
Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
People need jobs. If the private sector can't or won't produce enough jobs the federal government must.
Yes, the federal deficit is enormous, but doing nothing and dancing the Henny Penny Polka ("Oh my, the sky is falling") is not leadership. Nor is it leadership to fall back on ideology, point fingers and blame the other guy.
In 1973 (CETA) and 1982 (job training partnership act), both signed by Republican Presidents, put Americans back to work.
Our nation has many needs, infrastructure is aging and needs maintainence, repair and replacement; government buildings in the sun belt might be retrofited with solar panels and non emergency government vehicles replaced with electric cars charged by the sun, wind power in the plains may provide a source of energy too.
The electrical grid needs update and expansion, and where feasible canals might be buit to transport goods from one region to another; hospitals might be built on new medical school campuses so that capable students might earn medical degrees and pay off their education expenses by working in new health centers providing preventative care for all Americans.
What America lacks today is imagination, I supported Obama in 2008 because he expressed a future bright with possibilities. Sadly, the power elite worried that the entitlements they have benefited from since the 'Reagan Revolution' were at risk - change scared the shit out of them.
So every effort to move America forward has been met with "No"; and now polls show the propaganda seems to have worked and our nation may turn to the Republican Party - the party which promises much but can't seem to deliver but to the few and the connected.
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I think it's a terrific starting point, Wry Catcher. But I'd ruther not inflate the government payroll. How's about we sponsor jobs for private employees? Mebbe a zero interest loan for expansion by any business smaller than 500 people provided they add at least 10% more jobs?

I'd a whole lot ruther create jobs that may pay off with long term employment, and that're still driven by rational private sector decisions.
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As for why people would look, and move on, like I did, your post is like the grand canyon of economic ignorance. There is no way to begin to fill it up, so all one can do is stop and admire at the depth and breadth of it.

Work is useful things that people are willing to pay for. It is not a magical commodity that the government can just conjure up like a genie granting wishes from the lamp.

the government only can get money that it spends by taking it from others. Which means that money government uses to create jobs comes from money taken from others to do things which they consider productive. Government jobs eat more jobs than they make, as people have to give up productive labor to labor that has no private value.
As for why people would look, and move on, like I did, your post is like the grand canyon of economic ignorance. There is no way to begin to fill it up, so all one can do is stop and admire at the depth and breadth of it.

Work is useful things that people are willing to pay for. It is not a magical commodity that the government can just conjure up like a genie granting wishes from the lamp.

the government only can get money that it spends by taking it from others. Which means that money government uses to create jobs comes from money taken from others to do things which they consider productive. Government jobs eat more jobs than they make, as people have to give up productive labor to labor that has no private value.

War creates needs by destroying useful stuff. After a war is over, private useful needs are created.

Mass murder is not really the solution to unemployment in my book.
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As for why people would look, and move on, like I did, your post is like the grand canyon of economic ignorance. There is no way to begin to fill it up, so all one can do is stop and admire at the depth and breadth of it.

Work is useful things that people are willing to pay for. It is not a magical commodity that the government can just conjure up like a genie granting wishes from the lamp.

the government only can get money that it spends by taking it from others. Which means that money government uses to create jobs comes from money taken from others to do things which they consider productive. Government jobs eat more jobs than they make, as people have to give up productive labor to labor that has no private value.

Ah, a "No" and an "Ideology". 'Thinking' as you do solves no problems and to suggest my offer of a solution (used successfully in other bad times) manifests economic ignorance adds arrogance to an otherwise insipid response.
People with skills who are out of work, don't spend money (they don't have any). They can't pay mortgages, so they don't. They can't provide for their basic needs or the needs of their kids, so they rely on government and their credit cards (for a while). Even an ideologue such as yourself must understand jobs must come first.
But, banks won't lend, and business is afraid to expand - and the unemployed cannot afford the goods or services of business.
For example, the hospitality industry suffers, for eating out and travel are luxuries many cannot afford. So business and industry terminate employees - people willing to work but unable to find work. They are not bums or welfare cheats but victims. So I say put them to work.
By doing so, in government jobs and in the private sector jobs (if you know anything about the two progams referenced you would see they're all not 'government jobs') where they can abe productive and self sufficient.
The dollars spent to implement such a program come back as sources of income for he baker and barber, bartender and barista; and taxes which support local government services like cops and firefighters.
You and the just say cut taxes crowd have been brainwashed, though sometimes I wonder if their was ever a brain to wash.
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Nice logic, but first.

