Can Cali Dem Debra Lee tell us how obstruction voting pipelines is democratic?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
She kvetched about something unrelated to the Pipeline vote that had just took place at the house floor and called uninclusion to her proposal on defense funding
undemocratic after she just took part of an across the board obstruction vote that helps the US and it's workers and industries. Her party UNDEMOCRATIC like together decided to vote no to a vote whether they agreed or not with the vote they towed the partyline into fighting anything this gov't is trying to pass no matter what the people want or what's good for the country.
This pipeline would lower energy costs for US citizens.
Dems nay voted for every single vote.
They do this for almost all bills.
They are being paid to imitate the Monty Pythons Knights of Nee.
They have not done anything for this country the last 6-7 months.
She has some nerve talking about Democracy.

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