Join The Communist Party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts


They support NPR.

They support Socialism.

They support workers rights.

They want us to abolish nukes.

They support repealing DADT.

They support extending unemployment benefits.

They want to attack the "rich" and spread the wealth.

[ame=]YouTube - "Hello, Communist Party calling" March 19, 2011[/ame]

If you wonder where Obama is coming from, just look at just about any communist web-site.

Home » cpusa

Come to think of it just look at union goals, Democrat goals, and Communist goals, well, they seem to be the same.

Sorry folks. I'm just trying to give you a dose of reality here.

?Hello, Communist Party calling? » cpusa
Home » pa
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' - Rep. Allen West - Fox Nation
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' -
Okay, maybe this will interest you:
[ame=]YouTube - Medvedev Dance - Russian President Dance Moves[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Julian Assange "getting down" on the dance floor in Reykjavik[/ame]
Nobody gives a shit?

McCarthyism is so last century.

Funny thing I found a story on that. Something to do with the 50th anniversary on one of those sites.

They can't seem to forget about it.

What's interesting is that people would even entertain the thought of joining them.

I remember the days when if they opened a headquarters they'd bust down their doors and throw em in jail.

Now we've got a pack of them in the White House.

Destroy them from within they always said.
Last edited:


They support NPR.

They support Socialism.

They support workers rights.

They want us to abolish nukes.

They support repealing DADT.

They support extending unemployment benefits.

They want to attack the "rich" and spread the wealth.

YouTube - "Hello, Communist Party calling" March 19, 2011

If you wonder where Obama is coming from, just look at just about any communist web-site.

Home » cpusa

Come to think of it just look at union goals, Democrat goals, and Communist goals, well, they seem to be the same.

Sorry folks. I'm just trying to give you a dose of reality here.

?Hello, Communist Party calling? » cpusa
Home » pa
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' - Rep. Allen West - Fox Nation
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' -

It is not at all that 'no one gives a shit' it is instead that your post is so full of it....


They support NPR.

They support Socialism.

They support workers rights.

They want us to abolish nukes.

They support repealing DADT.

They support extending unemployment benefits.

They want to attack the "rich" and spread the wealth.

YouTube - "Hello, Communist Party calling" March 19, 2011

If you wonder where Obama is coming from, just look at just about any communist web-site.

Home » cpusa

Come to think of it just look at union goals, Democrat goals, and Communist goals, well, they seem to be the same.

Sorry folks. I'm just trying to give you a dose of reality here.

?Hello, Communist Party calling? » cpusa
Home » pa
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' - Rep. Allen West - Fox Nation
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' -

It is not at all that 'no one gives a shit' it is instead that your post is so full of it....


They used to think that in alot of countries. But this is how it starts.

The best tool they have is apathy.

"It'll never happen here!!"


They support NPR.

They support Socialism.

They support workers rights.

They want us to abolish nukes.

They support repealing DADT.

They support extending unemployment benefits.

They want to attack the "rich" and spread the wealth.

YouTube - "Hello, Communist Party calling" March 19, 2011

If you wonder where Obama is coming from, just look at just about any communist web-site.

Home » cpusa

Come to think of it just look at union goals, Democrat goals, and Communist goals, well, they seem to be the same.

Sorry folks. I'm just trying to give you a dose of reality here.

?Hello, Communist Party calling? » cpusa
Home » pa
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' - Rep. Allen West - Fox Nation
Rep. Allen West: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' -

It is not at all that 'no one gives a shit' it is instead that your post is so full of it....


They used to think that in alot of countries. But this is how it starts.

The best tool they have is apathy.

"It'll never happen here!!"

Oh now.... no... I'm coming from a much different kind of angle. There are things about communism that are very much alive and thriving here, and should be encouraged... however, eh... it isn't at a level of 'worry over this' yet.
Life under Communism
By Charlotte Cushman

One day I was hugging the dog and France told me that people couldn't have dogs in Yugoslavia because they couldn't afford them. He said people would stand around eating with both hands up to their mouth for fear of dropping crumbs on the floor -- they couldn't afford to drop any food because they didn't have enough to eat. He told me that the Communists brainwashed the citizens with propaganda and changed the history of their country. I couldn't believe it. "How could they get by with that?" I thought.

He told me that leaving his country, his home, was very difficult. I later learned that he had had a girlfriend in Yugoslavia, and when he left with my mother, she fell on the ground, sobbing, "I know I'll never see you again."

But here is the scariest thing he told me. "It is coming here, Char," he said. "It is coming here." Needless to say, that terrified me.

