
It's not there, and surprisingly enough, it's not in the Quran either.


are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?
Not the subject at all. Having problems keeping up again?

Our resident looney tunes Sherri claimed that at the time, Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. We simply asked her if that is the case where does it say so in the Bible?it being a historic document as well. Considering that Jesus and his followers refer to themselves as Jews living In the land of Israel aka Judeah dozens of times. Can she show us a single instance of this mythical land and people called Palestinians in the Bible? Apparently not. She referred us to maps, which never came with the Bible, she referred us to Heroditus, who was talking about Philistia. But no Palestine in the Bible.

Unless you want to pick up the baton and save a fellow Nazi from this embarrassment. Come on Squeal, be a gentleman.

Again I ask, where is Palestine mentioned in the Bible.
The United Snakes of Amurrika aint in any old scripture either

so that means it aint got no right to exist

an adolescent nation of gun totin cowboys behavin like they rule the world

worse even than the british........but that word british is at least 2,500 years old and refers to the celtic tribes of what is now Wales, Cornwall and the French province of Brittany, not the abomination of so called GREAT BRITAIN who were even worse thieves than Israel...stole half the bloody planet including India and Balestine and tore both in half in successive years of lousy cowardice causing millions of innocents to die in both countries and the 2 worst trouble spots in the world today..

So happy the lousy cowboys of USA have had their day and its now India and China that will call the shots

Two cultured ancient civilisations behaving far more intelligently than stoppid yanx or brits............we hope............

CIVILIZATIONS rise and they fall. AND we are all Creations of God, to think that only human beings from a specific place or time matter dishonors our Creator!
Isn't that the reason for all the Jihads and Crusades over time, you freaking idiot?

Do I have to tell you that ALL FAITHS think of those who believe in their version of Hod and religion, as "those who matter". EVEN ATHEISTS.

Wow, are you dense or what?
The United Snakes of Amurrika aint in any old scripture either

so that means it aint got no right to exist

an adolescent nation of gun totin cowboys behavin like they rule the world

worse even than the british........but that word british is at least 2,500 years old and refers to the celtic tribes of what is now Wales, Cornwall and the French province of Brittany, not the abomination of so called GREAT BRITAIN who were even worse thieves than Israel...stole half the bloody planet including India and Balestine and tore both in half in successive years of lousy cowardice causing millions of innocents to die in both countries and the 2 worst trouble spots in the world today..

So happy the lousy cowboys of USA have had their day and its now India and China that will call the shots

Two cultured ancient civilisations behaving far more intelligently than stoppid yanx or brits............we hope............

CIVILIZATIONS rise and they fall. AND we are all Creations of God, to think that only human beings from a specific place or time matter dishonors our Creator!
Still nothin'? Now you're philosophizing to divert attention from your stupidity and ignorance. Ha ha ha.
The United Snakes of Amurrika aint in any old scripture either

so that means it aint got no right to exist

an adolescent nation of gun totin cowboys behavin like they rule the world

worse even than the british........but that word british is at least 2,500 years old and refers to the celtic tribes of what is now Wales, Cornwall and the French province of Brittany, not the abomination of so called GREAT BRITAIN who were even worse thieves than Israel...stole half the bloody planet including India and Balestine and tore both in half in successive years of lousy cowardice causing millions of innocents to die in both countries and the 2 worst trouble spots in the world today..

So happy the lousy cowboys of USA have had their day and its now India and China that will call the shots

Two cultured ancient civilisations behaving far more intelligently than stoppid yanx or brits............we hope............

CIVILIZATIONS rise and they fall. AND we are all Creations of God, to think that only human beings from a specific place or time matter dishonors our Creator!
Still nothin'? Now you're philosophizing to divert attention from your stupidity and ignorance. Ha ha ha.

What sherri is telling us is that while arabia is important to muslims ---and Israel
is important to jews----she recognizes the fact that neither "jerusalem" or
"bethlehem" of any "shrines" or places have any importance to her
brand of "christians"
It's not there, and surprisingly enough, it's not in the Quran either.


are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?
Not the subject at all. Having problems keeping up again?

Our resident looney tunes Sherri claimed that at the time, Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. We simply asked her if that is the case where does it say so in the Bible?it being a historic document as well. Considering that Jesus and his followers refer to themselves as Jews living In the land of Israel aka Judeah dozens of times. Can she show us a single instance of this mythical land and people called Palestinians in the Bible? Apparently not. She referred us to maps, which never came with the Bible, she referred us to Heroditus, who was talking about Philistia. But no Palestine in the Bible.

