John McCain go's back to the hill!


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
vicious thread of the day ? run for something.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

you disgust me

Good. I'm sick of all you slaves being suckers for a sob story electing trash like McCain. Hopefully the plane ride kills him.
hopefully his plane ride will kill you. :)

most people use goes... not go's.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
vicious thread of the day ?

Or even close. Way worse on this board in this section. Jones, he will vote against whatever tie vote is because he is legacy building and nothing more. If he wants to do that's fine, let him pay for travel and lodging and kick him out of all of his committees. I point to his weirdness at the Comey hearings. Keep him around as a mascot but keep him out of everything important until he croaks.
McSame came back just so he could vote no and send repeal/replace back to the shitcan.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
vicious thread of the day ?

Or even close. Way worse on this board in this section. Jones, he will vote against whatever tie vote is because he is legacy building and nothing more. If he wants to do that's fine, let him pay for travel and lodging and kick him out of all of his committees. I point to his weirdness at the Comey hearings. Keep him around as a mascot but keep him out of everything important until he croaks.
what do you do for a living ? i'm a little curious.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

You have no right to tell me what I can , should or can not do. Go fuck your self. That said, I will not worship McCain b cause he got shot down and was a prisioner of war. That's like holding up a rape victim as a hero for getting raped. You may have fell for the PR campaign, but not me. I give two fucks, and that service doesn't mean I have to think he guy is a avid or something. Fuck McCIn, fuck his service (many vets say the same) he needs to hurry and die.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
vicious thread of the day ?

Or even close. Way worse on this board in this section. Jones, he will vote against whatever tie vote is because he is legacy building and nothing more. If he wants to do that's fine, let him pay for travel and lodging and kick him out of all of his committees. I point to his weirdness at the Comey hearings. Keep him around as a mascot but keep him out of everything important until he croaks.
what do you do for a living ? i'm a little curious.

I locate all your utilities. Awesome job, especially here in Texas where we are about two years behind in our locates because they are doing so much building. We smoke Arizona branch by about 200% we are so busy.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.
nobody ever accused pissant RussianWingers of having any class.

It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
I don't know if you remember that John Glenn bumped someone off a space flight just to take over being the oldest man in space back 10 years ago. Its all about History for those folks in DC.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/
Do you feel better after airing this garbage? Like him or not, you should show a little God damn respect to an ex veteran and a dying man. The fact that you took the time to write a personal attack like this makes me sick, how embarrassing for you.

He is free to express his opinion, no matter how disgusting that they may be. John McCain fought so he could speak freely about McCain. In turn we are free to call him an idiot for his opinion. He should be thank people like McCain who fought for his freedom.

He did not fight. He showed up for the fight then got put away for the rest of it. Doesn't matter. This isn't starship trooperand serving doesn't entitle one to special privileges here.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

Too harsh for my taste. McCain got us our Colorado River water the Kalis were stealing and for that we Arizonans will always salute him. He shouldn't have run again but staying at home with his cold-fish wife wasn't appealing to him. As a Viet-Vet I also understand some of what he went through at Hoa Lo prison. We sent captured enemy to Phu Quoc Prison or Con Son Island....both as bad or worse than the Hanoi Hilton...they'd beg us to shoot them from what they'd heard was in store for them. John was in the Senate minority so long he sold out to Kennedy and the rest of them for a little consideration on things he wanted. It's never good form to wish death on another should think that over.
It's a news thing. It's like everyone can relax no because John is here. Really it's sad. Here you have some guy doing his damndest to matter. Here is a man whose more concerned with his legacy then anything else and we are supposed to e impressed by answamp critter going for one more swim in the swamp before he croaks? Mr McCain should consider that his brain tumor is a blessing to most who live outside his district. So let the washed up McCain have his vote so he can hurry up and die feeling like he mattered. In the end he is nothing but a dying politician and member of the political elite. After this vote it would be good if the other politicians put McCain in a corner until he dies, and they can name a municipal airport after him and America can move on. Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be too heart broken to run again, but that's a blessing for another day/

Too harsh for my taste. McCain got us our Colorado River water the Kalis were stealing and for that we Arizonans will always salute him. He shouldn't have run again but staying at home with his cold-fish wife wasn't appealing to him. As a Viet-Vet I also understand some of what he went through at Hoa Lo prison. We sent captured enemy to Phu Quoc Prison or Con Son Island....both as bad or worse than the Hanoi Hilton...they'd beg us to shoot them from what they'd heard was in store for them. John was in the Senate minority so long he sold out to Kennedy and the rest of them for a little consideration on things he wanted. It's never good form to wish death on another should think that over.

A person who would put legacy building ahead of spending his last days on earth with his family deserves no consideration. As for he water, Kali is sucking up all of surrounding states water. McCain had no choice on an issu like that. No points from me there.

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