Joe Lieberman says he hopes Ocasio-Cortez is not ‘the future’ of Democratic party


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Here's a prediction, and let's hope it never comes to fruition. If the Democrats win in 2020, America will be a socialist country before the end of the term.

You have Ocasio who upset the #4 in the Democratic Party. You have Sanders saying openly that he is a socialist. You have actors and comedians like Jim Carey telling you to "call it socialism" You have everyone in the Dem Party catering to the alt-left, you have more than 50% of Democrat voters for the first time ever saying they are "liberal". You have a high number of college students saying they support COMMUNISM (though they can't even define or describe it with any accuracy).

If you guys want to put your heads in the sand, you do so at your own peril. America will quickly become a socialist nation, especially with so many illegally entering America who are poor, and so many Snake Oil salesmen telling you how great big, intrusive government is.

You heard it here. This isn't fearmongering, I've been seeing this happen in the U.S via your TV shows, talk shows and in particular the posting of opinions in various forums. They are using the same angles they used in Ontario and we are broke without American jobs and subsidies.

Joe Lieberman says he hopes Ocasio-Cortez is not ‘the future’ of Democratic party

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday he's hopeful Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is not the future of the Democratic Party, arguing it must remain closer to the political center in order to have broader appeal.

“With all respect, I certainly hope she’s not the future and I don’t believe she is," Lieberman said told host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network.

"She's gotten a lot of attention because she's different. She's controversial," Lieberman continued. "But if you look at the majority of new Democrats in the House, they tend to be, I say, center-left, if they are not left-left. And that is because they had to be center-left to win some of those competitive swing districts that they took from Republicans."
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Here's a prediction, and let's hope it never comes to fruition. If the Democrats win in 2020, America will be a socialist country before the end of the term.

You have Ocasio who upset the #4 in the Democratic Party. You have Sanders saying openly that he is a socialist. You have actors and comedians like Jim Carey telling you to "call it socialism" You have everyone in the Dem Party catering to the alt-left, you have more than 50% of Democrat voters for the first time ever saying they are "liberal". You have a high number of college students saying they support COMMUNISM (though they can't even define or describe it with any accuracy).

If you guys want to put your heads in the sand, you do so at your own peril. America will quickly become a socialist nation, especially with so many illegally entering America who are poor, and so many Snake Oil salesmen telling you how great big, intrusive government is.

You heard it here. This isn't fearmongering, I've been seeing this happen in the U.S via your TV shows, talk shows and in particular the posting of opinions in various forums. They are using the same angles they used in Ontario and we are broke without American jobs and subsidies.

Joe Lieberman says he hopes Ocasio-Cortez is not ‘the future’ of Democratic party

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday he's hopeful Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is not the future of the Democratic Party, arguing it must remain closer to the political center in order to have broader appeal.

“With all respect, I certainly hope she’s not the future and I don’t believe she is," Lieberman said told host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network.

"She's gotten a lot of attention because she's different. She's controversial," Lieberman continued. "But if you look at the majority of new Democrats in the House, they tend to be, I say, center-left, if they are not left-left. And that is because they had to be center-left to win some of those competitive swing districts that they took from Republicans."

Then again, Lieberman basically hoped that Donald Trump would be the future of the Democratic party.
Just let the Crazy Eyed girl who doesn't know math ramble on... and on... these mindless ideas where clearly it shows she's just another young girl who thinks she knows it all. When in fact she comes from a bought and paid for rich private school pretending she's from the ghettos of society. Fraud!
Here's a prediction, and let's hope it never comes to fruition. If the Democrats win in 2020, America will be a socialist country before the end of the term.

You have Ocasio who upset the #4 in the Democratic Party. You have Sanders saying openly that he is a socialist. You have actors and comedians like Jim Carey telling you to "call it socialism" You have everyone in the Dem Party catering to the alt-left, you have more than 50% of Democrat voters for the first time ever saying they are "liberal". You have a high number of college students saying they support COMMUNISM (though they can't even define or describe it with any accuracy).

If you guys want to put your heads in the sand, you do so at your own peril. America will quickly become a socialist nation, especially with so many illegally entering America who are poor, and so many Snake Oil salesmen telling you how great big, intrusive government is.

