Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
I know the usual suspect Authority-Worshippers will rush to his defense, but Sessions' proposals really are draconian and Un-American. It's why i can't help but feel that Neocons do remind me of Nazis. Very dangerous Authoritarians. It's a real shame the Republican Party has allowed them to seize so much power in the Party.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a fiery speech yesterday to the National District Attorneys Association. Unfortunately his fire was all directed at our civil liberties. He wants to crack down on guns, ramp up the drug war (including more harassment of doctors), lengthen prison sentences and reduce sentencing flexibility, and expand the government theft of private property known as "asset forfeiture." Sessions' speech was pure authoritarianism from top to bottom...

Jeff Sessions Declares War On Liberty
The sad old 'War on Drugs.' Man, what a disastrous failure. It's time to end the War. If folks wanna consume drugs, so be it. It's an adult decision. The Government should stay out of it.
Trump was and is the least lunatic/corrupt of candidates running in the 2016 election, that does not mean he was overflowing with virtue.
Trump was and is the least lunatic/corrupt of candidates running in the 2016 election, that does not mean he was overflowing with virtue.

I hear ya, but it's sad seeing him buddy-up to so many Neocons (Nazis). Those folks are demonic Authoritarians. Putting more Citizens in cages and seizing their assets isn't the answer. It's the Neocon answer, but isn't the just answer. If the Republican Party continues to allow Authoritarian assholes like Sessions to have so much power, i may have to lend my support elsewhere.
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.
You fools voted for this. The cheeto didn't hide the fact that he planned to gut the constitution and take away some very basic rights. Every single time he said it, the crowds went wild with applause. Every single time it was talked about here, you morons refused to see what was and still is right in front of you.

Its just a little late to be whining about it now.

You fools voted for this. The cheeto didn't hide the fact that he planned to gut the constitution and take away some very basic rights. Every single time he said it, the crowds went wild with applause. Every single time it was talked about here, you morons refused to see what was and still is right in front of you.

Its just a little late to be whining about it now.

He ain't takin away our rights. He's taking away the blacks and latinos. Literally in some cases. LOL
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.

Well, i'm not into the Race-Baiting shite. Try again without the tired Race-Baiting rants.
Why are we still putting Citizens in cages over drug use? It's so archaic. And now Sessions wants to steal their assets too? Such insanity.
You fools voted for this. The cheeto didn't hide the fact that he planned to gut the constitution and take away some very basic rights. Every single time he said it, the crowds went wild with applause. Every single time it was talked about here, you morons refused to see what was and still is right in front of you.

Its just a little late to be whining about it now.

He ain't takin away our rights. He's taking away the blacks and latinos. Literally in some cases. LOL

he is a racist POS. Liar too. He needs to step down, better yet he needs to be behind bars himself.
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.

Well, i'm not into the Race-Baiting shite. Try again without the tired Race-Baiting rants.
ohhh, ole Jeff's got lots of racebaiting. LOL
He really should declare war on white collar crime and he can start with the Trump Admin.
The sad old 'War on Drugs.' Man, what a disastrous failure. It's time to end the War. If folks wanna consume drugs, so be it. It's an adult decision. The Government should stay out of it.

Then fuck you and your treatment, don't ask anyone else to pay for you to get off of them.
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.

Well, i'm not into the Race-Baiting shite. Try again without the tired Race-Baiting rants.

You're probably VERY upset that since he became AG more than 4000 pedophiles nationwide have been arrested too. I mean, it's their "right" to have sex with kids right?
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.

Well, i'm not into the Race-Baiting shite. Try again without the tired Race-Baiting rants.

You're probably VERY upset that since he became AG more than 4000 pedophiles nationwide have been arrested too. I mean, it's their "right" to have sex with kids right?

I doubt it. I do not believe anything this admin says. They all lie.
Jefferson Beaurgard Sessions III is a gift that keeps giving. He almost makes having Trump as potus worthwhile. We basically have a white supremacist who hates the BoR, unless it protects his property, running the DOJ. You can't say that isn't special. I mean I didn't like Holder, but ..... damn.

Well, i'm not into the Race-Baiting shite. Try again without the tired Race-Baiting rants.
ohhh, ole Jeff's got lots of racebaiting. LOL

I'm no Sessions fan, but i don't play the lame Race-Baiting game. We endured too much of that during Obama's reign.
The sad old 'War on Drugs.' Man, what a disastrous failure. It's time to end the War. If folks wanna consume drugs, so be it. It's an adult decision. The Government should stay out of it.

Then fuck you and your treatment, don't ask anyone else to pay for you to get off of them.

I'll pay for treatment. However, i don't support paying to house them in cages for decades. That's so draconian. It's time to boot the Neocons and come out of the dark ages as far as our legal system goes. No one should be shoved in a cage for consuming drugs.

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