John Kerry "we have to push back hard” against building more energy infrastructure


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate change, warned Tuesday that the war in Ukraine could undermine international progress to cut carbon emissions.
“You have this new revisionism suggesting that we have to be pumping oil like crazy, and we have to be moving into long term [fossil fuel] infrastructure building, which would be absolutely disastrous,” Kerry said, speaking on June 7 at the TIME 100 Summit in New York City. “We have to push back, and we have to push back hard.”

The Crazy Climate Change Cultists are going to cause a famine if they are not stopped.
Kerry's private jets must run on fairy farts.
Maybe he should sell some of the mansions that he is heating and cooling if he wants to be taken seriously.
Climate Change sacrifices are for the peasants.
Climate Change Cultists failed predictions.

James Lovelock: 'Enjoy life while you can: in 20 years …

Mar 01, 2008 · Global warming has passed the tipping point, and catastrophe is unstoppable. ... Because if you're lucky it's going to be 20 years before it hits the fan." Topics. Climate crisis; Climate science;

10 Failed Global Warming Predictions That You Need To Know …

Aug 08, 2018 · “The world has been chilling sharply for about 20 years,” ecologist Kenneth Watt said in 1970. “If present trends continue, the world will be about 4 degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990 but 11 degrees colder in the year 2000. ... In fact, surface temperature data showed no significant global warming for a period of ...
The Crazy Climate Change Cultists are going to cause a famine if they are not stopped.

So what? You don't matter. These people think they are on a chosen divine mission to save the planet at any cost and ordinary people like you are expendable.

But don't worry, they've planned for them and theirs in any case. They got nuclear bunkers and all the baby food you could slop at a hog with.
I have no problems with advancing EV's but now is not the time. Currently, EV's are not all that dependable, we don't have charging stations everywhere, and they are way too damn expensive to buy, make, and produce. In the future, as technology gets better, I can see us switching over to EV's. But now? Hell no.

Get my gas prices back down to normal, assholes!
They are so emboldened now that they openly admit what they want to do. This is the great reset, it is you! they are coming after just as Trump has said.

Hyundai just announced recently they are planning a pretty large EV plant near Savannah JawJa but it is going to take awhile to get built out before the first car rolls off the line.

As for Kerry, who cares. The market is going to do what it is going to do. If anything, the government needs to be looking at expanding the strategic reserves. Surely there are more caverns somewhere we can fill with oil and pump out when needed. Well technically we float it out by injecting saline into the caverns to force the oil toward the surface.
I have no problems with advancing EV's but now is not the time. Currently, EV's are not all that dependable, we don't have charging stations everywhere, and they are way too damn expensive to buy, make, and produce. In the future, as technology gets better, I can see us switching over to EV's. But now? Hell no.

Get my gas prices back down to normal, assholes!

Of course it's the time. Just because it's the time doesn't mean we shouldn't also meet the current energy needs. It's the little mind that believes it must be an either or prospect. (fully on display here from both sides)

Now Kerry does this because he knows as a politician it's a great way to divide people. They have to come up with fake issues like this to distract from the fact that both parties really serve the same master.

We have a long history of people doing awful things to maintain and gain power. The Crusades, the Inquisition, all of our stupid wars but what I simply can't grasp is how so many pick sides unquestionably. They never seem to ask "why is it we can't do both"?

I have had my disagreements in the past with Joe Manchin but he seems to be one of the few that has noted we can do both. He has his financial interests in taking this position also but if it's the right thing and someone profits off doing the right thing, is that so bad?
John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate change, warned Tuesday that the war in Ukraine could undermine international progress to cut carbon emissions.
“You have this new revisionism suggesting that we have to be pumping oil like crazy, and we have to be moving into long term [fossil fuel] infrastructure building, which would be absolutely disastrous,” Kerry said, speaking on June 7 at the TIME 100 Summit in New York City. “We have to push back, and we have to push back hard.”

The Crazy Climate Change Cultists are going to cause a famine if they are not stopped.
Kerry's private jets must run on fairy farts.
Maybe he should sell some of the mansions that he is heating and cooling if he wants to be taken seriously.
Climate Change sacrifices are for the peasants.
John wants $20 a gallon gas

Meanwhile, he refuses to support nuclear power as well

These people need to be sent packing

To say they are idiots insults idiots.

So are they idiots or are they just trying to destroy the country?

That is what everyone must try and decide.
Just halt production of new vehicles under 26,000 pounds with ICE engines. Prices will drop over the next 10 to 30 years as 90% of those vehicles get replaced.

Don't restrict fuel production & the slowing demand will drive prices back down bankrupting oil companies until it meets demand.
Just halt production of new vehicles under 26,000 pounds with ICE engines. Prices will drop over the next 10 to 30 years as 90% of those vehicles get replaced.

Don't restrict fuel production & the slowing demand will drive prices back down bankrupting oil companies until it meets demand.

Millions upon millions have no access to the infrastructure to charge a vehicle but still need a reliable vehicle.

The millions living in apartments for example.
Millions upon millions have no access to the infrastructure to charge a vehicle but still need a reliable vehicle.

The millions living in apartments for example.
That will improve over the next 15 years as the vehicles get replaced. There will always be plenty of used ICE vehicles for difficult locations.
That will improve over the next 15 years as the vehicles get replaced. There will always be plenty of used ICE vehicles for difficult locations.

People need reliable, not used and no, the lack of infrastructure will not be addressed in 15 years but you know this.

You also know we are never going to do what you suggest so I don't see the point.
That will improve over the next 15 years as the vehicles get replaced. There will always be plenty of used ICE vehicles for difficult locations.
Changing vehicles does not address our energy needs dope.
People need reliable, not used and no, the lack of infrastructure will not be addressed in 15 years but you know this.

You also know we are never going to do what you suggest so I don't see the point.
All the major vehicle manufacturers have committed to ending all their ICE manufacturing by 2035. That's 13 years away, then it will take another 15 to replace the fleet. It's going to happen, create massive jobs & drive down oil & gasoline prices.
All the major vehicle manufacturers have committed to ending all their ICE manufacturing by 2035. That's 13 years away, then it will take another 15 to replace the fleet. It's going to happen & drive down oil & gasoline prices.
Fossil fuels will be used to charge electric cars

You are just chasing your tail while spending trillions to make us all drive cars with batteries that are as reliable as the ones in our cell phones.

Cuz you hate carbon free nuclear power.

Fossil fuels will be used to charge electric cars

You are just chasing your tail while spending trillions to make us all drive cars with batteries that are as reliable as the ones in our cell phones.

Cuz you hate carbon free nuclear power.

We are already generating enough wind & solar energy to run every vehicle on the road.

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