Japan police arrest 73-yr-old man who kept his disabled son in a coffin-sized wooden cage for 20yrs

This type of thing happens quite a bit there. .....

That is not true.
Oh...it's incredibly true.....

No it's not. That's why this story is such a shocking national scandal.
Yet...it highlights common cultural opinions. They are not looked upon favorably. That is why many are sent away. Honestly, no troll, I lived in Japan (Okinawa & Tokyo) for just under 7 years and I recall seeing very few crippled or retarded children or adults. However, It's not like you go to Shinjuku and say; "You know what is missing here?...Retards, I never see any retards".
Meh...their business.

Sounds like YOU are the one with the shitty attitude toward those with challenges, and it sounds like you didn't go near any of the many schools and residential treatment centers for the handicapped. A lot of people have shit attitudes like yours in every country.

You generally support the right wing here. Now you know why it's a bad idea. You need look no further than Trump mocking a handicapped reporter and the crowd cheering to know how debased these people are.


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