Jeb Bush for President?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Jeb Bush has long been an advocate of “comprehensive immigration reform”, which is another way of advocating granting amnesty to the millions upon millions of illegal entrants who have and are now invading our borders.

So, let us take a look at the consequences of allowing the poverty stricken, uneducated, unskilled, and disease infected populations of other countries to flood into our country, and then ask ourselves if Jeb Bush needs to take his dog and pony show to the Democrat Party where it belongs.

Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually

Dateline: December, 2004

Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

Testimony about "51 Florida Hospitals in trouble" due to illegal aliens expenses:

Texas Faces Rising Cost For Illegal Immigrant Care

Texas spent at least $250 million in the past year for medical care and imprisonment of illegal immigrants and other non-citizens.

L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants

Mike Antonovich, the Los Angeles County supervisor, said the system has been "basically bankrupted."

The Department of Health has a $1.2 billion deficit. Caring for illegals is siphoning money from other services and forcing clinics, trauma centers and emergency rooms to close, he said.

Department of Education - Immigration Fiscal Impact Statement

(In 1982 the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrant children are entitled to the same education benefits available to U.S. citizens. An estimated 1.1 million public school students are illegal immigrants, according to the Urban Institute.)

Because these students require more services than the children of natives, they will naturally receive an even larger share of educational spending. It is not unreasonable to attribute 25 percent of all pre-K to 12 spending to the 19 percent of students who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

Preventing and Controlling Tuberculosis Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

In 1999, Mexico was the country of origin for 23% (1,753) of all foreign-born persons with TB. Of TB cases among Mexican-born persons, three fourths were reported from the four U.S. states bordering Mexico: California, 820 cases; Texas, 364 cases; Arizona, 67 cases; and New Mexico, 17 cases (3). In 1999, TB cases among Mexican-born persons represented approximately 25% of all reported TB in the four border states. Incidence of TB was higher for the majority of border counties than the national TB rate.

Drug-resistant TB on the rise along US-Mexican border

According to the Centers for Disease Control and reported by McKay, to treat one case of multidrug-resistant TB will cost us (the taxpayers) $140,000 to as high as $700,000 per patient!

SEE: Arizona Superintendent: Illegals Will Bankrupt Schools;

SEE: Illegal immigrants in U.S., a financial burden on the health system

SEE: Exclusive--Report: TX Taxpayers Pay Billions for Illegal Aliens to Use State Services;

SEE: Public Schools Face Health Threat from Illegal Aliens.

TB outbreak in Colorado school!

See: Outbreak: Tuberculosis in a School

”In December of 2011, a student was discovered to have active tuberculosis while attending a high school in Longmont Colorado. Denver Metro TB Control and Boulder County Public Health staff tested students and staff who were at highest risk – those who shared more than one class with the student. Over 50% of those students were found to have evidence of exposure to the TB organism. The next cohort of students tested shared one classroom and had a 40% infection rate. Eventually, it was determined that the entire school, students and staff, needed to be tested.”

TB outbreak in Florida kept secret

See: Worst TB outbreak in 20 years kept secret

July 8, 2012

“The CDC officer had a serious warning for Florida health officials in April: A tuberculosis outbreak in Jacksonville was one of the worst his group had investigated in 20 years. Linked to 13 deaths and 99 illnesses, including six children, it would require concerted action to stop.”

June 4, 2013

See SC school employee spreads TB to children

Eight children have developed tuberculosis and 50 other people have tested positive for the disease after being exposed by an infected person at an elementary school in Greenwood County, the state’s top health officer said Tuesday

TB outbreak in Virginia High School

SEE: 430 Exposed to TB in Va. High School Outbreak

Jun 21, 2013

”Officials at the Fairfax County Health Department in Virginia are investigating a tuberculosis outbreak at a Virginia high school that has infected three people.”

TB on the rise in New York City

SEE: Tuberculosis cases in city rising for first time in decade: Health Department

Thursday, March 20, 2014, 9:25 PM

”For the first time in a decade, tuberculosis cases are on the rise in New York City, according to the Health Department.”

TB outbreak in Sacramento school

Four more students test positive for tuberculosis at Grant High

Jul. 1, 2014

”Grant Union High School is in the midst of a tuberculosis outbreak, Sacramento County health officials said Tuesday.

After previously reporting only one case of active TB, officials said four more students have tested positive for the active disease, which attacks the lungs and can be fatal. Scientists consider three related tuberculosis cases an outbreak, said Sacramento County Public Health Officer Olivia Kasirye.”

Jeb Bush, you are a disgrace to the Republican Party and should leave quietly before completely destroying your family name!


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in between, and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.
Jeb Bush has long been an advocate of “comprehensive immigration reform”, which is another way of advocating granting amnesty to the millions upon millions of illegal entrants who have and are now invading our borders.