You heard it here. This isn't fearmongering, I've been seeing this happen in the U.S via your TV shows, talk shows and in particular the posting of opinions in various forums. They are using the same angles they used in Ontario and we are broke without American jobs and subsidies.

Joe Lieberman says he hopes Ocasio-Cortez is not ‘the future’ of Democratic party

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday he's hopeful Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is not the future of the Democratic Party, arguing it must remain closer to the political center in order to have broader appeal.

“With all respect, I certainly hope she’s not the future and I don’t believe she is," Lieberman said told host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network.

"She's gotten a lot of attention because she's different. She's controversial," Lieberman continued. "But if you look at the majority of new Democrats in the House, they tend to be, I say, center-left, if they are not left-left. And that is because they had to be center-left to win some of those competitive swing districts that they took from Republicans."

Joe Lie-bermann, the guy who lost his own primary as an incumbent and went independent?

Joe Lie-bermann, the asshat who torpedoed the public option because his wife is neck-deep in the insurance lobby?

Who gives a shit? His party already deselected him, and good riddance.
Too late Joe....the dems via public schools have dumbed down their base so much that they all are beginning to think like her....its scary!....
Poor former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) attempting to remain relevant all while he is nothing but a washed up piece of political feces.

I kinda like that (I-Conn) next to his name but they only need one 'n' there for 'con.'
Ocasio-Cortez is in fact the future of the democratic party as she will almost certainly outlive the very last spoiled rotten baby-boomer and good riddance. Why they are trying to take the world with them when they go is beyond me.
Too late Joe....the dems via public schools have dumbed down their base so much that they all are beginning to think like her....its scary!....

I'd say they're starting to believe in the same stupid shit. There isn't any thinking involved.
Here's a prediction, and let's hope it never comes to fruition. If the Democrats win in 2020, America will be a socialist country before the end of the term.

You have Ocasio who upset the #4 in the Democratic Party. You have Sanders saying openly that he is a socialist. You have actors and comedians like Jim Carey telling you to "call it socialism" You have everyone in the Dem Party catering to the alt-left, you have more than 50% of Democrat voters for the first time ever saying they are "liberal". You have a high number of college students saying they support COMMUNISM (though they can't even define or describe it with any accuracy).

If you guys want to put your heads in the sand, you do so at your own peril. America will quickly become a socialist nation, especially with so many illegally entering America who are poor, and so many Snake Oil salesmen telling you how great big, intrusive government is.

You heard it here. This isn't fearmongering, I've been seeing this happen in the U.S via your TV shows, talk shows and in particular the posting of opinions in various forums. They are using the same angles they used in Ontario and we are broke without American jobs and subsidies.

Joe Lieberman says he hopes Ocasio-Cortez is not ‘the future’ of Democratic party

Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Thursday he's hopeful Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is not the future of the Democratic Party, arguing it must remain closer to the political center in order to have broader appeal.

“With all respect, I certainly hope she’s not the future and I don’t believe she is," Lieberman said told host Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network.

"She's gotten a lot of attention because she's different. She's controversial," Lieberman continued. "But if you look at the majority of new Democrats in the House, they tend to be, I say, center-left, if they are not left-left. And that is because they had to be center-left to win some of those competitive swing districts that they took from Republicans."

. . . . . and so many Snake Oil salesmen telling you how great big, intrusive government is.

Ocasio-Cortez is in fact the future of the democratic party as she will almost certainly outlive the very last spoiled rotten baby-boomer and good riddance. Why they are trying to take the world with them when they go is beyond me.
Evita had the same affect on Argentina...... In the future if Ocasio-Cortez p.h.d, esquire ever attains power we will be purchasing superior products made in Bangladesh! From the musical...Evita...Evita....Evita....."I kept my keep your distance". Mass poverty is the prescription and she is the pharmacist.
Why should I bother. Is he someone that matters?


Why should I bother. Is he someone that matters?


If he vacates the democrat party everyone in the party that agrees with his more moderate approach and thinking will follow him...and you will not like that I'm guessing.....
I wonder why so many have the idea that government doing for the people is pure socialism, which it's not. The words of the founders say 'of the people, by the people, for the people..' Nothing at all about of, by, and for the corporations, but our politicians now serve the corporations and the extremely wealthy, rather than we the people. Link below on how much influence the average voter as on our politicians.

Does Your Vote Matter? Why Too Many Americans Have 'No' Say

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