John Boehner Unveils New Debt Ceiling Plan: Bitch, Bail, and Flail


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
John Boehner Unveils New Debt Ceiling Plan: Bitch, Bail, and Flail

The Republican talking point is Democrats don’t have a plan. This is based on the faulty premise that that the country needs a plan in order to raise the debt ceiling. We need one line of legislation, not a plan. What is happening here is that Republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling crisis as a backdoor means of killing Social Security and Medicare. That’s what cut, cap, and balance is really about.

After the first Republican plan (Operation: Debt Ceiling Hostage) ran smack into a brick wall named Barack Obama, Boehner came up with bitch, bail, and flail. Of course this plan won’t lower the debt, or raise the debt ceiling. By this point, Boehner and the GOP are doing damage control.

Bitch, bail, and fail is all about trying to win back the favor of the tea party. Republicans have already lost the debt ceiling battle. All that is left to be seen is whether they are foolish enough to nuke the US economy by pushing the big red default button.
John Boehner Unveils New Debt Ceiling Plan: Bitch, Bail, and Flail

The Republican talking point is Democrats don’t have a plan. This is based on the faulty premise that that the country needs a plan in order to raise the debt ceiling. We need one line of legislation, not a plan. What is happening here is that Republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling crisis as a backdoor means of killing Social Security and Medicare. That’s what cut, cap, and balance is really about.

After the first Republican plan (Operation: Debt Ceiling Hostage) ran smack into a brick wall named Barack Obama, Boehner came up with bitch, bail, and flail. Of course this plan won’t lower the debt, or raise the debt ceiling. By this point, Boehner and the GOP are doing damage control.

Bitch, bail, and fail is all about trying to win back the favor of the tea party. Republicans have already lost the debt ceiling battle. All that is left to be seen is whether they are foolish enough to nuke the US economy by pushing the big red default button.

well by God! there ya have it. from the dimocrat branch.. "we don't need a plan" "all we need is one line" "raise the debt ceiling" yup there ya have it,, dimocrats have no plan and they don't need no damn plan neither all they require is that you let them "raise the debt ceiling" and give them more money to piss away..

and they say they're the "adults" in the room..


freaky creepy
so the GOP swings arround the debt ceiling threats like an axe.

Then says nothing bad will happen if we dont up it.

Then blames the threat on Obama.

Only idiots will buy this line of stupidity
John Boehner Unveils New Debt Ceiling Plan: Bitch, Bail, and Flail

The Republican talking point is Democrats don’t have a plan. This is based on the faulty premise that that the country needs a plan in order to raise the debt ceiling. We need one line of legislation, not a plan. What is happening here is that Republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling crisis as a backdoor means of killing Social Security and Medicare. That’s what cut, cap, and balance is really about.

After the first Republican plan (Operation: Debt Ceiling Hostage) ran smack into a brick wall named Barack Obama, Boehner came up with bitch, bail, and flail. Of course this plan won’t lower the debt, or raise the debt ceiling. By this point, Boehner and the GOP are doing damage control.

Bitch, bail, and fail is all about trying to win back the favor of the tea party. Republicans have already lost the debt ceiling battle. All that is left to be seen is whether they are foolish enough to nuke the US economy by pushing the big red default button.

wtf? We don't need a plan . . . that's the Dems plan? Kinda like we don't need no stinkin' budget? Wow, how whacked out. Maybe I'll follow that logic in my personal finances. Hmm, xx coming in but xxxx going out, credit is maxed out . . . 'sok, no need to adjust the dial . . . I'll just get me some more cards and keep on spending. :cuckoo:

We're broke, SS and Medicare are broken, the madness of 'borrow, spend and worry about it later' days are over. A plan is exactly what we need because it IS later. The problems need to be addressed now not kicked down the road for another day. The R's are trying to address the problem; Obama and the D's are trying hard to keep the status quo. Time to stop the insanity, Goober.
omg, the only one I have seen BITCHING has been the boyking running up to a microphone EVERY DAY..... BLAMING EVERYTING on the Republicans. because they are NOT GOING TO LET the idiot President RAISE TAXES on US for HIS LITTLE SPENDING SPREE since taking OFFICE.

ya gotta love the spin from the left though. I believe the polls are showing WHO THEY BLAME for this..

must suck to be a DEMOCRAT right now.
John Boehner Unveils New Debt Ceiling Plan: Bitch, Bail, and Flail

The Republican talking point is Democrats don’t have a plan. This is based on the faulty premise that that the country needs a plan in order to raise the debt ceiling. We need one line of legislation, not a plan. What is happening here is that Republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling crisis as a backdoor means of killing Social Security and Medicare. That’s what cut, cap, and balance is really about.

After the first Republican plan (Operation: Debt Ceiling Hostage) ran smack into a brick wall named Barack Obama, Boehner came up with bitch, bail, and flail. Of course this plan won’t lower the debt, or raise the debt ceiling. By this point, Boehner and the GOP are doing damage control.