So, let us take a look at the consequences of allowing the poverty stricken, uneducated, unskilled, and disease infected populations of other countries to flood into our country, and then ask ourselves if Jeb Bush needs to take his dog and pony show to the Democrat Party where it belongs.

Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually

Dateline: December, 2004

Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

Testimony about "51 Florida Hospitals in trouble" due to illegal aliens expenses:

Texas Faces Rising Cost For Illegal Immigrant Care

Texas spent at least $250 million in the past year for medical care and imprisonment of illegal immigrants and other non-citizens.

L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants

Mike Antonovich, the Los Angeles County supervisor, said the system has been "basically bankrupted."

The Department of Health has a $1.2 billion deficit. Caring for illegals is siphoning money from other services and forcing clinics, trauma centers and emergency rooms to close, he said.

Department of Education - Immigration Fiscal Impact Statement

(In 1982 the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrant children are entitled to the same education benefits available to U.S. citizens. An estimated 1.1 million public school students are illegal immigrants, according to the Urban Institute.)

Because these students require more services than the children of natives, they will naturally receive an even larger share of educational spending. It is not unreasonable to attribute 25 percent of all pre-K to 12 spending to the 19 percent of students who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

Preventing and Controlling Tuberculosis Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

In 1999, Mexico was the country of origin for 23% (1,753) of all foreign-born persons with TB. Of TB cases among Mexican-born persons, three fourths were reported from the four U.S. states bordering Mexico: California, 820 cases; Texas, 364 cases; Arizona, 67 cases; and New Mexico, 17 cases (3). In 1999, TB cases among Mexican-born persons represented approximately 25% of all reported TB in the four border states. Incidence of TB was higher for the majority of border counties than the national TB rate.

Drug-resistant TB on the rise along US-Mexican border

According to the Centers for Disease Control and reported by McKay, to treat one case of multidrug-resistant TB will cost us (the taxpayers) $140,000 to as high as $700,000 per patient!

SEE: Arizona Superintendent: Illegals Will Bankrupt Schools;

SEE: Illegal immigrants in U.S., a financial burden on the health system

SEE: Exclusive--Report: TX Taxpayers Pay Billions for Illegal Aliens to Use State Services;

SEE: Public Schools Face Health Threat from Illegal Aliens.

TB outbreak in Colorado school!

See: Outbreak: Tuberculosis in a School

”In December of 2011, a student was discovered to have active tuberculosis while attending a high school in Longmont Colorado. Denver Metro TB Control and Boulder County Public Health staff tested students and staff who were at highest risk – those who shared more than one class with the student. Over 50% of those students were found to have evidence of exposure to the TB organism. The next cohort of students tested shared one classroom and had a 40% infection rate. Eventually, it was determined that the entire school, students and staff, needed to be tested.”

TB outbreak in Florida kept secret

See: Worst TB outbreak in 20 years kept secret

July 8, 2012

“The CDC officer had a serious warning for Florida health officials in April: A tuberculosis outbreak in Jacksonville was one of the worst his group had investigated in 20 years. Linked to 13 deaths and 99 illnesses, including six children, it would require concerted action to stop.”

June 4, 2013

See SC school employee spreads TB to children

Eight children have developed tuberculosis and 50 other people have tested positive for the disease after being exposed by an infected person at an elementary school in Greenwood County, the state’s top health officer said Tuesday

TB outbreak in Virginia High School

SEE: 430 Exposed to TB in Va. High School Outbreak

Jun 21, 2013

”Officials at the Fairfax County Health Department in Virginia are investigating a tuberculosis outbreak at a Virginia high school that has infected three people.”

TB on the rise in New York City

SEE: Tuberculosis cases in city rising for first time in decade: Health Department

Thursday, March 20, 2014, 9:25 PM

”For the first time in a decade, tuberculosis cases are on the rise in New York City, according to the Health Department.”

TB outbreak in Sacramento school

Four more students test positive for tuberculosis at Grant High

Jul. 1, 2014

”Grant Union High School is in the midst of a tuberculosis outbreak, Sacramento County health officials said Tuesday.

After previously reporting only one case of active TB, officials said four more students have tested positive for the active disease, which attacks the lungs and can be fatal. Scientists consider three related tuberculosis cases an outbreak, said Sacramento County Public Health Officer Olivia Kasirye.”

Jeb Bush, you are a disgrace to the Republican Party and should leave quietly before completely destroying your family name!


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in between, and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.

SO...R's should run a Jindal, and lose again????
If we elect another Bush or Clinton we may as well strip the constitution of that "no nobility" clause.

How about Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton run together on the same ticket. Outside of their gender, there's no difference. Jeb is a worthless pile of shit, he should be running as a candidate for the American Communist Party, not the Republican Party.

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