Iran Wins The Iraq War...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Looks like many are finally coming around on just how horrific the Iraq War blunder really is. Untold $Trillions in Tax Dollars flushed, massive bloody carnage, and a big Iranian Victory...

Great piece by Peter Van Buren

The New York Times is featuring a piece stating Iran is the big winner of the US-Iraq wars, 1991-2017.

So what does winning in Iraq look like, asks the Times? About like this:

A Shia-dominated government is in Baghdad, beholden to Tehran for its security post-ISIS. Shia thug militias, an anti-Sunni and Kurd force in waiting, are fully integrated into the otherwise-failed national Iraqi military. There are robust and growing economic ties between the two nations. An Iraqi security structure will never threaten Iran again. A corridor between Iran and Syria will allow arms and fighters to flow westward in support of greater Iranian geopolitical aims in the Middle East. And after Trillions in US taxpayer dollars spent, and 4,500 Americans killed in hopes of making Iraq the cornerstone of a Western-facing Middle East, American influence in Iraq is limited.

It seems the Times is surprised by the conclusion; it’s “news” for some apparently. The newspaper ran the story on its hometown edition front page.

But sorry, it wasn’t news to me. I tried writing basically the same story in 2010 as a formal reporting cable for the State Department. Nobody wanted to hear it...

Read More:
Sour Grapes: Iran Wins the Iraq War, and I Scooped the NYT by Six Years on the Story
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The legacy of illegal and immoral acts in that area is haunting the present.
The legacy of illegal and immoral acts in that area is haunting the present.

It will for the foreseeable future. There's much more suffering to come in Iraq. The Iraq War was one the most epic blunders in history. The Iranians/Shiites are the biggest winners. For instance, most Americans are celebrating a 'Grand Victory' in Mosul, but they know not what they're celebrating.

Mosul was actually a monumental military success for Iran/Shiites. They're now in complete control of the city. They've thoroughly routed Kurds/Sunnis who controlled the city for centuries. Yes, they did exterminate ISIS, but they've also subjugated the Kurdish/Sunni population there. The Kurds especially, are the big losers in Mosul. They used to control the city for the most part. But now that's over. It's so sad what's going on over there.
The Iranian shiites now control Iraq and Iran, as Rumsfeld and Bush were told by Shinseki in 2002 would happen regardless how well the US military forces did their job.
The Iranian shiites now control Iraq and Iran, as Rumsfeld and Bush were told by Shinseki in 2002 would happen regardless how well the US military forces did their job.

It's a bloody fluster cuck over there. We need to get the hell out. It's time.

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