Unless you want to pick up the baton and save a fellow Nazi from this embarrassment. Come on Squeal, be a gentleman.

Again I ask, where is Palestine mentioned in the Bible.

Sherri can't even bring it to herself to admit that Palestine isn't mentioned in the bible hahaha
The United Snakes of Amurrika aint in any old scripture either

so that means it aint got no right to exist

an adolescent nation of gun totin cowboys behavin like they rule the world

worse even than the british........but that word british is at least 2,500 years old and refers to the celtic tribes of what is now Wales, Cornwall and the French province of Brittany, not the abomination of so called GREAT BRITAIN who were even worse thieves than Israel...stole half the bloody planet including India and Balestine and tore both in half in successive years of lousy cowardice causing millions of innocents to die in both countries and the 2 worst trouble spots in the world today..

So happy the lousy cowboys of USA have had their day and its now India and China that will call the shots

Two cultured ancient civilisations behaving far more intelligently than stoppid yanx or brits............we hope............
It looks like the Meshugeneh Kvetching Yenta doesn't like the U.S. Meanwhile, why doesn't the Yenta tell us how the Hindu spouse feels about Pakistan not existing even a hundred years ago. As for the British Isles, it looks like a goner. As one Paki Brit claimed in another forum the Muslims were going to take it over by virtue of their having more babies. Are you making plans for when this happens, Yenta? Better keep out of those no-go areas if you don't want to run into trouble, Kvetch.
HERODOTUS REALLY DID LIVE. I cannot believe posters question that too!

I must have missed it ----who denied the historic existence of
the GREEK --ethnocentric historian HERODOTUS?
He lived sometime around an important era for jews----
the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY-----the entire area which
he called "PALESTINE" was in turmoil----Egyptians ,,
Fighting Assyrians ----and ---Mesopotamians and
---Greeks who had gone into Syria and "phonecians"---
At that time Gaza was used by the Egyptians as a kind of
strategic fortress from which to wage war. -----Israel/
judea was in complete disarray----its most scholarly class
having been exiled to BABLYLON ------remember sherri---
oh---excuse me---I forgot----you never read the bible
That reminds me of a great song that Frau Sherri can sing along to when she is not busy running around the Internet to bash Israel.
[ame=]Boney M : Rivers of Babylon - YouTube[/ame]
The United Snakes of Amurrika aint in any old scripture either

so that means it aint got no right to exist

an adolescent nation of gun totin cowboys behavin like they rule the world

worse even than the british........but that word british is at least 2,500 years old and refers to the celtic tribes of what is now Wales, Cornwall and the French province of Brittany, not the abomination of so called GREAT BRITAIN who were even worse thieves than Israel...stole half the bloody planet including India and Balestine and tore both in half in successive years of lousy cowardice causing millions of innocents to die in both countries and the 2 worst trouble spots in the world today..

So happy the lousy cowboys of USA have had their day and its now India and China that will call the shots

Two cultured ancient civilisations behaving far more intelligently than stoppid yanx or brits............we hope............

CIVILIZATIONS rise and they fall. AND we are all Creations of God, to think that only human beings from a specific place or time matter dishonors our Creator!
Why, Frau Sherri, many of your Muslim friends want the entire world to be Islamic. Isn't that calling their religion "chosen" over all others? In fact, there is are several Imams calling for a Caliphate these days. Do you have your burqa washed and pressed so you will be ready for this?
are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?
Not the subject at all. Having problems keeping up again?

Our resident looney tunes Sherri claimed that at the time, Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. We simply asked her if that is the case where does it say so in the Bible?it being a historic document as well. Considering that Jesus and his followers refer to themselves as Jews living In the land of Israel aka Judeah dozens of times. Can she show us a single instance of this mythical land and people called Palestinians in the Bible? Apparently not. She referred us to maps, which never came with the Bible, she referred us to Heroditus, who was talking about Philistia. But no Palestine in the Bible.

Unless you want to pick up the baton and save a fellow Nazi from this embarrassment. Come on Squeal, be a gentleman.

Again I ask, where is Palestine mentioned in the Bible.

Sherri can't even bring it to herself to admit that Palestine isn't mentioned in the bible hahaha

WILL you ever be cured of your ignorance? HERODOTUS WAS A HISTORIAN WHO SPOKE OF The LAND OF PALESTINE 400 YEARS BEFORE JESUS LIVED THERE! History is real! GET over your Satan worship and turn to Jesus and truth before it is too late! WE all see how very much Jesus loved the ancestors of the Palestinians in His story of the Samaritan woman at the well!
are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?
Not the subject at all. Having problems keeping up again?

