belong with McCarthy, McConnell, and the GOP'rs who ran from setting up a bi-partisan Commission of experts.

And America is the poorer for their dunderheadedness.


I’m looking forward to Pelosis little charade. I’ll enjoy laughing at it and your future posts.
I'm waiting for Gym Jordan to testify.

I spoke with him that day, after? I think after?” Jordan told a Spectrum News reporter. He also told Fox News he had a phone conversation with Trump on Jan. 6 but changed the subject when asked what was discussed.
Now, he has admitted to Politico: “Look, I definitely spoke to the president that day. I know it was more than once. I just don’t recall the times.”

Then, Trumptards whining there isn't any republicans on the commission.
Because they're liars.
I'm waiting for Gym Jordan to testify.

I spoke with him that day, after? I think after?” Jordan told a Spectrum News reporter. He also told Fox News he had a phone conversation with Trump on Jan. 6 but changed the subject when asked what was discussed.
Now, he has admitted to Politico: “Look, I definitely spoke to the president that day. I know it was more than once. I just don’t recall the times.”

Then, Trumptards whining there isn't any republicans on the commission.
Because they're liars.
Lol….you people are trash.
palousey is in charge of the capitol police, she is responsible for the security posture on that day. Trump twice offered 10,000 national guardsmen, palousey declined them. The capitol police chief requested more manpower 6 times to no avail. Then on Jan 6, palousey was sent a note at 1:36 PM by the capitol police board asking if they should request the nation guard. No one will say what her response was. So yeah, palousey was largely responsible for what was done/or not in the days leading up to and during the 6th.

You can either keep your head firmly buried in your ass, or you can join real Americans demanding real answers.

Complete garbage as usual.

This is even dumber than you thinking the AG of Arizona can tell the State Treasurer of Arizona what to do.
Can't believe you idiots are actually trying to re-invent this whole thing where Pelosi is the one who started the insurrection...what a bunch of numbskulls.
I'm pretty sure they believe this kind of thing. Anything that happens that they dislike or want to avoid is impulsively turned into a conspiracy.

They were pointing at Pelosi, the FBI, BLM and Antifa before the smoke had cleared.

That's the alternate universe. And they really, seriously believe it the moment it pops out of their mouths.

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