Jewish Partisan Resistance against the Christian Nazis.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
One of the longest running lies the conservative gun lobby's been telling is that the Christian Nazi confiscation of guns from Jewish Citizens made the holocaust possible.

While it is true that Hitler did confiscate the guns from the Jewish people, he did not confiscate guns from everyone. And there was armed resistance to the Christian Nazis in the Jewish Ghettoes and in the Countryside. But like most asymmetrical struggles, it either requires time or the backing of a larger nation to overcome the superior force.

The Jewish Partisans had neither:

German Revolution of 1918–19 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish Uprisings in Ghettos and Camps, 1941–1944
Resistance During the Holocaust
They held off the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto for a month with just a handful of weapons.
Really they are using that excuse. They are more smarter than I thought since most Americans do not know history. The US also put Germans and Japanese in internment camps.
One of the longest running lies the conservative gun lobby's been telling is that the Christian Nazi confiscation of guns from Jewish Citizens made the holocaust possible.

While it is true that Hitler did confiscate the guns from the Jewish people, he did not confiscate guns from everyone. And there was armed resistance to the Christian Nazis in the Jewish Ghettoes and in the Countryside. But like most asymmetrical struggles, it either requires time or the backing of a larger nation to overcome the superior force.

The Jewish Partisans had neither:

German Revolution of 1918–19 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish Uprisings in Ghettos and Camps, 1941–1944
Resistance During the Holocaust

the proscriptions upon owning weapons by jews is nothing new ------it is
part and parcel of both Shariah law and Catholic Canon -----as a result
jews simply have been NOT involved with weapons over the past 1700
years. Adolf simply reaffirmed the filth of Constantine (first reich)
and Mohammad (first isis)
Really they are using that excuse. They are more smarter than I thought since most Americans do not know history. The US also put Germans and Japanese in internment camps.

Penelope did her usual deceptive propaganda shit. The US did not shove
persons of German ancestry in internment camps during world war II------
the USA detained something like 1100 GERMAN NATIONALS living
in the USA ------whom the investigators suspected of hostility to the
USA and pro-Germany activities. A tiny number of the actual population
of persons of german ancestry living in or citizens of the USA------almost none.
The internment of Japanese immigrants was the big fiasco. I wonder who
"they" is in the penny post----- "they are using that excuse" does not make
much sense? what "excuse" ? Is that sentence supposed to mean
that citizens like jews should be armed to protect themselves from islamo Nazis?
What an innovative idea. Islamo Nazis got HYSTERICAL ---when Meir Kahane
made that simple suggestion sometime in the 1960s-----even I did not like it----
I never knew a jew----not active duty military or cop, who owned a gun.
As if on queue.

The Hitler gun control lie -

This week, people were shocked when the Drudge Report posted a giant picture of Hitler over a headline speculating that the White House will proceed with executive orders to limit access to firearms. The proposed orders are exceedingly tame, but Drudge’s reaction is actually a common conservative response to any invocation of gun control.

The NRA, Fox News, Fox News (again), Alex Jones, email chains, Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher, Gun Owners of America, etc., all agree that gun control was critical to Hitler’s rise to power. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (“America’s most aggressive defender of firearms ownership”) is built almost exclusively around this notion, popularizing posters of Hitler giving the Nazi salute next to the text: “All in favor of ‘gun control’ raise your right hand.”

In his 1994 book, NRA head Wayne LaPierre dwelled on the Hitler meme at length, writing: “In Germany, Jewish extermination began with the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938, signed by Adolf Hitler.”

And it makes a certain amount of intuitive sense: If you’re going to impose a brutal authoritarian regime on your populace, better to disarm them first so they can’t fight back.

Unfortunately for LaPierre et al., the notion that Hitler confiscated everyone’s guns is mostly bogus. And the ancillary claim that Jews could have stopped the Holocaust with more guns doesn’t make any sense at all if you think about it for more than a minute.
The Left’s War on Jewish Self-Defense
Jewish life in America was built on providing guns to Jews
October 12, 2015
Daniel Greenfield



Jewish self-defense threatened the Marxist agenda. The Marxists were willing to exploit Jews through front groups, but were determined to deny them any ability to defend themselves. For its Communist collaboration, the Bund earned the dubious honor of being the last non-Bolshevik Jewish organization allowed to operate on Soviet soil. Eventually it was purged and its members were shot. Others found their way into the Yevsektsiya, the Communist Party’s Jewish Section, tasked with wiping out Judaism by shutting down synagogues and Jewish institutions, and organizing the murder of Rabbis and Zionists.

Despite the interference of the Marxists, Jewish self-defense groups in Russia, such as the Giborei Zion (Heroes of Zion), assembled their own weapons or smuggled them in to resist attacks.

The Communist takeover led to the end of Jewish self-defense groups in Russia. Those who stayed behind were shot or sent to gulags. Many others made their way to Israel where they helped defend Jews against Muslim terror and fought for the independence of the Jewish State. Others played a key role in the resistance to Nazi occupation during WW2 in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere.


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