Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
It's one thing to publish public information.

It's quite another to call them out in the form of a hit list so that deranged people can harassing and disturb them because they believe Trump caused a mass shooting.

What are you really advocating year buddy?


I am not advocating anything, I am mocking the fake outrage.

What's fake about it ? This was not cool knowing the intent.

What was his intent, in your opinion?
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
It's one thing to publish public information.

It's quite another to call them out in the form of a hit list so that deranged people can harassing and disturb them because they believe Trump caused a mass shooting.

What are you really advocating year buddy?


I am not advocating anything, I am mocking the fake outrage.

What's fake about it ? This was not cool knowing the intent.

What was his intent, in your opinion?

I see no legitimate intent in naming an employer.
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
It's one thing to publish public information.

It's quite another to call them out in the form of a hit list so that deranged people can harassing and disturb them because they believe Trump caused a mass shooting.

What are you really advocating year buddy?


I am not advocating anything, I am mocking the fake outrage.

What's fake about it ? This was not cool knowing the intent.

What was his intent, in your opinion?
To get people to protest and harass private citizens for making a political donation, at a minimum.

His intent was to put people in fear for their political donations.

Don't pretend it was ANYTHING other than that.

You know good and goddamn well that was his intent.

Deny it.

I think we could use some bible quotes here.
"An eye for an eye" -good advice.
"Turn the other cheek"-good advice

If you bother to read the passage you will find that "turn the other cheek" replaced "an eye for an eye".
But that should not be construed to mean open up your ass cheeks and let him fuck you dry every single fucking day.

Surely, you see the difference?


I do see that difference.

My view is that you can fight the enemy without becoming the enemy. I used to have this same discussion with the people that think our military should kill women and children and torture our prisoners because that is what the people we are fighting do.

When your actions become no different than that which you are fighting against...who has really won?
Well, you tell me.

We have a bunch of fucking Commies who are going to show up and protest Trump as he visits Dayton and El Paso. They are going to stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points.

Tell me why this shit should not be repaid in full? Tell me why we have to just sit there and take it.


Isn't that also the purpose of Trump's trip?

To stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points?

What other purpose is there in him going?

Oh good god.
It's not unusual for the president to make a personal appearance at the scene of national tragedy.
Democrats don’t consider people with different views as human
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

We should know who are the buyers of every politician.

Then look them up yourself.
The intent here is to publicly intimidate people, and a congressman gets a microphone and a national stage.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

You are nuts.

Anyone can go to any site such as to find out who donated to whom.

It's no secret. They have to declare their donors. If they don't they have broken the law.

There's nothing to be outraged about.
OH NO....he tweeted publicly available information!

Oh the horror! :290968001256257790-final:
It's one thing to publish public information.

It's quite another to call them out in the form of a hit list so that deranged people can harassing and disturb them because they believe Trump caused a mass shooting.

What are you really advocating year buddy?


I am not advocating anything, I am mocking the fake outrage.

What's fake about it ? This was not cool knowing the intent.

What was his intent, in your opinion?

Could be a # of things.
The intent could be to publicly embarrass and humiliate these people, and harm them financially.
He may want to make them afraid, and force them to be silent about their support of Trump.
He knows at this particular time, people are in a highly emotional state, so doing this now could put these individuals and their families in physical danger. Maybe that was his intent.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

You are nuts.

Anyone can go to any site such as to find out who donated to whom.

It's no secret. They have to declare their donors. If they don't they have broken the law.

There's nothing to be outraged about.

You can't go to those sites and find out who has employed them though. I said no big deal when he exposed those who donated.

He has gone too far.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

You are nuts.

Anyone can go to any site such as to find out who donated to whom.

It's no secret. They have to declare their donors. If they don't they have broken the law.

There's nothing to be outraged about.

Goddamn it, I never said there was anything illegal about this !!!
The intent is everything here, and leaders should be calling for unity, instead of trying to intimidate people, and potentially getting a nut whipped up to the point that they go after these donors.
Keep in mind, this guy is a congressman, he gets a stage and microphone, his outing of these individuals is heard all around the country.
If you bother to read the passage you will find that "turn the other cheek" replaced "an eye for an eye".
But that should not be construed to mean open up your ass cheeks and let him fuck you dry every single fucking day.

Surely, you see the difference?


I do see that difference.

My view is that you can fight the enemy without becoming the enemy. I used to have this same discussion with the people that think our military should kill women and children and torture our prisoners because that is what the people we are fighting do.

When your actions become no different than that which you are fighting against...who has really won?
Well, you tell me.

We have a bunch of fucking Commies who are going to show up and protest Trump as he visits Dayton and El Paso. They are going to stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points.

