Jewish (& Muslims) segregation of sexes

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
This could apply to most orthodox religions really:

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws.

In Beit Shemesh, where the communities live in close proximity, there have been regular protests by ultra-Orthodox men outside a religious girls school against what they say is the immodest dress of the children.

Anger spilled over after a documentary was broadcast on national TV in which one of the girls, eight-year-Naama Margolese, said she was afraid to walk to school in the town because ultra-Orthodox men shouted at her.
This could apply to most orthodox religions really:

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws.

In Beit Shemesh, where the communities live in close proximity, there have been regular protests by ultra-Orthodox men outside a religious girls school against what they say is the immodest dress of the children.

Anger spilled over after a documentary was broadcast on national TV in which one of the girls, eight-year-Naama Margolese, said she was afraid to walk to school in the town because ultra-Orthodox men shouted at her.

Israel is the only country in the shitty arab middle east with gender equality
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This could apply to most orthodox religions really:

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws.

In Beit Shemesh, where the communities live in close proximity, there have been regular protests by ultra-Orthodox men outside a religious girls school against what they say is the immodest dress of the children.

Anger spilled over after a documentary was broadcast on national TV in which one of the girls, eight-year-Naama Margolese, said she was afraid to walk to school in the town because ultra-Orthodox men shouted at her.

Religious right has taken over country and there are steady changes in society.
With the forum-Jew you can't discuss such things as they see it as a general attack on Israel and will derail such threads.
They now even have their religious Police just like in Iran.
New religious recruits to try and change Israel Police 'from within' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pity what the so-called "outpost of Western world" is becoming.
This could apply to most orthodox religions really:

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws.

In Beit Shemesh, where the communities live in close proximity, there have been regular protests by ultra-Orthodox men outside a religious girls school against what they say is the immodest dress of the children.

Anger spilled over after a documentary was broadcast on national TV in which one of the girls, eight-year-Naama Margolese, said she was afraid to walk to school in the town because ultra-Orthodox men shouted at her.

Israel is the only country in the shitty arab middle east with gender equality

I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."
Religious fanatics are a menace to thinking peopleworldwide, regardless of what branch of religious insanity they're subscribing to.

A pox on ALL their houses.

The religious fanatics whose wisdom forms the Judeo-Christian ethic of America and the Western World.

Founding Father US President John Adams :clap2:
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization
This could apply to most orthodox religions really:

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism

Israel is the only country in the shitty arab middle east with gender equality

I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."

I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

Israel is the only country in the shitty arab middle east with gender equality

I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."

I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

when did they move israel to newark, you lying sack of shiite?

I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."

I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

when did they move israel to newark, you lying sack of shiite?


[ame=]Anger Management Techniques - YouTube[/ame]
I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

when did they move israel to newark, you lying sack of shiite?


[ame=]Anger Management Techniques - YouTube[/ame]

good answer
BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
On Monday, one police officer was slightly hurt and a number of Orthodox Jews were detained after a group of some 300 ultra-Orthodox residents pelted police with stones and eggs in an incident reportedly triggered after police tried to remove a sign ordering segregation.

Such clashes have become more frequent in Israel in recent years as the authorities have challenged efforts by ultra-Orthodox Jews to segregate women in public places.
Women are not treated like second class citizens by the orthodox, just because they want them separate in worship and learning ect.. Doesn’t mean they are any less than a man. Not like the muslim scum who treat their women like animals. In Judaism women are more important than the men, because it is through them that the Jewish people survive. Men cannot have Jewish babies without Jewish women
BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism
On Monday, one police officer was slightly hurt and a number of Orthodox Jews were detained after a group of some 300 ultra-Orthodox residents pelted police with stones and eggs in an incident reportedly triggered after police tried to remove a sign ordering segregation.

Such clashes have become more frequent in Israel in recent years as the authorities have challenged efforts by ultra-Orthodox Jews to segregate women in public places.

BBC :lol: :clap2:

thanks for the laugh, goofball. You were supposed to answer my question in the other thread but you ran away like a little pussy
I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."

I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

when did they move israel to newark, you lying sack of shiite?


Must your self-hatred and envy of the top 1 percent be so transparent? After all, I only wish you on the bottom 99 percent many years of reading posts for no pay on message boards with 5 people.

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I think you missed the point: "Tensions have been growing in recent years between Israel's secular Jews and members of the ultra-orthodox Jews who seek an strict interpretation of religious laws."

I reside in Israel. The report is inaccurate and overblown.

If Dot Com Bomb focused more on his fucked up life and less on Israel, he wouldn't be such a hot mess.

Maybe, a New Year's resolution, Dot Bomb?

when did they move israel to newark, you lying sack of shiite?

Noowahk Jew Joizzey, a suburb of Tel Aviv, IsNtReal
Bike lanes are sinful too
Last year the religious group complained to the community board that many of the young, female cyclists who rode through the neighborhood were "hotties," who "ride in shorts and skirts," both of which are against their dress code.

According to the New York Post, "a source close to Mayor Bloomberg said removing the lanes was an effort to appease the Hasidic community just before last month's election."
Hipsters, Hasidic Jews Fight Over Bike Lanes In Williamsburg

Why did the Orthodox Jewish woman cross the road? Because a Yiddish sign ordered her.

A bold new religious decree was bolted to street trees this week that orders women to move to the side when a man is walking towards her on the sidewalk.

The red, yellow and white plastic sign, first noted in the Jewish watchdog blog Failed Messiah, is roughly translated, “Precious Jewish daughters, please move over to the side when you see a man come across.”
Walk this way! Yiddish sign orders women to move over • The Brooklyn Paper

Rabbis to Williamsburg women: Don’t wear that tank top!
Williamsburg has a new voice for women’s fashion — Hasidic rabbis.

A spate of Yiddish posters calling on Orthodox Jewish women to avoid wearing “tank tops,” T-shirts and “clingy dresses” were papered all over South Williamsburg this week as temperatures climbed into the 90s.

And the women are heeding the admonishion.
Shop n Go

“It could be 105 degrees out — you’ll never see any of my body,” said a Williamsburg woman, Sara Stern. “Our way of life is beautiful — very discreet.”
Rabbis to Williamsburg women: Don’t wear that tank top! • The Brooklyn Paper
Muslim Cleric: How To Keep Your Disobedient Muslima In Line :clap2:

[ame=]Palestinian cleric: How to gently beat your wife - YouTube[/ame]

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