Joe Biden just threw you anti-gun people under the bus

So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding

No, it wasn't bullshit. He was elected on the premise that he would do that, but now he admits that's not going to be that easy.

It's interesting though. When Democrats start backpedaling on gun legislation after pushing it non-stop, you better believe they are losing their grip on power.
Yes, it is.
moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama

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Oh, sorry. From your perspective, Obama's administration was commie.

My bad.
Naw, you're just so far left that what looks moderate to you is still far left in reality.
True, I'm definitely a commie.
Feel free to stop putting words in my mouth
Sounds like he opposes guns to me...............

Joe Biden knows that gun violence is a public health epidemic. Almost 40,000 people die as a result of firearm injuries every year in the United States, and many more are wounded. Some of these deaths and injuries are the result of mass shootings that make national headlines. Others are the result of daily acts of gun violence or suicides that may not make national headlines, but are just as devastating to the families and communities left behind.
Joe Biden has taken on the National Rifle Association (NRA) on the national stage and won – twice. In 1993, he shepherded through Congress the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which established the background check system that has since kept more than 3 million firearms out of dangerous hands. In 1994, Biden – along with Senator Dianne Feinstein – secured the passage of 10-year bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. As president, Joe Biden will defeat the NRA again.
Joe Biden also knows how to make progress on reducing gun violence using executive action. After the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, President Obama tasked Vice President Biden with developing both legislative proposals and executive actions to make our communities safer. As a result of this effort, the Obama-Biden Administration took more than two dozen actions, including narrowing the so-called “gun show loophole,” increasing the number of records in the background check system, and expanding funding for mental health services.
It’s within our grasp to end our gun violence epidemic and respect the Second Amendment, which is limited. As president, Biden will pursue constitutional, common-sense gun safety policies. Biden will:
Hold gun manufacturers accountable. In 2005, then-Senator Biden voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied Congress to secure its passage. This law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection.
Get weapons of war off our streets. The bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that Biden, along with Senator Feinstein, secured in 1994 reduced the lethality of mass shootings. But, in order to secure the passage of the bans, they had to agree to a 10-year sunset provision and when the time came, the Bush Administration failed to extend them. As president, Biden will:
  • Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong. Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons.
  • Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. Currently, the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing machine-guns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Due to these requirements, such weapons are rarely used in crimes. As president, Biden will pursue legislation to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act.
  • Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.
  • Reduce stockpiling of weapons. In order to reduce the stockpiling of firearms, Biden supports legislation restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one.
Keep guns out of dangerous hands. The federal background check system (the National Instant Criminal Background Check System) is one of the best tools we have to prevent gun violence, but it’s only effective when it’s used. Biden will enact universal background check legislation and close other loopholes that allow people who should be prohibited from purchasing firearms from making those purchases. Specifically, he will:
  • Require background checks for all gun sales. Today, an estimated 1 in 5 firearms are sold or transferred without a background check. Biden will enact universal background check legislation, requiring a background check for all gun sales with very limited exceptions, such as gifts between close family members. This will close the so-called “gun show and online sales loophole” that the Obama-Biden Administration narrowed, but which cannot be fully closed by executive action alone.
    • Close other loopholes in the federal background check system. In addition to closing the “boyfriend loophole” highlighted below, Biden will:
    • Reinstate the Obama-Biden policy to keep guns out of the hands of certain people unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons, which President Trump reversed. In 2016, the Obama-Biden Administration finalized a rule to make sure the Social Security Administration (SSA) sends to the background check system records that it holds of individuals who are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms because they have been adjudicated by the SSA as unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons. But one of the first actions Donald Trump took as president was to reverse this rule. President Biden will enact legislation to codify this policy.
    • Close the “hate crime loophole.” Biden will enact legislation prohibiting an individual “who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime, or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor because of hate or bias in its commission” from purchasing or possessing a firearm.
    • Close the “Charleston loophole.” The Charleston loophole allows people to complete a firearms purchase if their background check is not completed within three business days. Biden supports the proposal in the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019, which extends the timeline from three to 10 business days. Biden will also direct the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to put on his desk within his first 100 days as president a report detailing the cases in which background checks are not completed within 10 business days and steps the federal government can take to reduce or eliminate this occurrence.
    • Close the “fugitive from justice” loophole created by the Trump Administration. Because of actions by the Trump Administration, records of almost 500,000 fugitives from justice who are prohibited from purchasing firearms were deleted from the background check system. The Biden Administration will restore these records, and enact legislation to make clear that people facing arrest warrants are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms.
End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts.
Create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons. Federal law defines categories of individuals who are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms, and the federal background check system is an effective tool for ensuring prohibited persons cannot purchase firearms. But we lack any serious tool to ensure that when someone becomes newly prohibited – for example, because they commit a violent crime – they relinquish possession of their firearms. There are some promising models for how this could be enforced. For example, California has a mandatory process for ensuring relinquishment by any individual newly subject to a domestic violence restraining order. As president, Biden will direct the FBI and ATF to outline a model relinquishment process, enact any necessary legislation to ensure relinquishment when individuals newly fall under one of the federal prohibitions, and then provide technical and financial assistance to state and local governments to establish effective relinquishment processes on their own.
Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws.
Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. Biden will incentivize the adoption of these laws by giving states funds to implement them. And, he’ll direct the U.S. Department of Justice to issue best practices and offer technical assistance to states interested in enacting an extreme risk law.
Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. Biden will enact legislation to give states and local governments grants to require individuals to obtain a license prior to purchasing a gun.
Adequately fund the background check system. President Obama and Vice President Biden expanded incentives for states to submit records of prohibited persons into the background checks system. As president, Biden will continue to prioritize that funding and ensure that the FBI is adequately funded to accurately and efficiently handle the NICS system.