At Grandma's house, there was a lot of talk about Yugoslavia, but she didn't tell me all the horrors of living under Communism like France did. All I heard was that they missed their farm and how beautiful it was, but that the government owned it now. There was always a cloud of extreme sadness around this subject. Also, Grandma and Freddie would send money to Yugoslavia because the family that remained there had no money.

The amazing thing was that the government in the United States protected its citizens instead of seeking to control them. This was the first time in the history of the earth that a country had been founded on the principle that man had rights and that the purpose of the government was to protect these rights rather than to trample on them.

So how could France say Communism would come to America? Well, as the old saying goes, history repeats itself, and he could see when he arrived here that the United States had already put into place laws and regulations that his own country had done. Those laws pave the way for Communism. If he were alive today, what do you think France would have to say about the concept of political correctness? I know what he would say. He'd say that's how they take steps to take your freedom of speech away and control your mind. What do you think he'd say about a government that takes over banks and car companies? He would say that is no different from when they took over his farm. What do you think he'd say about the government taking over your health care? I know what he would say. He would say Americans are fools.

So here I am, an adult, watching France's prediction come true. How can this happen here in America? The reason is that over time, the concept of rights has been corrupted. "Rights" has now come to mean "wants." You want an education? Or food? Or health care? Or a car? A cell phone? No problem, it will be provided. But who will be providing it? The taxpayers -- you and me. And when we are forced to pay for someone else's wants, we become slaves. It is no different from my ancestors on the farm in Yugoslavia.

It was when I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand that the pieces fell into place for me and I began to understand that the concept of individual rights has been corrupted by the belief that we need to live our lives for others rather than ourselves.

American Thinker: Life under Communism
"The socialist transition from capitalism to idealistic communism therefore entails the state somehow exempt labor power from commodity relations. This goal requires that capital cannot be privately owned (unless it's "privately" owned by everyone). Historically, this exemption has been implemented by direct government ownership of capital. "

The first famine in the USSR happened in 1921-1923 and garnered wide international attention. It was mostly due to forceful confiscation of grain and other policies of the Soviet government [1]. The most affected area being the Southeastern areas of European Russia (including Volga area, or Povolzhye, especially national republics of Idel-Ural, see 1921-1922 Famine in Tatarstan) and Ukraine. Fridtjof Nansen was honored with the 1922 Nobel Prize for Peace, in part for his work as High Commissioner for Relief In Russia. Other organizations that helped to combat the Soviet famine were UISE (Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants, International Save the Children Union) and the International Red Cross.

The second Soviet famine happened during the collectivisation in the USSR. In 1932-1933 confiscations of grain and other food by the Soviet authorities[2] caused a famine which affected more than 40 million people, especially in the south on the Don and Kuban areas and in Ukraine, where by various estimates from 5 to 10 million may have starved to death (the event known as Holodomor).[4] Estimates of deaths due to the 1932-1933 famine vary wildly, but are typically given in the range of millions. About 200,000 Kazakh nomads fled to China, Iran, Mongolia and Afghanistan during the famine.

Droughts and famines in Russia and the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep... it is going to definitely manifest itself here, as it already has a hefty headstart.

So why the comment about my OP being full of shit???

Obama, from what I have come to know (so little) is not socialist...

Wikipedia isn't such a reliable source even though the droughts and famines are factual.

We seem to need certain things to come about that are in the line of communism. It isn't that we actually have to reach the point that other countries did, but it seems that very little of anything else will be as effective.

I do not understand socialism and perhaps that is why I cannot connect the dots. I thought it to be the opposite of what communism is.
Yep... it is going to definitely manifest itself here, as it already has a hefty headstart.

So why the comment about my OP being full of shit???

Obama, from what I have come to know (so little) is not socialist...

Wikipedia isn't such a reliable source even though the droughts and famines are factual.

We seem to need certain things to come about that are in the line of communism. It isn't that we actually have to reach the point that other countries did, but it seems that very little of anything else will be as effective.

I do not understand socialism and perhaps that is why I cannot connect the dots. I thought it to be the opposite of what communism is.

Marxism is the tool one uses to lead the way to ether Socialism or Communism.

You make the rich look evil, then you convince enough people that we have needs and we must all share equally. This is Socialism. Problem is if there is governmental corruption the system falls apart. So in comes Communism as a solution. The government has to take everything over because there isn't enough to go around. Communists should never have a chance to take hold because even in Communist societies there are still the favored few that are held above everyone else.

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