The Fed has done little to stimulate any private sector jobs, and while a government job is better than nothing for the person getting it. It is not good for our economy that all we are producing is government jobs.

Government jobs do not create a product, and have to be paid for by tax dollars, which further takes away from the private sectors ability to create jobs.

Not that I expect a lib to get that.
Hi Catcher:

People need jobs. If the private sector can't or won't produce enough jobs the federal government must.

No sir. The Federal Government takes in taxes from a 'growing' private sector and uses money from the private sector to produce Government Jobs. However, the Govt itself is destroying the American Consumer Base and is destroying the American Tax Base by:

1. NAFTA Offshoring of the U.S. Manufacturing Base.
2. Outsourcing Service Sectors Jobs overseas.
3. Allowing Walmart-type Conglomerates to import cheap goods from China that put local Mom and Pop Businesses out of business.
4. 23 Guest Worker Programs that 'displace' U.S. Workers from Jobs here at home (1.5 Million Jobs lost every year).
5. 20 to 30 Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals are allowed to run around loose EVERYWHERE stealing identities and Jobs from American Workers.

The American Middle Class is being systematically destroyed, which means fewer American Workers to support the Federal, State and Local Tax Bases, which leads to the layoff of Govt Workers that 'displace' even more private sector workers. There will be NO Recovery in the USA, until 'ALL' of these Worker Displacement Factors are eliminated from the economy. That is NEVER going to happen, because our elected politicians are CORRUPT to the core ...


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And once again, UNEXPECTEDLY, the private sector created far fewer jobs than (Keynsian) economists expected.

U.S. private employers added just 13,000 jobs in June, according to a report published Wednesday that suggested expectations of a big drop in the government's upcoming nonfarm payrolls report were on target.

Out of Work

The ADP Employer Services report also said May's gain was revised marginally higher to 57,000 from the original estimate of 55,000.

That revision was basically the only good news, however, in a report that under-shot expectations of a rise of 60,000 private-sector jobs in June.

It also supported fears that the short and tepid recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s was fizzling.

News Headlines

The problem with WC's suggestion is that Obamanomics doesn't invest in infrastructure. It considers expanding the public employee union base of bureaucratic jobs to be job creation. The stimulus money went to Big Government instead of infrastructure. Now, the debt and deficit levels are crushing the private sector - and the threat of future tax increases and expanse of government control is keeping capital on the sidelines. More of this will not create jobs. The only answer is to get rid of this misguided experiment in centralized planning and control, reduce taxes, and have the government Get The Fuck Out Of The Way.
Above, I expressed an idea. Twelve at least looked at the post, yet no one responded. Are there no alernative ideas?

if you create government will need to increase taxes on the private sector to support those jobs....government jobs do not create other jobs.....

how about you take the 400 million we just sent to hamas and increase it by 100 million and give 100 million to each state and tell them they have to spend it paving roads...or fixing schools....or hiring police....or teachers...or firemen....

if you give money directly to citizens to spend their demand will for goods and services by spending that money will create jobs....instaead we gave it to the banks and auto industry...

if you ease leanding restrictions to private developers they will take risk and build things which will create jobs....

at the moment .... nothing is happening ....
Hi Catcher:

People need jobs. If the private sector can't or won't produce enough jobs the federal government must.

No sir. The Federal Government takes in taxes from a 'growing' private sector and uses money from the private sector to produce Government Jobs. However, the Govt itself is destroying the American Consumer Base and is destroying the American Tax Base by:

1. NAFTA Offshoring of the U.S. Manufacturing Base.
2. Outsourcing Service Sectors Jobs overseas.
3. Allowing Walmart-type Conglomerates to import cheap goods from China that put local Mom and Pop Businesses out of business.
4. 23 Guest Worker Programs that 'displace' U.S. Workers from Jobs here at home (1.5 Million Jobs lost every year).
5. 20 to 30 Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals are allowed to run around loose EVERYWHERE stealing identities and Jobs from American Workers.

The American Middle Class is being systematically destroyed, which means fewer American Workers to support the Federal, State and Local Tax Bases, which leads to the layoff of Govt Workers that 'displace' even more private sector workers. There will be NO Recovery in the USA, until 'ALL' of these Worker Displacement Factors are eliminated from the economy. That is NEVER going to happen, because our elected politicians are CORRUPT to the core ...




Nice logic, but first. (Posted by Charles_Main)
The Fed has done little to stimulate any private sector jobs, and while a government job is better than nothing for the person getting it. It is not good for our economy that all we are producing is government jobs.