The statistics tell a devastating and overwhelming story. The likelihood that a woman in a domestic violence situation will be killed increases by a factor of five if a gun is nearby. Half of mass shootings involve an individual shooting a family member or former intimate partner. This deadly connection tragically impacts children as well: 86% of children killed in shootings with four or more victims were involved in domestic or family violence.
Biden recognizes that the gun violence and domestic violence epidemics are linked and cannot be solved in isolation. Addressing the interconnectedness of these challenges will be a core focus of Biden’s anti-violence work as president.
The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019, which Leader McConnell refuses to bring to the floor for a vote, includes a number of reforms to keep firearms out of the hands of abusers. Senator McConnell should ensure this legislation gets passed long before President Biden would take the oath of office. But if McConnell refuses to act, Biden will enact legislation to close the so-called “boyfriend loophole” and “stalking loophole” by prohibiting all individuals convicted of assault, battery, or stalking from purchasing or possessing firearms, regardless of their connection to the victim. This proposal is modeled after existing laws in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Nevada, New York, and Pennsylvania. Biden also supports enacting the proposal to prohibit anyone under a temporary restraining order from purchasing or possessing a firearm before their hearing.
In addition, President Biden will:
  • Establish a new Task Force on Online Harassment and Abuse to focus on the connection between mass shootings, online harassment, extremism, and violence against women. As President, Joe Biden will convene a national Task Force with federal agencies, state leaders, advocates, law enforcement, and technology experts to study rampant online sexual harassment, stalking, and threats, including revenge porn and deepfakes — and the connection between this harassment, mass shootings, extremism and violence against women. The Task Force will be charged with developing cutting-edge strategies and recommendations for how federal and state governments, social media companies, schools, and other public and private entities can tackle this unique challenge. The Task Force will consider platform accountability, transparent reporting requirements for incidents of harassment and response, and best practices.
  • Expand the use of evidence-based lethality assessments by law enforcement in cases of domestic violence. Lethality assessments, sometimes called “risk” or “danger” assessments, are a proven strategy to help law enforcement officers identify domestic violence survivors who are at high risk of being killed by their abusers. These survivors are then connected with social service programs that can offer services and safety planning. An evaluation of the Lethality Assessment Program (LEP) created by the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence showed promising results. Increased federal funding will incentivize jurisdictions to take advantage of implementing these programs more widely.
Make sure firearm owners take on the responsibility of ensuring their weapons are used safely.
  • Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns. Today, we have the technology to allow only authorized users to fire a gun. For example, existing smart gun technology requires a fingerprint match before use. Biden believes we should work to eventually require that 100% of firearms sold in the U.S. are smart guns. But, right now the NRA and gun manufacturers are bullying firearms dealers who try to sell these guns. Biden will stand up against these bullying tactics and issue a call to action for gun manufacturers, dealers, and other public and private entities to take steps to accelerate our transition to smart guns.
  • Hold adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms. Biden supports legislation holding adults criminally and civilly liable for directly or negligently giving a minor access to a firearm, regardless of whether the minor actually gains possession of the firearm.
  • Require gun owners to safely store their weapons. Biden will pass legislation requiring firearm owners to store weapons safely in their homes.
Empower law enforcement to effectively enforce our gun laws.
  • Prioritize prosecution of straw purchasers. “Straw purchasers” buy a firearm on behalf of an individual who cannot pass a background check. Biden will end those loopholes by enacting a law to make all straw purchases a serious federal crime and ensure the U.S. Justice Department has sufficient resources to prioritize their prosecution.
  • Notify law enforcement when a potential firearms purchaser fails a background check. Too often, when prohibited persons attempting to buy a firearm fail a background check, state and local law enforcement is never informed of the attempt. As president, Biden will direct the FBI to set up a process to ensure timely notification of denials to state and local law enforcement, and he’ll support legislation to codify this process. This empowers law enforcement to follow up and ensure prohibited persons do not attempt to acquire firearms through other means.
  • Require firearms owners to report if their weapon is lost or stolen. Responsible gun owners have a responsibility to inform law enforcement if their weapon is lost or stolen. Biden will enact legislation to make this the law of the land.
  • Stop “ghost guns.” One way people who cannot legally obtain a gun may gain access to a weapon is by assembling a one on their own, either by buying a kit of disassembled gun parts or 3D printing a working firearm. Biden will stop the proliferation of these so-called “ghost guns” by passing legislation requiring that purchasers of gun kits or 3D printing code pass a federal background check. Additionally, Biden will ensure that the authority for firearms exports stays with the State Department, and if needed, reverse a proposed rule by President Trump. This will ensure the State Department continues to block the code used to 3D print firearms from being made available on the Internet.
  • Reform, fund, and empower the U.S. Justice Department to enforce our gun laws. Biden will direct his Attorney General to deliver to him within his first 100 days a set of recommendations for restructuring the ATF and related Justice Department agencies to most effectively enforce our gun laws. Biden will then work to secure sufficient funds for the Justice Department to effectively enforce our existing gun laws, increase the frequency of inspections of firearms dealers, and repeal riders that get in the way of that work.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
It is what goes on behind the scenes. That is why you are waiting for older people to die off and a percentage of the boomers.They know what real is. Whether they follow it or not is their discretion.
So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding

