Jarrett’s Comeuppance


Sep 23, 2010
For all of the things I read about Valerie Jarrett I never found one good thing said about her. Admittedly, I tend to read conservative commentary, but I never heard a liberal say anything nice about Jarrett. Among others:

One who is isn’t afraid to speak up is Steven Brill, the author of a searing new book analyzing American health care called “America’s Bitter Pill.” Brill is a liberal and still thinks that Obamacare should have been passed. But in his exhaustively researched book (he spoke with 243 people over a 27-month period), he slams “incompetence in the White House” for the catastrophic launch of Obamacare in 2013: “Never [has there] been a group of people who more incompetently launched something.” During an interview on NPR’s “Fresh Air” last week, he lay much of the blame at Jarrett’s doorstep.​

A number of presidents hung-tough with worthless advisors for whatever their reasons. Jimmy Carter hanging in there with Zbigniew Brzezinski was a monumental bonehead decision nearly on par with Valerie Jarrett, but I cannot recall a nobody so universally disliked by Jarrett, yet with so much influential she gets from her president. Perhaps that accounts for her deserving bad names:

After Obama’s inexplicable failure to note the rise of the Islamic State and to deal with problems involving veterans’ health care, I wrote last year that “Jarrett appears to exercise such extraordinary influence that in some quarters on Capitol Hill she is known as ‘Rasputin,’ a reference to the mystical monk who held sway over Russia’s Czar Nicholas as he increasingly lost touch with reality during World War I.” After my column appeared, I ran into a top aide to a Democratic senator. “You don’t know the half of it,” he told me. “[Jarrett is] not only Rasputin, she’s the Berlin Wall preventing us from even getting messages to the president.”

January 11, 2015 6:00 PM
Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s ‘Berlin Wall’
The woman insiders describe as the president’s “real chief of staff” keeps out bad news and new ideas.
By John Fund

Valerie Jarrett Obama s Berlin Wall National Review Online

To be fair, I try to reserve “Chicago sewer rat” for Taqiyya the Liar alone although the truth fits Jarrett like a glove:

With full apologies to the awesome Investors.com, who called Valerie Jarrett “Obama’s Rasputin”, Rasputin’s got nothing on Jarrett. At least the mad monk came out of the dark, front and center into the palace, whereas Jarrett gets to hide on the taxpayers’ tab in the deepest of shadows.

In the sewer of Chicago politics, the Iranian-born Jarrett has never faced a court of law as one of the city’s prime slum landladies, and likely never will. Jarrett rose to power on the backs of the poor living in her ramshackle, rat-infested rental properties.

Vote ‘President by Proxy’ Valerie Jarrett out of office on Nov. 6
Judi McLeod Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vote 8216 President by Proxy 8217 Valerie Jarrett out of office on Nov. 6

As far as bad names go, I always preferred “Jarrett the Night Stalker” because she deliberately helps America’s enemies during a war:

General blames 'Night Stalker' for military purge
Says mysterious adviser's influence on Obama now negatively affecting U.S. armed forces
Published: 11/05/2013 at 9:35 PM

General blames 8216 Night Stalker 8217 for military purge

Finally, if there is justice in this world Jarrett will get her comeuppance from Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee on Benghazi:


RUSH: There is a somewhat shocking report that I came across today at a website run by Doug Ross. It's called the Conservative Report. Doug Ross maintains here that Valerie Jarrett gave the orders to stand down in Benghazi. Valerie Jarrett, who constitutionally is not in the chain of command and cannot do that. And that's why this, if true, is a bombshell. Valerie Jarrett nixed the raid on bin Laden three separate times, remember, and the adults had to come in and basically act on the intel that they had as to where bin Laden was. It was Valerie Jarrett who put off three separate times an attack to either capture or kill bin Laden.

Did Valerie Jarrett Issue the Order to Stand Down in Benghazi?
August 06, 2013

Did Valerie Jarrett Issue the Order to Stand Down in Benghazi - The Rush Limbaugh Show
For all of the things I read about Valerie Jarrett I never found one good thing said about her.

I stand corrected. Da reverend Al adores her:

Near the end of 2007, Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett met with Al Sharpton in New York City and began to cement a relationship that would eventually make the inflammatory activist the president’s “go-to man” on race, according to multiple sources.

January 15, 2015 4:00 AM
How the Obama-Sharpton Alliance Began
Obama dispatched Valerie Jarrett in 2008 to woo the reverend.
By Jillian Kay Melchior

How the Obama-Sharpton Alliance Began National Review Online
Why the hell is Jarrett making excuses for Holder?

I will bet that both will find time to march in a parade with the da reverend Al:

Maybe Jarrett will not get her comeuppance after all. My highlights in excerpts:

Gen. Vallely told WND that he believes Gowdy “has received much pressure not to get to the truth, and we are now coming to the conclusion that there is no longer any intention in Washington, by the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican Parties, to get to the truth.”

“An honest investigation into Benghazi would prove treasonous acts at the very top of the White House and the State Department, and a continuing cover-up in Congress that now involves the Republican leadership and especially House Speaker John Boehner,” Vallely said.

Among the CCB’s most significant findings, released last April in an Interim Report, was that “the U.S. facilitated the delivery of weapons and military support to Al Qaeda-linked rebels in Libya,” and that “on the day of the attacks in Benghazi, whether or not there was an official order to stand down, the result was the same. There were military assets, for example, at the U.S. base in Sigonella, in Sicily, Italy, that could have been brought to bear, and perhaps could have saved the lives of the two men killed at the CIA Annex, the scene of the second attack that night. The failure to attempt to rescue these Americans amounts to a dereliction of duty.”