Our resident looney tunes Sherri claimed that at the time, Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. We simply asked her if that is the case where does it say so in the Bible?it being a historic document as well. Considering that Jesus and his followers refer to themselves as Jews living In the land of Israel aka Judeah dozens of times. Can she show us a single instance of this mythical land and people called Palestinians in the Bible? Apparently not. She referred us to maps, which never came with the Bible, she referred us to Heroditus, who was talking about Philistia. But no Palestine in the Bible.

Unless you want to pick up the baton and save a fellow Nazi from this embarrassment. Come on Squeal, be a gentleman.

Again I ask, where is Palestine mentioned in the Bible.

Sherri can't even bring it to herself to admit that Palestine isn't mentioned in the bible hahaha

I CAN open up every Bible I have with maps in it and look at the map of Palestine when Christ lived. SO easy to find Palestine in my Bible and be reminded how Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. AND to think Christians all over our world and in Palestine too can do the same every day of their lives is awesome to think about. JESUS JESUS JESUS There is just something about that word! YES He Is the truth and the life and the way and the only way to the Father! AND He lived in Palestine!
It's not there, and surprisingly enough, it's not in the Quran either.


are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?

I don't think so. But that's not the issue, anyway, the issue was me pointing out that Sherri said something she couldn't possibly back up....:eusa_whistle:
It's not there, and surprisingly enough, it's not in the Quran either.


are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?

I don't think so. But that's not the issue, anyway, the issue was me pointing out that Sherri said something she couldn't possibly back up....:eusa_whistle:

THE issue is Jesus, that is the title of the thread. I AM at this point at a loss about what statement of mine you are claiming I cannot back up. THE King James version of the Christian Bible is a major Christian Bible, and the published editions of it I see all around me are filled with maps showing Palestine when Christ lived there. AND we all know Herodotus is known as the Father Of Historians and he wrote about Palestine 400 years before Jesus was born.THE fact is he was not alone in writing about the land of Palestine, so did Aristotle and Plutarch and Josephus. JESUS obviosly lived in a land known as Palestine! WHY must you deny this? DOES denying the rights of Palestinians to exist and denying their History really add to the Humanity or right to exist of Israelis?
Last edited:
yes the issue is jesus.

The issue was saying jesus was a palestinian, even though he never called the place he lives in "palestine".

You just make things up on the spot!

herodulotus is real. Aristotle is real, plutarch is real, josephus is real, jesus is real, the christian bible is real, 2000 years of christianity is real, 2400 years of history that record a land kniwn as palestine are real!
Palestine is a Hebrew word, and it describe the Philisitine people.

The Palestinians are NOT Philistines!

The Philistines were red-heads, milk-skinned, and Europeans.

The 'Palestinians' are DARK, BROWN-SKINNED and ARABS.

No matter how they call themselves, they have no connection with the people on which in their names this land was called.

Before it, the land was known as ZION. the name ZION *does* appear in the Bible.

Which makes Jesus a Zionist Jew!
yes the issue is jesus.

The issue was saying jesus was a palestinian, even though he never called the place he lives in "palestine".

You just make things up on the spot!

herodulotus is real. Aristotle is real, plutarch is real, josephus is real, jesus is real, the christian bible is real, 2000 years of christianity is real, 2400 years of history that record a land kniwn as palestine are real!

Herodotus is a real Greek historian of about 500 BC ---in his writings he refers to a large portion of today's middle east as "palestine"-----because some greek like people---
the Philistines----lived in a small part of that large area ----called "philistines" Greeks
were very ETHNOCENTRIC ---and---the word "BARBARIAN" actually originally means
anyone who does not speak greek In Plato's writings ---he makes clear that
NON-GREEKS are useful only as slaves or "LIVING TOOLS" Aristotle is also
real----a greek---dependent on greek rulers---and greek societies-----he saw
SOCRATES executed for failing to be SUFFICIENTLY greek nationalist---so he used
GREEK TERMINOLOGY ----too. Plutarch was a writing of the second century AD---
he wrote after ROME sacked Jerusalem and used roman terminology-----Rome ---
changed the names of many cities and places to conform with ROMAN IDEOLOGY
Rome was not particularly original and APED GREEK culture and terminology

During the lifetime of Plutarch----which follows the time that to sherri's delight--
Romans undertook a program of genocide aganst jews and CRUCIFIED TENS
OF THOUSANDS OF JEWS -----the romans called Israel/Judea "palestina"---
they also called Jerusalem AELIA CAPITALINA and Shechem --NEOPOLIS---
and ---renamed a few other places

