Jewish Hasidic sect in Stamford Hill 'bans' women from driving


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The leaders of an Orthodox Jewish sect in north London have reportedly declared that women should not be allowed to drive in a letter sent out to the community.

Rabbis from the Belz Hasidic sect in Stamford Hill have said women driving cars contravenes “the traditional rules of modesty in our camp” and the conventions of hasidic institutions, according to a report by the Jewish Chronicle.

The letter, which was signed by Belz educational leaders and endorsed by rabbis, also said women could be banned from their schools if their mothers drove them from August onwards.

Jewish Hasidic sect in Stamford Hill bans women from driving - Home News - UK - The Independent
The point being that people go off on strange tangents as a result of over-indulgence in psycho-religious cogitation?
Dina Brawer, UK Ambassador of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, said that “the instinct behind such a draconian ban is one of power and control, of men over women. In this sense it is no different from the driving ban on women in Saudi Arabia. That it masquerades as a halachic imperative is shameful and disturbing.”

Stamford Hill sect bans women drivers The Jewish Chronicle
Men seem to need control, and since they need women even more, they need to control them most.
It is sometimes called "deep-seated insecurity", stemming from self-doubt..
Dina Brawer, UK Ambassador of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, said that “the instinct behind such a draconian ban is one of power and control, of men over women. In this sense it is no different from the driving ban on women in Saudi Arabia. That it masquerades as a halachic imperative is shameful and disturbing.”

Stamford Hill sect bans women drivers The Jewish Chronicle

The only difference between this and similar Islamic bans is that Orthodox Judaism doesn't seek converts or to expand itself.

Also, I doubt they will stone or behead any transgressors. They will shame and shun them, a dick move to be sure, but not kill them.
1) I went to the source of the article quoted by the link
Stamford Hill sect bans women drivers The Jewish Chronicle

Guess what? No letter. I would like to see the actual letter and the translation.

All we have is "according to the letter blah blah blah."

If you want to be taken seriously show the source

2) There is no central command in Judaism so some sect may say almost anything. None of them wish to take over the world by armed force.

3) I go a small Chassidic Chabad synagogue.

Guess what.? There are numerous professional women. At least 4 women are divorce attorneys. Then we have another five or so that do other attorney work.

We also have a female anestheoligists. We also have some teacher and professors at major universities here.

Of course, none of them drive to work:eusa_think:.
I can understand why they want to ban women drivers. It allows them a taste of freedom.

Soon, the women are going to throw those men away for a sex toy and a box of chocolates, and the who is going to help the men?

Not the feminist--I tell! Not those damn feminist.
It would be very inconvenient to husbands of women who aren't allowed to drive.

Women do most of the driving in a family, taking their kids to school, extra-curricular activities, sports, grocery shopping, etc.

Men typically just drive to and from work.

Expect pushback.

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