Tell me why this shit should not be repaid in full? Tell me why we have to just sit there and take it.


Isn't that also the purpose of Trump's trip?

To stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points?

What other purpose is there in him going?

Oh good god.
It's not unusual for the president to make a personal appearance at the scene of national tragedy.
He will catch more Hell if he doesn't go than if he does.
If you bother to read the passage you will find that "turn the other cheek" replaced "an eye for an eye".
But that should not be construed to mean open up your ass cheeks and let him fuck you dry every single fucking day.

Surely, you see the difference?


I do see that difference.

My view is that you can fight the enemy without becoming the enemy. I used to have this same discussion with the people that think our military should kill women and children and torture our prisoners because that is what the people we are fighting do.

When your actions become no different than that which you are fighting against...who has really won?
Well, you tell me.

We have a bunch of fucking Commies who are going to show up and protest Trump as he visits Dayton and El Paso. They are going to stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points.

Tell me why this shit should not be repaid in full? Tell me why we have to just sit there and take it.


Isn't that also the purpose of Trump's trip?

To stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points?

What other purpose is there in him going?

Oh good god.
It's not unusual for the president to make a personal appearance at the scene of national tragedy.

True, they all do it for the same reason, the reason stated above. Trump is no different
But that should not be construed to mean open up your ass cheeks and let him fuck you dry every single fucking day.

Surely, you see the difference?


I do see that difference.

My view is that you can fight the enemy without becoming the enemy. I used to have this same discussion with the people that think our military should kill women and children and torture our prisoners because that is what the people we are fighting do.

When your actions become no different than that which you are fighting against...who has really won?
Well, you tell me.

We have a bunch of fucking Commies who are going to show up and protest Trump as he visits Dayton and El Paso. They are going to stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points.

Tell me why this shit should not be repaid in full? Tell me why we have to just sit there and take it.


Isn't that also the purpose of Trump's trip?

To stand on the dead bodies of the victims and try to score political points?

What other purpose is there in him going?

Oh good god.
It's not unusual for the president to make a personal appearance at the scene of national tragedy.
He will catch more Hell if he doesn't go than if he does.

There is little doubt, that if Tru p didn't show up, the left would claim he doesn't care about mass killings of people of color.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

You are nuts.

Anyone can go to any site such as to find out who donated to whom.

It's no secret. They have to declare their donors. If they don't they have broken the law.

There's nothing to be outraged about.

Goddamn it, I never said there was anything illegal about this !!!
The intent is everything here, and leaders should be calling for unity, instead of trying to intimidate people, and potentially getting a nut whipped up to the point that they go after these donors.
Keep in mind, this guy is a congressman, he gets a stage and microphone, his outing of these individuals is heard all around the country.
He outed no one. Political contributions are a matter of public record, snowflake
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
Castro wants a boycott, not violence.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

You are nuts.

Anyone can go to any site such as to find out who donated to whom.

It's no secret. They have to declare their donors. If they don't they have broken the law.

There's nothing to be outraged about.

Goddamn it, I never said there was anything illegal about this !!!
The intent is everything here, and leaders should be calling for unity, instead of trying to intimidate people, and potentially getting a nut whipped up to the point that they go after these donors.
Keep in mind, this guy is a congressman, he gets a stage and microphone, his outing of these individuals is heard all around the country.
He outed no one. Political contributions are a matter of public record, snowflake

Few people would have ever known who contributed to whom.
As a leader who has the privilege of a national audience, this piece of shit publicly and nationally broadcast who the donors were, and he obviously he did it with an intent to cause harm to these individuals.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
Castro wants a boycott, not violence.

He and you don't know how some people might react to this information at this time where we are a powder keg ready to explode.
So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
Castro wants a boycott, not violence.
If you think he intended anything less than intimidation, I have a bridge to sell you.

So much for a call to unity, these bastard Dims telling Trump he's not welcome, and now endangering Trump donors by broadcasting their names and business interests, are just asking for more violence !

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors

President Trump’s campaign lashed out at Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro, for tweeting out the names and business interests of dozens of donors to the Trump reelection campaign.

Joaquin Castro on Wednesday used his Twitter account to publish the names of 44 Texans who donated the maximum $2,700 to Trump, specifically calling out the owners of several prominent businesses in San Antonio, where the Castro brothers are from.

“Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’,” the lawmaker tweeted.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh accused Castro of “endangering the safety of the people he is supposed to be representing.”

Democratic lawmaker criticized for tweeting names of Trump donors
Castro wants a boycott, not violence.

He and you don't know how some people might react to this information at this time where we are a powder keg ready to explode.
It is gross negligence, at best. More likely, it was intentionally providing a hit list with intended intimidation and probably hoped for violence.


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