The commission has found evidence that there was a stand-down order given to the Annex Security Guards at the CIA Annex after the attack began at the Special Mission Compound, one mile away, where Ambassador Chris Stevens and information officer Sean Smith were killed.​

The following is most disheartening to me:

“Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee is proceeding at glacial speed,” said Lyons, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. “It is unclear where Gowdy is going, and the signs are not good.”

Aronoff believes that Gowdy might yet conduct a thorough investigation into Benghazi that would produce the truth, and was encouraged by closed-door meetings that were held last week between the Select Committee and both the State Department and the Justice Department. But he also expressed some concerns.

“At the time Gowdy was picked, all of us were ecstatic,” Aronoff said. “Gowdy was the one guy that, if we were asked, the Citizens’ Commission would have said was the right guy.”

He said that after the first meeting of the House Select Committee, Gowdy was saying the right things, suggesting he would hold a public hearing within a month.

“Whether there was some sort of a deal cut at the beginning of Gowdy heading the select committee we don’t know,” he said.

“We’ve been publicly hesitant to criticize Gowdy, because we’re still hopeful he’s going to be the right guy,” Aronoff emphasized. “We’re trying now to pressure them from the sidelines, and we don’t want to come out blasting Gowdy, saying that the ‘fix is in.’ We still feel the select committee is there, and we want to give Gowdy the benefit of the doubt to see what he does.”

Admirals, generals, intel: Benghazi inquest compromised
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 01/18/2015 @ 8:26 pm In Front Page,Politics,U.S.,World

Admirals generals intel Benghazi inquest compromised
Last edited:
Retired U.S. Navy Adm. James “Ace” Lyons, a founding member of the citizens’ commission – which WND reported has been conducting its own investigation for the past year and a half to ensure Congress uncovers the truth – said the “idea that government agency stonewalling continuing now for over two years is the reason Gowdy’s committee can’t make progress is pure nonsense.”

Lyons, a former four-star admiral who served as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said he was speaking for himself, not on behalf of the commission.

“Let’s say it clearly,” he told WND. “This is a continued cover-up. You have to take the wraps off and you have to go for the jugular. Is Gowdy so incapable and ineffective that he can’t boss these agency heads to comply with Congress’ mandate? Is he that ineffective?”

The 17-member Citizens Commission on Benghazi, or CCB, includes former military commanders and Special Forces operatives, former CIA and intelligence officers, as well as well-known experts in international terrorism and in media and government affairs.

Admiral: Benghazi panel's excuse 'nonsense'
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 01/22/2015 @ 10:15 pm

Admiral Benghazi panel 8217 s excuse 8216 nonsense 8217

I’m going to hang in there with Trey Gowdy for a while longer. I have to admit that it is getting dicey when honorable military men et al. are expressing doubts about Gowdy and his Special Select Committee. The fact that John Boehner was dragged kicking and screaming into appointing the Select Committee on Benghazi does not bode well for truth. Every routine committee hearing where Gowdy distinguished himself in the past amounts to nothing when compared to learning who ordered the military to stand down when Americans were under attack.

NOTE: The public has since learned that the mysterious ‘Bob’ gave the order to stand down on the ground in Benghazi. It is absurd to think that ‘Bob’ took it upon himself. Move the cursor to 4:00:

Should Gowdy refuse to zero in on the person in the White House who told ‘Bob’ to stand down the entire travesty will turnout to be another example of how protecting traitors in the White House works.

I’m going to hang in there with Trey Gowdy for a while longer.

Listen to the video in the article. Rep. Gohmert says good things about Trey Gowdy.

The Benghazi coverup is turning vicious on General Petraeus. I expect that Gowdy will have to be discredited before the public learns who gave the order to stand down. I’ll bet that Petreaus knows:

The Obama administration has been using General David Petraeus’ legal predicament over an extramarital affair to keep him “on a leash” and prevent him from him from providing “devastating testimony” on Benghazi, charges Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.


During remarks on the House floor earlier this month, Gohmert implied the administration was using the case to silence Petraeus on Benghazi.

“This administration knows that General Petraeus has information that would virtually destroy any credibility that the administration might still have nationally and internationally,” Gohmert said. “So what else would this administration do but leave over his head for over a year and a half the threat, ‘We’re going to prosecute you, so you’d better keep your mouth shut’?”

Obama 'intimidating Benghazi witness into silence'
Posted By Drew Zahn On 01/25/2015 @ 7:13 pm

Obama 8216 intimidating Benghazi witness into silence 8217
The Washington Post did not drop a third rate burglary. I am praying that at least a few networks refuse to drop the stand down order which is much more serious than was Watergate:

Representative Linda Sanchez (D-CA) claimed that the Select Committee was on a wild goose chase for a nonexistent “unicorn” and “nefarious conspiracy,” and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) falsely called the stand down order a “myth.”


. . . the inadequate military response that night.

“I don’t know if the decision came from the White House or from Hillary Clinton at the State Department,” Retired Rear Admiral Chuck Kubic told Corsi about those failed truce talks. However, Admiral Kubic said, “…the advice for me from AFRICOM was to basically just leave everything alone, to simply stand down.”

Benghazi Hearings Provide a Glimmer of Hope
By Roger Aronoff February 3, 2015

Benghazi Hearings Provide a Glimmer of Hope
Comeuppance for Jarrett is doubtful:


Surely the biggest news isn’t that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has files obtained by Judicial Watch revealing that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government—but that the FBI is sitting on those files doing diddle-y-squat about them.

The Hammer and Sickle that hangs over the White House
By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives June 24, 2015

The Hammer and Sickle that hangs over the White House

Now that the Confederate flag is in the news, agent 006 & 7/8ths reported that Jarrett is pushing to fly these two flags higher than the American flag before they move out:



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