No, it wasn't bullshit. He was elected on the premise that he would do that, but now he admits that's not going to be that easy.

It's interesting though. When Democrats start backpedaling on gun legislation after pushing it non-stop, you better believe they are losing their grip on power.
Boy do you sound confused.

First he's a gun grabber...then you say he's not...and now he is again?

He is and always will be a gun-grabber. But he's admitting that it's not going to be easy...

"On Tuesday, Stef Feldman, the national policy director of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, announced in a meeting put on by the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service, that gun control is at the top of Biden’s list. There will be no vote or democratic process, and like Trump and Obama before him, Biden will use Execute Orders to implement his will.

Feldman pointed out that when he gets in the White House, Biden is planning to “make big, bold changes through executive action, not just on policing and climate like we talked about previously, but in healthcare and education, on gun violence, on a range of issues,” adding, “there’s really a lot you can do through guidance and executive action.”

One Of The First Unconstitutional Executive Orders Biden Will Pass Is Gun Control - Will You Comply? - Guns in the News

Can you show where Biden has ever advocated confiscating guns?

During the first Democrat debate he said:

"Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money."

During a November 6, 2019, CNN interview, Biden answered in the affirmative when asked if he was coming for guns:

"CNN: So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?

BIDEN: Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own. You can’t buy a bazooka. You can’t have a flame thrower."

And what about Beto? He ran on a platform of firearms confiscation and was promised a position in Biden's cabinet...

Joe Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control

Do you know what ”buy back” means?
So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding

No, it wasn't bullshit. He was elected on the premise that he would do that, but now he admits that's not going to be that easy.

It's interesting though. When Democrats start backpedaling on gun legislation after pushing it non-stop, you better believe they are losing their grip on power.
Boy do you sound confused.

First he's a gun grabber...then you say he's not...and now he is again?

He is and always will be a gun-grabber. But he's admitting that it's not going to be easy...

"On Tuesday, Stef Feldman, the national policy director of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, announced in a meeting put on by the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service, that gun control is at the top of Biden’s list. There will be no vote or democratic process, and like Trump and Obama before him, Biden will use Execute Orders to implement his will.