Government jobs do not create a product, and have to be paid for by tax dollars, which further takes away from the private sectors ability to create jobs.

Not that I expect a lib to get that.

In response to both of you.
To clarify, I'm not suggesting the Government hire people to grow the bureaucracy. Though some government employees would be needed to administor such a program.
Government can 'create' jobs, for example: Obama by executive order requires all vehicles purchased by Federal Government Agencies (exception, emergency vehicles, DOD vehicles) be electric or hybrid. And require all local and state agencies who accept DOT dollars to do the same.
Then tax credits and government grants, loans and other incentives be provided to private sector businesses to produce solar panels/windmills to produce electricity, and provide funds to expand nuclear power in the several states. Obama might ask the Congress for funds to put solar panels on the roof of all appropriate government building, providing grants, loans, incentives to special districts, local governments and states to do the same.

BTW, this is not lib thinking; it's pragmatic, not ideological. Ideology got us into the mess we are now experiencing.
Haven't you learned by now that when it comes to the government, when it's all said and done, more will be said then done. The government does not create jobs unless it expands it's roll as "big government". That's the only way it can create any job. The private sector is what creates jobs in America. What the government needs to do is stop putting so many restrictions and requirements on the private sector so they will stop moving all the jobs outside of America. Labor unions do not help in this situation. Let's say the actual value of a "gizmo" is $1.49. Let's say a factory worker can produce 10 gizmos an hour. So, during an hour's time, a factory worker can produce $14.90 worth of gizmos for this company. This company is not going to pay some union worker $17.00 an hour to produce something that is only worth $14.90. This is why the jobs are leaving the United States. It's cheaper to make them outside of the US than to pay union workers the high pay they demand. It's economics. Until the government and the unions get their acts together, we are going to continue to bleed jobs to areas outside of the US. Both the government and the unions can be a big help when it comes to stopping the flow of jobs leaving the US but neither groups seems interested in doing that. It's easier to blame companies and cry foul.

I agree completely. We need a bigger war than the one we currently have. War fixes everything in an economy, as long as you're the winner.

Lets go after Mexico and Canada. They're easy targets and their armies suck. We could stretch it out as long as we want, or end it on a moment's notice. That would solve a LOT of issues, as well as end our economic troubles.
People need jobs. If the private sector can't or won't produce enough jobs the federal government must.
Spoken like a TRUE dumbass!

The government can't provide jobs without increasing the deficit and spending. Both will lead to a collaspe aka Greece and Argentia. The Federal Government doesn't create wealth to pay for its employees, the private sector creates wealth to provide for Federal Employees.

Of course a douche bag socialist like you will say, fuck them, tax the private sector more:

First taxing the private sector does:
(1) Requires private businesses to look overseas!
(2) Reduce their bottom-lines --> meaning heads rolling
(3) Go out of business
(4) Pushing higher prices onto the consumer

(1) END ALL PENSION FUNDS FOR GOVERNMENT WORKERS! Pension funds in the private sector have reduced from 90% in the 60s to less than 1% nowadays. The reason, they are unstainable and cause bankrutpcy. The 10 ton gorrila in the room for GM and Chysler was the unsustainable pension funds. The Jap car companies didn't fold, because they didn't have that debt. Take any State and around 50-60% of the budget goes to these pension funds. That is paid by taxes and its highway robbery!

(2) End Illegal Immigration - Believe it or not they take JOBS AMERICANS CAN AND DO WANT!!! They place HUGE burdens on schools, hospitals, social services aka welfare and section 8, prisons etc. They are killing us!

(3) Cutting spending (yes even on military and defense) is a priority: Cut spending, cut taxes and prosperity and jobs will come to the private sector.

Its NUTZ that commies like you still exist when whereever communism was practiced it FAILED!!!
If you're out of work, a job is a job.

And if the money grubbing profit mongers of corporate America would stop scouring the globe looking for third-worlders to exploit and hire some Americans, government wouldn't have to step in to fill the void and we'd all be a lot better off.
Mr. Clean is a stereotypical example of the mindset that has caused our economic problems in the first place.
If you're out of work, a job is a job.

And if the money grubbing profit mongers of corporate America would stop scouring the globe looking for third-worlders to exploit and hire some Americans, government wouldn't have to step in to fill the void and we'd all be a lot better off.



It solves every issue we have.
Too bad the democrats wasted all the $787 billion paying off cronies instead of creating jobs. Had they actually used that much money for job stimulus we would have jobs coming out our ears right now. These assholes are corrupt!

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