Japan sheds pacifist constitution


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Japan amended its pacifist constitution to grant more teeth to its armed forces to defend itself from Chinese aggression.


BEIJING: Japan on Tuesday amended its pacifist constitution giving more powers to the military, causing serious worries in China and South Korea. Japan's military had remained shackled to a self-defensive role since the Americans drafted the island nation's constitution after World War II.

The new decision by the Shinzo Abe cabinet is expected to escalate Japan-China dispute over Diaoyu Islands in East China Sea. "Japan might now even step up its efforts to support Vietnam and Philippines, which too are engaged in territorial disputes with China," a source said.

The Cabinet decision permits the Abe government to authorize greater military engagement in times of national threats, and even when a country friendly to Japan faces territorial risks. Japan has cited its dispute with China over Diaoyu Islands as the reason for amending the constitution.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei reacted to Tokyo's move saying, "China opposes the Japanese fabricating the China threat to promote its domestic political agenda.

"We demand that Japan respect the reasonable security concerns of its Asian neighbors and prudently handle the relevant matter," Hong said. "Japan must respect its neighbors' security concerns, not harm the national sovereignty and security interests of China and not undermine regional peace and stability."


Japan sheds pacifist constitution, gives military more powers - The Times of India
I don't blame them really for getting upset. Japan has been kickin' Chinese and Korean ass for probably thousands of years. That and I guess China thought it was gonna' be easy taking over whole the Pacific.

The US will give them nukes too. Sorry ChiComms! So sorry! Gomen ne!
That's major news. Reminded of the line from "Red Dawn" where sitting around the campfire the kids ask the Air Force Colonel how this war began and why. His response was like, "I dunno. Maybe they all just forgot what it was like."

Hopefully Japan remembers what WWII was like, especially that bit at the end.
That's major news. Reminded of the line from "Red Dawn" where sitting around the campfire the kids ask the Air Force Colonel how this war began and why. His response was like, "I dunno. Maybe they all just forgot what it was like."

Hopefully Japan remembers what WWII was like, especially that bit at the end.
I've lived in Japan both as Military and Civilian and I can tell ya' the Japanese have hated the Koreans and Chinese for thousands of years. Me: "Hey I noticed that you have have those Korean high cheek bones. You have any Koreans in your ancestry?" Horrified Japanese Person: "Oh no! I'm a 100% Japanese!" Shit, the Japanese don't wanna' even talk about Fukushima either but that's for another thread.

What makes this situation even worse is that the Japanese are not having babies so their population is shrinking and putting an even greater burden on those that work and pay taxes for the social welfare state. The Prime Minister is committing a modern version of Harikari with Yen debasement and devaluation.

So even if Japan rushes headlong into war they don't have enough people really to administer it. At least I don't think so. (By the way both of my sons are dual citizen American/Japanese and they live over there.)

So what's the only solution? What may be the ONLY way to defend the Japanese Islands? Nukes. And unlike N. Korea, Japans nukes WILL be VERY powerful and accurate!

Talking about Red Dawn, everyone assumed that the US nuked all those Chinese but hey, the script can be re-written at any time right?

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