Joe Biden Drops Two Points on Same Week as Dumpster Fire Democrat Convention


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden Drops Two Points on Same Week as Dumpster Fire Democrat Convention

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
It wasn’t supposed to work this way.
Generally when political parties hold their convention their numbers surge.
Americans get to see the top politicians and hear about their plans to make America better.
Well, that’s not happening this week.
The American public is getting a good dose of liberal insanity and hypocrisy and they don’t like it.
It’s a dumpster fire.

President Donald Trump has actually gained two points on Joe Biden so far this week.
Via Rasmussen Reports:
With the Democratic National Convention in full swing and a new running mate by his side, Joe Biden holds a slightly narrower lead over President Trump in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.​
The new national telephone and online survey finds Biden with 48% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, while another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)​
A week ago, Biden led by six points – 49% to 43%.​

The Biden-Harris ticket has dropped two points in the polls. The question is how much did they actually drop in the real world polls
Joey B has lost the normal "Convention Bounce".
The real numbers are the internal polls, which are probably telling them that the more the world sees of Joey B live and unfiltered, the worse it gets.
The "people" in charge of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left don't understand reality. The President does understand it. He speaks live daily. You can watch his speeches on YouTube.
Although polls at this stage as somewhat meaningless, the trend is very positive for DJT. Trump is probably up 4 or more points and is pulling away in the swing states. Just wait until after next week's Republican Convention and especially after the 1st debate (or Joe no show), it'll really become obvious that Trump is winning.
Joe Biden Drops Two Points on Same Week as Dumpster Fire Democrat Convention

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
It wasn’t supposed to work this way.
Generally when political parties hold their convention their numbers surge.
Americans get to see the top politicians and hear about their plans to make America better.
Well, that’s not happening this week.
The American public is getting a good dose of liberal insanity and hypocrisy and they don’t like it.
It’s a dumpster fire.

President Donald Trump has actually gained two points on Joe Biden so far this week.
Via Rasmussen Reports:
With the Democratic National Convention in full swing and a new running mate by his side, Joe Biden holds a slightly narrower lead over President Trump in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.​
The new national telephone and online survey finds Biden with 48% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, while another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)​
A week ago, Biden led by six points – 49% to 43%.​

The Biden-Harris ticket has dropped two points in the polls. The question is how much did they actually drop in the real world polls
Joey B has lost the normal "Convention Bounce".
The real numbers are the internal polls, which are probably telling them that the more the world sees of Joey B live and unfiltered, the worse it gets.
The "people" in charge of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left don't understand reality. The President does understand it. He speaks live daily. You can watch his speeches on YouTube.
Although polls at this stage as somewhat meaningless, the trend is very positive for DJT. Trump is probably up 4 or more points and is pulling away in the swing states. Just wait until after next week's Republican Convention and especially after the 1st debate (or Joe no show), it'll really become obvious that Trump is winning.

He dropped 2 points, yes. But he got them back the second he announced Harris as his running mate. And on top of that, the Stock Market had a marked increase. Rump is in more trouble now than he was before.
I saw Sleepy Joe in his basement with "Celebration " being played and the 5 balloons dropping. He looked like he didn't know what was happening.

It would be bad enough if it was a live broadcast, but they probably made 20 "takes" of Biden, and this was the very best one.
Where do you people get the courage, rooting for Trump and Biden? America should have so much better than this to choose from. Perhaps some sin from the past is catching up with us or something. At least if is had been Sanders people would really have been excited and important, basic topics would have been confronted. Now it's just the mealy-mouth and the foul-mouthed.
Plagiarism and voting for illegal invasions might have a part to play in the lack of enthusiasm for the D plutocracy half's 'candidate'. There are endless points about the other half's guy to make him equally uninteresting.
Joe Biden Drops Two Points on Same Week as Dumpster Fire Democrat Convention

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
It wasn’t supposed to work this way.
Generally when political parties hold their convention their numbers surge.
Americans get to see the top politicians and hear about their plans to make America better.
Well, that’s not happening this week.
The American public is getting a good dose of liberal insanity and hypocrisy and they don’t like it.
It’s a dumpster fire.