Josephus Flavius was a jew ----who realized that Israel/Judea has no chance
against rome----so capituated to that rule ----but he wrote a history----that----
interstingly enough----lots of christians DESPISE-----because he made an issue
of the most noble people of the time THE PHARISEEEES

In his many volumes he did not actually mention Jesus of nazareth----so---since
the books were in the posession of people like sherri-----there is a small insert---
a few lines-----something like 25 words about a "holy man who did cures"
named "jesus"------it is actually a fraud. His books were originally written in
HEBRAIZED ARAMAIC----but later translated to LATIN in which the term
PALISTINA is uses since PALESTINA was the then used word for "ISRAEL/JUDEA"
in Latin

Sherri is a sick woman
are you sure that being mentioned in the bible and quran is a prerequisite for being recognised as a state?

I don't think so. But that's not the issue, anyway, the issue was me pointing out that Sherri said something she couldn't possibly back up....:eusa_whistle:

THE issue is Jesus, that is the title of the thread. I AM at this point at a loss about what statement of mine you are claiming I cannot back up. THE King James version of the Christian Bible is a major Christian Bible, and the published editions of it I see all around me are filled with maps showing Palestine when Christ lived there. AND we all know Herodotus is known as the Father Of Historians and he wrote about Palestine 400 years before Jesus was born.THE fact is he was not alone in writing about the land of Palestine, so did Aristotle and Plutarch and Josephus. JESUS obviosly lived in a land known as Palestine! WHY must you deny this? DOES denying the rights of Palestinians to exist and denying their History really add to the Humanity or right to exist of Israelis?

Herodotus---a GREEK HISTORIAN-- who defined persons like sherri as "BARABARIANS"
because they did not know how to speak greek ----and useful only as slaves ---or "LIVING
TOOLS" did allude to a fairly large part of the middle east area as "PALESTINE"---
because there were some GREEK LIKE PEOPLE living there for awhile.

According to SHERRI Cortez and Isabella DEFINED the culture of the
AZTECS----. In fact they thought they did and since they were very sherri like---
they thought they had a right to steal both their gold and their children and wipe
them out in the name of ALLAH, ISA, AND THE RAPIST DOG

Poor Jesus ----sherri continues to insist that he was a piece of imperialist
nazi shit---genocidal like her kith and kin
yes the issue is jesus.

The issue was saying jesus was a palestinian, even though he never called the place he lives in "palestine".

You just make things up on the spot!

herodulotus is real. Aristotle is real, plutarch is real, josephus is real, jesus is real, the christian bible is real, 2000 years of christianity is real, 2400 years of history that record a land kniwn as palestine are real!
An amazing coincidence, Sherri!!! I happened to see every one of those guys just last week at an Elvis concert. Got pictures, autographs and a whole bunch of souvenirs.
Not the subject at all. Having problems keeping up again?

Our resident looney tunes Sherri claimed that at the time, Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. We simply asked her if that is the case where does it say so in the Bible?it being a historic document as well. Considering that Jesus and his followers refer to themselves as Jews living In the land of Israel aka Judeah dozens of times. Can she show us a single instance of this mythical land and people called Palestinians in the Bible? Apparently not. She referred us to maps, which never came with the Bible, she referred us to Heroditus, who was talking about Philistia. But no Palestine in the Bible.

Unless you want to pick up the baton and save a fellow Nazi from this embarrassment. Come on Squeal, be a gentleman.

Again I ask, where is Palestine mentioned in the Bible.

Sherri can't even bring it to herself to admit that Palestine isn't mentioned in the bible hahaha

I CAN open up every Bible I have with maps in it and look at the map of Palestine when Christ lived. SO easy to find Palestine in my Bible and be reminded how Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine. AND to think Christians all over our world and in Palestine too can do the same every day of their lives is awesome to think about. JESUS JESUS JESUS There is just something about that word! YES He Is the truth and the life and the way and the only way to the Father! AND He lived in Palestine!
Do the maps say Philistine or Palestine.
Christian antisemitism has nearly ceased to exist. Evangelical Christians see the existence of Israel as evidence that the Second Coming of Christ is imminent. This inclines them to be supportive of the Jews.

Islamic antisemitism should be taken for granted. The Muslims are intolerant of any non Muslim religion.

On the secular left we have antisemitism masquerading as anti Zionism. These people are sympathetic not because the Palestinians merit sympathy - they don't - but because they see the Palestinians as "oppressed."

On the secular right is what deserves to be called neo or proto Nazism. These people resent Jewish superiority and financial success.

In the United States secular antisemitism of the left and right is politically insignificant. It may be more of a factor in Europe.

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