Joe Biden Can Be Prosecuted and Convicted TODAY - The Mountain of Evidence Against Joe Biden is Staggering

He didnt do that. He didnt campaign, confident his fraud machine would carry him.

Conservative Podcaster Rages at Trump Allies Admitting to Election 'Lies'​

"We are going to the mattresses for these people. We are offering them more accommodations [and] more chances than we'd offer our own family members, for goodness sake. And for what?" Deace said. "For Rudy Giuliani to go down to Georgia and admit that he lied? Have Jason Miller tell the January 6 commission, 'Yeah, we all knew it was BS?' What is this?"

He continued, "Some of you don't like it when I use the 'cult' word. When you like being treated like a schmuck and ask for more, that is a cult. 'I'm the mark, I'm the sucker. I want to be such, and I resent the person who tries to get me out of that.' Those are marks of groupthink, frankly."


Conservative Podcaster Rages at Trump Allies Admitting to Election 'Lies'​

"We are going to the mattresses for these people. We are offering them more accommodations [and] more chances than we'd offer our own family members, for goodness sake. And for what?" Deace said. "For Rudy Giuliani to go down to Georgia and admit that he lied? Have Jason Miller tell the January 6 commission, 'Yeah, we all knew it was BS?' What is this?"

He continued, "Some of you don't like it when I use the 'cult' word. When you like being treated like a schmuck and ask for more, that is a cult. 'I'm the mark, I'm the sucker. I want to be such, and I resent the person who tries to get me out of that.' Those are marks of groupthink, frankly."

Got no idea WTF you're talking about. I proved 2020 election frauds 3 years ago, in a mountain of postings, that would take you a week to read. Look them up.
Either way, he is going to be found guilty as charged.
Not too interested on future tense posts. Ho hum.

Only thing I'll say is that Biden will be found guilty as charged, after Dems throw him away and replace him with a better 2024 candidate, and Hunter decides to not take the fall for him.
The prosecution of old "Lunch Box" Joe Biden

Let's look at the evidence:

Wire transfers of millions of dollars while Joe was VP;
Transfers from China (government linked entities; Ukraine; and Romania);
Son Hunter was point/bag man, taking positions he is insanely unqualified for;
Over 170 bank issued Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs);
Multiple bank accounts at multiple banks for multiple shell LLCs;
Incremental payments;
Joe Biden himself intimately linked to said accounts and LLCs;
Biden abusing his VP position to stop Ukrainian prosecutor going after Hunter Biden;
Multiple witnesses, documents, and emails linking these transactions to Joe Biden;

Why is Joe, through his family and LLCs, getting paid such large sums of money (some of which came from Chinese state-controlled entities) while VP? He has not given any sort of explanation. Joe is a lawyer and lifetime feeder at the public trough. What skill, service, or product does he have to offer that warrants such payments OTHER THAN influence? Absolutely nothing!

The applicable charges (though not an exhaustive list):

Being an unregistered foreign agent;
Abuse of power (influence peddling);
Conspiracy to commit racketeering and FARA;
Obstruction of justice (the ongoing coverup);
Wire fraud;
False financial disclosures with FEC (among others);
Violations of oath of office;
Tax fraud;
Perjury (for false statements given regarding his finances);

The is circumstantial in part, yet very strong. There is also hard, non-circumstantial testimony from people familiar with the criminal activity. People have been convicted of these crimes upon far less evidence.

The Left's False Narrative of Lack of Evidence:

The left lies and says there is no evidence. Why? Politics and power. There is a mountain of evidence of criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. There is clearly enough to warrant a criminal investigation. There is enough to appoint a special prosecutor. There is enough evidence to swiftly conclude such investigation and issue a voluminous indictment. The claim of no evidence is absurd on its face.

The Corruption:

Clearly, the DOJ is protecting Joe Biden. He is the empty vessel through which the leftists are holding power, and their power will be diminished greatly and hastily upon any prosecution. Therefore, no prosecution is taking place. This is banana republic government tactics.

He should have been prosecuted years ago. The problem is, we have a corrupted DOJ that works for the Democratic Party and against anything GOP, especially Donald Trump.
The prosecution of old "Lunch Box" Joe Biden

Let's look at the evidence:

Wire transfers of millions of dollars while Joe was VP;
Transfers from China (government linked entities; Ukraine; and Romania);
Son Hunter was point/bag man, taking positions he is insanely unqualified for;
Over 170 bank issued Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs);
Multiple bank accounts at multiple banks for multiple shell LLCs;
Incremental payments;
Joe Biden himself intimately linked to said accounts and LLCs;
Biden abusing his VP position to stop Ukrainian prosecutor going after Hunter Biden;
Multiple witnesses, documents, and emails linking these transactions to Joe Biden;

Why is Joe, through his family and LLCs, getting paid such large sums of money (some of which came from Chinese state-controlled entities) while VP? He has not given any sort of explanation. Joe is a lawyer and lifetime feeder at the public trough. What skill, service, or product does he have to offer that warrants such payments OTHER THAN influence? Absolutely nothing!

The applicable charges (though not an exhaustive list):

Being an unregistered foreign agent;
Abuse of power (influence peddling);
Conspiracy to commit racketeering and FARA;
Obstruction of justice (the ongoing coverup);
Wire fraud;
False financial disclosures with FEC (among others);
Violations of oath of office;
Tax fraud;
Perjury (for false statements given regarding his finances);

The is circumstantial in part, yet very strong. There is also hard, non-circumstantial testimony from people familiar with the criminal activity. People have been convicted of these crimes upon far less evidence.

The Left's False Narrative of Lack of Evidence:

The left lies and says there is no evidence. Why? Politics and power. There is a mountain of evidence of criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. There is clearly enough to warrant a criminal investigation. There is enough to appoint a special prosecutor. There is enough evidence to swiftly conclude such investigation and issue a voluminous indictment. The claim of no evidence is absurd on its face.

The Corruption:

Clearly, the DOJ is protecting Joe Biden. He is the empty vessel through which the leftists are holding power, and their power will be diminished greatly and hastily upon any prosecution. Therefore, no prosecution is taking place. This is banana republic government tactics.

Congratulation. You said all of that and got not one thing right. If lying were a crime, you would be in jail for the next 1,000 years. Trump's appointees ran the DOJ. He appointed the FBI director. He appointed the US Attorneys. Not one of these officials saw a reason to open a investigation. For that to happen, Trump would have had to conspire to cover this up. There is no evidence of this. You are a lying sack of shit.
He should have been prosecuted years ago. The problem is, we have a corrupted DOJ that works for the Democratic Party and against anything GOP, especially Donald Trump.

The DOJ was under the control of Trump appointees from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021. You are accusing Trump of corruption. You are a stupid sack of shit.

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