John Walker Lindh.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So he is out. He did his time, 85% of it anyway and now he is a pseudo free man. Lots of hubub on the alphabet networks. Many are appalled, yet no one points out the fact that people who are much worse get let out just like he did. Meh, the way I see it the man did his time. He has the other 15% of his sentence to serve, will likely have a parole officer to report to and all that. I say whatever. He did his time and payed his debt.
He has spent his time preaching jihad. He claims that he will go back to jihad as soon as possible. He will kill first chance he gets. He will keep killing. He's insane.
"Who is John Walker Lindh?

"Born in Washington DC in 1981 and named after John Lennon, Lindh was raised a Catholic.

"He dropped out of school and converted to Islam at the age of 16, moving to Yemen the next year to learn Arabic.

"In 2000, he went to study in Pakistan and eventually travelled to Afghanistan in May 2001 to join the Taliban

"US forces captured and arrested Lindh shortly after the invasion of the country in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

"'Had I realised then what I know now about the Taliban, I would never have joined them,' Lindh said during his sentencing in 2002, on a charge of aiding the Islamist militant group.

"Is Lindh still an extremist?

"There are concerns that Lindh has not abandoned his extremism.

"Foreign Policy magazine published US government documents in 2017 stating that the prisoner 'continued to advocate for global jihad and to write and translate violent extremist texts'.

"And in March last year, Lindh 'told a television news producer that he would continue to spread violent extremist Islam upon his release', the documents allege.

"More recently, The Atlantic magazine's journalist Graeme Wood wrote letters to Lindh while he was behind bars and describes him as 'unrepentant'.

"'His more than 17 years in captivity seem, on the basis of this correspondence, to have converted Lindh from an al-Qaeda supporter to an Islamic State supporter,' Mr Wood wrote."

Anger as 'American Taliban' released
I hope he walks down a nice rural Kentucky road with no cops around

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