Bitch, bail, and fail is all about trying to win back the favor of the tea party. Republicans have already lost the debt ceiling battle. All that is left to be seen is whether they are foolish enough to nuke the US economy by pushing the big red default button.

wtf? We don't need a plan . . . that's the Dems plan? Kinda like we don't need no stinkin' budget? Wow, how whacked out. Maybe I'll follow that logic in my personal finances. Hmm, xx coming in but xxxx going out, credit is maxed out . . . 'sok, no need to adjust the dial . . . I'll just get me some more cards and keep on spending. :cuckoo:

We're broke, SS and Medicare are broken, the madness of 'borrow, spend and worry about it later' days are over. A plan is exactly what we need because it IS later. The problems need to be addressed now not kicked down the road for another day. The R's are trying to address the problem; Obama and the D's are trying hard to keep the status quo. Time to stop the insanity, Goober.

It explains why the dimocrats stumble around looking like confused and dazed idiots donut? Everyone has a plan or should have. How does one set goals without having a plan?? hhhhhhmmmmm?
Do the left ever read the bills before making such false statements?
Are they that lazy that they just search for the left political rhetoric?
How about all of you reading the bill for a change?


`(a) In General- It shall not be in order in the House of Representatives or the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference report that includes any provision that would cause total direct spending, except as excluded in subsection (b), to exceed the limits specified in subsection (c).

`(b) Exempt From Direct Spending Limits- Direct spending for the following functions is exempt from the limits specified in subsection (c):

`(1) Social Security, function 650.

`(2) Medicare, function 570.

`(3) Veterans Benefits and Services, function 700.

`(4) Net Interest, function 900.

`(c) Limits on Other Direct Spending- The total combined outlays for all direct spending not exempted in subsection (b) for fiscal year 2012 shall not exceed $680,730,000,000.'.

The complete bill Hr 2560
Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

It DOES NOT kill Social Security and Medicare
And if that doesn't work, Boehner will use the ace up his sleeve...

Is threatening to not raise the debt ceiling a weapon or meaningless?

why is it the right has tried to have it both ways here?
Obama's plan "Blame the GOP".


He cares more about getting re-elected than he does about God Damn America.

I'm getting bored with both sides playing 'brinkmanship' with the economic health of our country. I am less inclined to vote for either party now than I was previously. They both suck.

being an Idependent leave you hanging out to dry when it comes to voting in the primaries in most states. Mine included.
Is threatening to not raise the debt ceiling a weapon or meaningless?

why is it the right has tried to have it both ways here?

is unfettered spending beyond what we can afford a weapon? Sure as hell is. Bludgeons about 50% of us. The other 50% don't give a shit cause they don't have to Pay FEDERAL income tax.. and yes,,, we have to give them a rebate on the zero they don't pay..


freaky crazy
He cares more about getting re-elected than he does about God Damn America.

I'm getting bored with both sides playing 'brinkmanship' with the economic health of our country. I am less inclined to vote for either party now than I was previously. They both suck.

being an Idependent leave you hanging out to dry when it comes to voting in the primaries in most states. Mine included.

It certainly is hard to find anything about either party worth actually voting for. I really dislike this brinkmanship game they're playing right now. It does not show either side in a good light, in my opinion.

They both know they have a deal. This is all about both sides playing to their base, in order to 'sell' whatever bullshit solution (and I am assuming it will be a bullshit solution) they create.

The longer this goes on, the less I am inclined to support any of them. Personally, I wish the US Constitution allowed the Death Penalty for politicians who put party over country. :lol::lol: We'd have a lot less congress critters. :lol:
I'm getting bored with both sides playing 'brinkmanship' with the economic health of our country. I am less inclined to vote for either party now than I was previously. They both suck.

being an Idependent leave you hanging out to dry when it comes to voting in the primaries in most states. Mine included.

It certainly is hard to find anything about either party worth actually voting for. I really dislike this brinkmanship game they're playing right now. It does not show either side in a good light, in my opinion.

They both know they have a deal. This is all about both sides playing to their base, in order to 'sell' whatever bullshit solution (and I am assuming it will be a bullshit solution) they create.

The longer this goes on, the less I am inclined to support any of them. Personally, I wish the US Constitution allowed the Death Penalty for politicians who put party over country. :lol::lol: We'd have a lot less congress critters. :lol:

Well,, as one of the political analysts pointed out this AM,, since it's all being done behind the secrecy of "closed doors" we really can't tell who is saying what to whom.. can we?? Another bald faced lie he's told.. "I will bring transparency to this goverlnment" he said that just before he burrowed underground.
being an Idependent leave you hanging out to dry when it comes to voting in the primaries in most states. Mine included.

It certainly is hard to find anything about either party worth actually voting for. I really dislike this brinkmanship game they're playing right now. It does not show either side in a good light, in my opinion.

They both know they have a deal. This is all about both sides playing to their base, in order to 'sell' whatever bullshit solution (and I am assuming it will be a bullshit solution) they create.

The longer this goes on, the less I am inclined to support any of them. Personally, I wish the US Constitution allowed the Death Penalty for politicians who put party over country. :lol::lol: We'd have a lot less congress critters. :lol:

Well,, as one of the political analysts pointed out this AM,, since it's all being done behind the secrecy of "closed doors" we really can't tell who is saying what to whom.. can we?? Another bald faced lie he's told.. "I will bring transparency to this goverlnment" he said that just before he burrowed underground.

Yup. Didn't take Barry long to realize what the Clowns in Congress do is best kept underground. Thats why the wrangling over Obamacare wasn't on C-Span. Of course the Dems still got their asses kicked in Nov even without that open and transparant Govt.

If it all were transparant and open and on C-Span then everyone could actually see who is doing something and who is throwing up the roadblocks to everything.

I don't think either party would like open and transparant anything.
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