jeb bush's damning ways.....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Lacking any especially attractive alternative, powerful Republicans are pushing Bush to run in 2016. And he seems to be on the cusp of a decision. Besides, more than a few Democrats agree that Bush, however damaged his family brand, would be the most formidable candidate available to the GOP. They, too, whisper about him as “the only one who could beat Hillary Clinton.”

Perhaps he could, although nearly all the polling data so far suggest Clinton would trounce Bush. But it is far too early to tell — in part because Bush, a politician who has been around for more than 20 years, is so little-known to the American public. Most voters are ignorant about Bush’s record in Florida, where he was an exceptionally right-wing governor. They either don’t know or don’t remember, for example, how he signed a statute enabling him to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo, a woman in a persistent vegetative state, despite her husband’s wishes. Florida’s highest court later voided that law as unconstitutional — and the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court likewise rejected an appeal.

Five months after he left the governor’s mansion in 2007, he joined Lehman Brothers as a “consultant.” No doubt he was well-compensated, as reporters may learn if and when he releases his tax returns someday. The following year, Lehman infamously went bust — and left the state of Florida holding about $1 billion worth of bad mortgage investments. (A Bush spokeswoman said, “His role as a consultant to Lehman Brothers was in no way related to any Florida investments.”)

There are many equally fascinating chapters in the Jeb dossier, rooted in his declaration three decades ago that he intended to become “very wealthy” as a developer and, yes, a “consultant.” His partners back then included a certain Miguel Recarey, whose International Medical Centers allegedly perpetrated one of history’s biggest Medicare frauds. (Connection to Medicare fraud seems to be a prerequisite to becoming governor of Florida, at least among Republicans; see Rick Scott and the Columbia/HCA Healthcare scam.) Indicted by the feds, Recarey fled the country — but not before Jeb placed a call on his behalf to his presidential dad’s health and human services secretary, Margaret Heckler. For serving as the flunky of a crook, he received a generous tip of $75,000 from Recarey, a mob associate.

He performed a similar service, with more success, on behalf of the Cuban militant Orlando Bosch, for whom he sought a presidential pardon from his father. The boastful murderer of dozens of innocent people — and a prosecution target of the U.S. Justice Department — Bosch deserved a pardon about as much as the worst jihadi in Gitmo. But his sponsors were the same Cuban-Americans in Miami who had fostered Jeb’s real estate business there, so he ignored the Republican attorney general’s denunciation of Bosch as an “unreformed terrorist.”

Jeb Bush 8217 s damning secret history -
Well I live down here in Florida and Bush was a great Gov. I think he was even named Gov of the year at one point.

Did I like everything he did as Gov? Hell no but then nobody like everything any politician does.

I think he would be a great POTUS and a successfull one.
“Most voters are ignorant about Bush’s record in Florida, where he was an exceptionally right-wing governor. They either don’t know or don’t remember, for example, how he signed a statute enabling him to intervene in the case of Terri Schiavo, a woman in a persistent vegetative state, despite her husband’s wishes.”

Particularly reprehensible about this was how Bush and conservative republicans sought to contrive the case as part of the 'abortion debate,' shamelessly using this family's tragedy to advance a rightwing social agenda hostile to the privacy rights of women.
If Jebby and Mrs. BJ Bubba get their party's nomination, 2016 will be no different from many previous POTUS elections.

Disgusting welfare/warfare elitist/statists all round....and somehow some Americans believe the two parties are dissimilar.
Last time around, the GOP nominated a former Mormon bishop who advised a parishioner to risk death rather than have an abortion. If anything Jeb isn't fucked up enough to sufficiently gin up their voting base.
Jeb Bush sucked as a governor and, apparently, Salon isn't going to touch the half of it. They don't seem too willing to even touch what he is currently invested in.

Salon just keeps on sucking.

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