Joe Biden Goes to Kenosha and Kills Off What's Left of the #MeToo Movement


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden Goes to Kenosha and Kills Off What's Left of the #MeToo Movement

3 Sep 2020 ~~ By Stacey Lennox
Joe Biden is leaving the basement today to go to Kenosha, Wisconsin. He is not going to survey the damage or provide solutions for business owners and residents whose lives and businesses have been destroyed. He’s not going to explain how he will support law enforcement in providing security for the law-abiding residents of Kenosha.
Instead, the centerpiece of his visit that is being promoted is his meeting with the family of Jacob Blake. Biden is going to lionize a man accused of sexual assault, who had a warrant out for his arrest, then showed up at the home of his alleged victim, and actively resisted arrest while trying to retrieve a knife from his car. He marched to the driver’s side door while officers were telling him to stop and tazed him twice to impede his progress.
Specifically, ABC notes that Biden will be meeting with Jacob Blake Sr. As described in this article at Heavy, the father has a significant history of anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, and misogynistic social media posts (language warning). He also appears to be a supporter of Louis Farrakhan. And the effective leader of the Democrat Party will participate in a community meeting with this man to “bring together Americans to heal and address the challenges we face.” Irony anyone?

Joe Biden Has a Glaring Anti-Semitism Problem
The shooting by police is still under investigation. Blake is under investigation for sexual assault with a child present, stealing the victim’s car, and theft via swiping her ATM card as well as his actions on the day of the shooting. Yet, Biden is actively taking sides when the outcome is far from clear. If you watch the ad released in advance of the visit, the side he is taking is obvious.
The ad is called “We’re Listening.” The campaign is listening to the loudest and most violent voices and buying into an absolute meme. There is no data to support the idea that black Americans are being shot indiscriminately by police for “just living their life.” This is certainly not the case with Jacob Blake.
President Trump should immediately begin talking about how dangerous the policies of Democrats are for women. No cash bail, mandating housing of former inmates, and taking zoning to the national level will make every community less safe for law-abiding citizens.
Joe Biden’s America will look an awful lot like cities such as New York City and Chicago. It is not one anyone who values safety and security should want to live in.

Unfortunately it's a startlingly fact that a small proportion of Americans know or will ever know about the criminal history of the person shot or exactly what was going on when he was. All they know or will ever know is that a cop shot a black man 7 times in the back, so all cops are racist, and that gives mostly peaceful protesters the right to do whatever they want. And if some among them might act out and commit acts of violence, well...that's just righteous anger.
It has been said that a lie will travel three times around the world before truth gets around to lacing up its shoes. In modern America, where the MSM is actively suppressing truth and deliberately spreading lies, that's even worse.
The majority of Americans know very well that the police are not the bad guys. When they do shoot and kill, 99.99% of the time, the perpetrator shot was the cause of the shooting. This will never change, in fact, it is now even more the narrative that the silent majority subscribe to.
There's no doubt in my mind that the Constitutional Fourth Estate has been completely infiltrated by those that wish harm to America and it's citizenry. They have become the Fifth Columnists of the 21st Century.

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