Zone1 Jews & POC

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Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Why would POC be angry at Jews?

Schumer represents the banks not the people:
Hollywood and academia are hotbeds of racism.

Superheroes are racist and must be canceled.
Why would POC be angry at Jews?

Schumer represents the banks not the people:
How many professional politicians choose the people over Wall Street?
Why would Jews be angry at POC?

The Squad is powerful within the Democratic Party:

It seems like there’s a civil war in the Left, a life-and-death struggle between POC on one side and Jews on the other.

POC are the have nots, Jews are the haves. Jews control a great deal of wealth. Israel is powerful. The really important positions in the Democratic Party are held by Jews. Many of the major donors in the Party who call the shots are Jews.

The big question is when will POC replace Jews in positions of power.
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What would happen if Jews in the media & academia & the government & the Democratic Party were replaced by POC?

If some banks and big corporations were nationalized and controlled by POC?

If Israel was controlled by Arabs and Africans?

If places like Manhattan, Cambridge MA, Beverly Hills, San Francisco were transferred to POC? If these areas formed the nucleus of two new free independent republics: Aztlan on the West coast and New Africa in the Northeast?
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Even if there are disagreements between different Minorities, Jews, African Americans, and Native Americans are all targets of White Supremacy.
Even if there are disagreements between different Minorities, Jews, African Americans, and Native Americans are all targets of White Supremacy.
White supremacists are often criticized and black nationalists sometimes too, but how often are Jewish chauvinists criticized? Is it because they have so much influence in the corporate media?
Why would POC be angry at Jews?
Maybe the Jews are 'writing checks for them that they can't cash'.

Jewish ad agencies are flooding the media with images of successful, fully assimilated, middle-and upper-class black families enjoying products and services denied to them only a short while ago. Blacks in general must look aghast, angry, or at least with some amusement, at these unrealistic images. (Hell, I can't afford most of this stuff.)

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Why would POC be angry at Jews?

Schumer represents the banks not the people:
Hollywood and academia are hotbeds of racism.

Superheroes are racist and must be canceled.
Why would POC be angry at Jews?

Not sure they should be mad at some jews or be mad at themselves for biting so hard on the Frankfurt School cultural marxist apple. Everything from, being a good citizens, getting good grades, speaking proper English, getting married then having kids = acting white to the wacky we waz something else be that Arabs, Hebrews, Egyptians, Alexandria, Romans, was put into the heads of blacks starting in the 60's by marxist jews.

Heck David Horowitz was the defacto CEO and consigliere of the Black Panthers in Oakland....before he got redpilled years later.
Why would POC be angry at Jews?

Not sure they should be mad at some jews or be mad at themselves for biting so hard on the Frankfurt School cultural marxist apple. Everything from, being a good citizens, getting good grades, speaking proper English, getting married then having kids = acting white to the wacky we waz something else be that Arabs, Hebrews, Egyptians, Alexandria, Romans, was put into the heads of blacks starting in the 60's by marxist jews.

Heck David Horowitz was the defacto CEO and consigliere of the Black Panthers in Oakland....before he got redpilled years later.
The Jewish elite wants black folk to hate Gentile whites and leave Jews alone. Some black people are smart enough to understand this trick.

And think of what Marxists have done to black people: Ethiopia's Mengistu found guilty of genocide
Has a Jew almost sparked WW III?

Is the “Biden” administration (which favors inflation, corrupt billionaires, slave labor, transgender activists, and war in the Ukraine) run by Jews?

What ethnicity do Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Ron Klain, Merrick Garland, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Douglas Emhoff, and Rachel Levine all share?

The “Biden” administration is as diverse as a bar mitzvah in Tel Aviv.
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Has a Jew almost sparked WW III?

Is the “Biden” administration (which favors inflation, corrupt billionaires, slave labor, transgender activists, and war in the Ukraine) run by Jews?

What ethnicity do Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Ron Klain, Merrick Garland, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Douglas Emhoff, and Rachel Levine all share?

The “Biden” administration is as diverse as a bar mitzvah in Tel Aviv.
Spewing antisemitism is not permitted in Zone 1. Take your crap to Badlands.
Spewing antisemitism is not permitted in Zone 1. Take your crap to Badlands.
Please tell me what factual error I’ve made. If you can’t, you don’t object to antisemitism, you object to the truth.
Please tell me what factual error I’ve made. If you can’t, you don’t object to antisemitism, you object to the truth.
Are you kidding me?? You open with “Has a JEW sparked WWII?” (as if his religion has something to do with it)…..go on to complain about all the JEWS in Biden’s Administration (Kerry isn’t even Jewish, you idiot)….and then make a snide remark about the Biden Administration being “as diverse as a Bar Mitzvah”. And you even blame Jews for trying to get blacks to hate gentiles!

You are damn lucky that you have as many Jews in this country as you do, and you would be even better off if there were more. The truth is that Jews have contributed well in excess of their percentage of the population in terms of technological advances, medical advances, and scientific advances.
but how often are Jewish chauvinists criticized?

You're right ... I don't remember anyone ever saying anything bad about Jews on this message board.

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