Jerry ‘Loves Em’ Brown BEGS President Trump for emergency funding for Mexifornia.

WTF didn't California run their big fat mouth about how they don't need Trump or the rest of the country?

A simple trade is in order.....kali NG to the border, end of their sanctuary cities, Pelosi has to serve 2 weeks on the sidewalks feces-removal teams in San back when that's done and we'll send help....otherwise.....
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When Texas asked for help after a fire, shitstain obama told them no. Brown can ask Mexico to cough up some pesos.
It is rather schadenfreudic to see the most treasonous cocksucker in my state, Brown, begging and crawling on his belly like the whipped bitch he is. The only lifeform in this country I detest more than Jerry Brown is Obamaggot himself, so that should tell you Jerry Brown's exact location on my Shit List.
Used to be a president would simply see the problem and offer up assistance. But since Booooosh screwed the pooch in Katrina land I guess things have changed.
Luckily President Trump is all about Americans First....he won’t leave the good people of Northern California hanging.

Governor Brown Requests Presidential Emergency Declaration for Direct Federal Assistance for Carr Fire – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
I fail to see the connection between fire-fighting costs and Immigrants.

Because Brown sucked all financial resources from my state, including firefighting, to give the illegals the most comfy free ride he could. Do you live in California like me? If you're not from this CA mess, then kindly shut the fuck up. Jerry Brown recently said that American citizens are the "real freeloaders" because they oppose his illegal immigrant fellatio and fucking over EVERYONE to sustain it.
Luckily President Trump is all about Americans First....he won’t leave the good people of Northern California hanging.

Governor Brown Requests Presidential Emergency Declaration for Direct Federal Assistance for Carr Fire – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
I fail to see the connection between fire-fighting costs and Immigrants.

Because Brown sucked all financial resources from my state, including firefighting, to give the illegals the most comfy free ride he could. Do you live in California like me? If you're not from this CA mess, then kindly shut the fuck up. Jerry Brown recently said that American citizens are the "real freeloaders" because they oppose his illegal immigrant fellatio and fucking over EVERYONE to sustain it.
First, you can take your "shut the fuck up" comment and shove it up your ass sideways.

Second, according to Google CA spent almost $2 billion battling wildfires in the last 18 months or so so I don't think the state was without resources.

Third, these fires are getting worse every year due to global warming and tRump is doing everything he can to make that worse so the least he can do is kick a few bucks your way.

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