President Donald Trump has actually gained two points on Joe Biden so far this week.
Via Rasmussen Reports:
With the Democratic National Convention in full swing and a new running mate by his side, Joe Biden holds a slightly narrower lead over President Trump in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.​
The new national telephone and online survey finds Biden with 48% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, while another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)​
A week ago, Biden led by six points – 49% to 43%.​

The Biden-Harris ticket has dropped two points in the polls. The question is how much did they actually drop in the real world polls
Joey B has lost the normal "Convention Bounce".
The real numbers are the internal polls, which are probably telling them that the more the world sees of Joey B live and unfiltered, the worse it gets.
The "people" in charge of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left don't understand reality. The President does understand it. He speaks live daily. You can watch his speeches on YouTube.
Although polls at this stage as somewhat meaningless, the trend is very positive for DJT. Trump is probably up 4 or more points and is pulling away in the swing states. Just wait until after next week's Republican Convention and especially after the 1st debate (or Joe no show), it'll really become obvious that Trump is winning.

He dropped 2 points, yes. But he got them back the second he announced Harris as his running mate. And on top of that, the Stock Market had a marked increase. Rump is in more trouble now than he was before.

That's the first time I ever saw a party get a bounce after announcing any name other than its main candidate on the ticket as an "asset," and from a woman who only got 7% of the party's support during the primary debates.
Where do you people get the courage, rooting for Trump and Biden? America should have so much better than this to choose from.


Because one of them will be president.

Trump is like a spoonful of cod liver oil.

Biden is like donut laced with strychnine.

You KNOW the one tastes bad but might be better for you later on, while the second may look and taste OK for now going down but is sure to be fatal eventually. You vote for the one otherwise you might just get the other.
Where do you people get the courage, rooting for Trump and Biden? America should have so much better than this to choose from. Perhaps some sin from the past is catching up with us or something. At least if is had been Sanders people would really have been excited and important, basic topics would have been confronted. Now it's just the mealy-mouth and the foul-mouthed.

The people get the government they deserve, and choose for themselves.
The DNC convention is a slow motion train wreck. We all see it, so do you Democrats you just won't admit it.

I've never seen so many political malcontents dragged out night after night for public viewing.
It's like a mass wake for losers!

I enjoy the hilarious irony of their convention theme: Uniting America. Thanks, but it's been very clear for some years now that their idea of "uniting" is like that of all tyrants and dictators: all you peons get in line and march where I tell you to. It's very similar to the "peace" you get through unconditionally surrendering to your enemies. Slavery is very peaceful if you just obey and wear your chains in silence.

Joe Biden Drops Two Points on Same Week as Dumpster Fire Democrat Convention

19 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
It wasn’t supposed to work this way.
Generally when political parties hold their convention their numbers surge.
Americans get to see the top politicians and hear about their plans to make America better.
Well, that’s not happening this week.
The American public is getting a good dose of liberal insanity and hypocrisy and they don’t like it.
It’s a dumpster fire.

President Donald Trump has actually gained two points on Joe Biden so far this week.
Via Rasmussen Reports:
With the Democratic National Convention in full swing and a new running mate by his side, Joe Biden holds a slightly narrower lead over President Trump in the latest Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.​
The new national telephone and online survey finds Biden with 48% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, while another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)​
A week ago, Biden led by six points – 49% to 43%.​

The Biden-Harris ticket has dropped two points in the polls. The question is how much did they actually drop in the real world polls
Joey B has lost the normal "Convention Bounce".
The real numbers are the internal polls, which are probably telling them that the more the world sees of Joey B live and unfiltered, the worse it gets.
The "people" in charge of the PMS/DSA Democrat Left don't understand reality. The President does understand it. He speaks live daily. You can watch his speeches on YouTube.
Although polls at this stage as somewhat meaningless, the trend is very positive for DJT. Trump is probably up 4 or more points and is pulling away in the swing states. Just wait until after next week's Republican Convention and especially after the 1st debate (or Joe no show), it'll really become obvious that Trump is winning.
It's not a Dumpster Fire, it's more like a collision between a Porta Potty Truck and a Garbage Truck

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