Feldman pointed out that when he gets in the White House, Biden is planning to “make big, bold changes through executive action, not just on policing and climate like we talked about previously, but in healthcare and education, on gun violence, on a range of issues,” adding, “there’s really a lot you can do through guidance and executive action.”

One Of The First Unconstitutional Executive Orders Biden Will Pass Is Gun Control - Will You Comply? - Guns in the News

Can you show where Biden has ever advocated confiscating guns?

During the first Democrat debate he said:

"Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money."

During a November 6, 2019, CNN interview, Biden answered in the affirmative when asked if he was coming for guns:

"CNN: So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?

BIDEN: Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own. You can’t buy a bazooka. You can’t have a flame thrower."

And what about Beto? He ran on a platform of firearms confiscation and was promised a position in Biden's cabinet...

Joe Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control

Do you know what ”buy back” means?
His right hand man wants to institute a "MANDATORY Buy Back"

You know what that means?
"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio
I wonder if he'll undo his man child mentors executive orders-
So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding

No, it wasn't bullshit. He was elected on the premise that he would do that, but now he admits that's not going to be that easy.

It's interesting though. When Democrats start backpedaling on gun legislation after pushing it non-stop, you better believe they are losing their grip on power.
Boy do you sound confused.

First he's a gun grabber...then you say he's not...and now he is again?

He is and always will be a gun-grabber. But he's admitting that it's not going to be easy...

"On Tuesday, Stef Feldman, the national policy director of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, announced in a meeting put on by the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service, that gun control is at the top of Biden’s list. There will be no vote or democratic process, and like Trump and Obama before him, Biden will use Execute Orders to implement his will.

Feldman pointed out that when he gets in the White House, Biden is planning to “make big, bold changes through executive action, not just on policing and climate like we talked about previously, but in healthcare and education, on gun violence, on a range of issues,” adding, “there’s really a lot you can do through guidance and executive action.”

One Of The First Unconstitutional Executive Orders Biden Will Pass Is Gun Control - Will You Comply? - Guns in the News

Can you show where Biden has ever advocated confiscating guns?

During the first Democrat debate he said:

"Folks, look, and I would buy back [assault] weapons. We already started talking about that. We tried to get it done. I think it can be done. And it should be demanded that we do it. And that’s a good expenditure of money."

During a November 6, 2019, CNN interview, Biden answered in the affirmative when asked if he was coming for guns:

"CNN: So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?

BIDEN: Bingo. You’re right if you have an assault weapon. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period. Look, the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can’t restrict the kinds of weapons people can own. You can’t buy a bazooka. You can’t have a flame thrower."

And what about Beto? He ran on a platform of firearms confiscation and was promised a position in Biden's cabinet...

Joe Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control

Do you know what ”buy back” means?

Suppose I don't want to sell them? Then what?
You thought he was going to immediately sign an executive order banning "assault weapons", didn't you?

Suckers! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats

"Biden said he would be able to do some things by executive order, but — as he often did publicly throughout the campaign — he said, "I am not going to violate the Constitution."

"Where I have executive authority, I will use it to undo every single damn thing this guy's done by executive authority," Biden said, according to the audio. "But I'm not going to exercise executive authority where it's a question where I can come along and say I can do away with assault weapons. There's no executive authority to do that. And no one has fought harder to get rid of assault weapons than me, me. You can't do it by executive order."

In leaked recording, Biden says GOP used 'defund the police' to 'beat the living hell' out of Democrats
Well he gets my respect for that.
I don’t think I’ve made it a secret that I dislike Biden. I believe he used his son as a bag man to launder bribes. I think he is corrupt. I can’t stand many of his liberal policies and positions. I think he is a race card playing jackass.
But assuming he sticks to this position about EA’s, I can respect that. He acknowledged what he has the constitutional power to do and what he doesn’t, and he wants to stay within his constitutional bounds.
so Igive him credit for that.
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
I know this will come as a disappointment to many, but Biden is going to have a moderate to slightly left-leaning administration, like Obama.

All these silly assumptions and extrapolations being made about us going commie 'n stuff were just for the simple-minded and/or paranoid.

We tried to tell you.
Will he try to ban "assault weapons" in direct conflict with the constitution?
How in the world would I know that?
So you mean your fear mongering about Biden being a hard core anti-gun socialist was bullshit?

No kidding
He is anti gun. That’s not fear mongering, so settle down. This just shows he isn’t gonna pull an obongo and pull unconstitutional and illegal executive actions.
Whether or not he lives up to this I wish Obama and Trump had understood this.

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