John Kass nails the lie of more guns more crime...his take on Chicago and the Suburbs....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Kass makes an excellent point on the stupidity of anti gunners as he addresses the murder rate in democrat controlled, gun controlled chicago....

Have Chicago politicians gone 'fetal'?

Some say this a gun issue. But that's a con job. There are many guns in the suburbs, yet suburbanites aren't slaughtering each other.

This is a street-gangs-with-guns problem, on the South and West sides of Chicago. And calling it anything else is a distraction to give cover to the politicians.

And what is the real issue in stopping gun crime....locking up violent criminals...what stops race baiting.....

But Chicago's top cop is trying to get politicians to act. And he's mostly alone.

"Now I'm no fan of mass incarceration, or disproportionate arresting of minorities," Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson was saying at a City Club breakfast on Tuesday, in a discussion with Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart.

"But the simple fact is this," Johnson said. "If you pick up a gun and shoot somebody, I don't care how you're wrapped, black, brown, polka dot, psychedelic, it doesn't matter. You should go to prison. It's as simple as that."

Johnson was at the City Club to continue his push for a state law that would increase sentences for gun crimes. One intriguing feature: If a judge wants to shower the guilty shooter with mercy at sentencing, that judge must put those reasons in writing.

But the Illinois Black Caucus in Springfield didn't like it. Judges weren't too crazy about it either. So nothing has been done.

In Chicago, there is no political advantage in Democrats calling out the lawmakers who do nothing.

Democrat Mayor Rahm Emanuel can't call out the Legislative Black Caucus. He's still trying to rehabilitate his political image with black voters after the Laquan McDonald fiasco. Democratic political boss Mike Madigan won't, because he needs caucus members to keep his majority hold on Illinois and its Legislature.

What are the sentences for illegal possession of a gun by a criminal in Chicago.....

"When a person who steals a pack of hot dogs at Jewel because he's hungry spends more time on average (in jail awaiting trial) than a guy caught with an illegal firearm, that's ridiculous," Johnson said.

A first-time gun offender arrested for illegally possessing or discharging a firearm averages six months, Johnson said. The second offense means about a year and a half.

"And for every subsequent offense, it's a little over two years. That's bizarre," Johnson said. "It's unacceptable."

But Chicago accepts it. And the legislators from the communities that have been devastated by gang violence seem to accept it. If they didn't accept it, they'd have done something by now.

this is why we have high gun crime rates.......we don't have them because law abiding citizens own and carry guns....
The NRA pushed for such a law and the liberal scum bags fought it tooth and nail. The crime party is what I call the sob's.
It's simple... Throw political correctness out the dam window, and go in and get the dam illegal weapons from the criminals who are controlling these communities in which they rule. End of problem.

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