Jan. 6 Convict Tells the Truth About Trump: He’s a Cult Boss

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

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One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

sounds coerced to me,,,
Of course, it does. You're in a cult.
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me
I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,

sounds more like youre the one in a cult,, disagree with me and your a trump voter,, blah blah blah,,

figures someone that did something stupid would try and blame it on someone else,, and since we know the government will dress up dozens of agents in patriot gear and put them out as a roose to condemn trump voters that they would tell an old lady with cancer we will let you go if you say this about trump,,

FFS they put an old lady with cancer in prison for walking in a building/trespassing,, so nothing surprises me

It's TDS
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.


He says it. That’s enough to make it true?
and no longer believes in the Big Lie.
Whatever the hell that is. Don't we have like 100 Big Lies going on now between the GOP, Democrats, Obumma, Clinton, Schiff, the DOJ, the FBI and Garland now???

Slowly, the wheels are coming off.
I've seen Bonzi trees grow taster. The "wheels have been coming off" ever since about 2016, according to the Democrat Hopeful. So far, Joe Biden is the result.
Whatever the hell that is. Don't we have like 100 Big Lies going on now between the GOP, Democrats, Obumma, Clinton, Schiff, the DOJ, the FBI and Garland now???

I've seen Bonzi trees grow taster. The "wheels have been coming off" ever since about 2016, according to the Democrat Hopeful. So far, Joe Biden is the result.

Now now democrat cultists will never admit to the lies their leaders spew. The directive is scream Orange Man bad!
One of Trump's faithful who spent time in prison for her role in the January 6th insurrection has finally taken the wool off her eyes and seen the truth. She pushed back at Trump using her as an example in one of his speeches. She has taken responsibility for her actions and the price she has to pay and no longer believes in the Big Lie. Slowly, the wheels are coming off.

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.”

She says she still had 40 stitches from her breast surgery when she was caught up in the rush into the Capitol building. She credits one of the cops with saving her from serious injury. A combination of excitement and pain medication caused her to then urge the crowd to go on in, she says

“This is your house. Your house!” she can be heard saying on her own video.

This should be in Conspiracy theories.
Now now democrat cultists will never admit to the lies their leaders spew. The directive is scream Orange Man bad!

It is all part of how the cult of communist-globalists control the minds of their followers. If Biden starts WWIII, milk reaches $9.00/gallon and there is massive economic and energy breakdowns, it is all about getting and maintaining fascist power and control at any cost.
wow, talk about a delusional thread. 69 year old grandma with cancer turns on trump, after Biden locks her up for 2 years

I would think you would read your link, and not the headline, let me help you by quoting from your link

69-year-old Grandma with Cancer given more prison time for walking inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden

Now this is the face of the marxist democRat party, they lock up a 69 year old grandma, deny her proper medical attention for her cancer, get her to confess that she was trying to over throw the government.

I had no idea the Democrats were, sweating, old ladies with cancer. I had no idea that the democrats are afraid grandmas are going to overthrow their government.

Think that, now that is admitting you are guilty as hell, this is proof the Democrats lie, that they are fascists, that they were the KKK, they are willing to throw Cancer stricken Grandma in hard core prison, in solitary confinement, to sweat a confession out of her, "come on grandma, admit you were about to overthrow the government."

I see the face of evil, of pathetic, have a party on your win! You caught Grandma, and got her to confess right before she dies of cancer.

Yep, that is real power, when you throw Grandma in Jail for almost overthrowing the government, but damn if justice was not served, she confessed.

Now that we see the Democrats threw grandma in jail, we all know the democrat party is guilty of all the evil that is reported about them. When Democrats threw a dying women in prison, with murders and rapists, in prison cause she dared to support Trump, the Democrats are showing everyone, you better not investigate election fraud, look what we do for walking on the lawn, to a grandma.

Threat heard loud and clear boss.
wow, talk about a delusional thread. 69 year old grandma with cancer turns on trump, after Biden locks her up for 2 years

I would think you would read your link, and not the headline, let me help you by quoting from your link

Now this is the face of the marxist democRat party, they lock up a 69 year old grandma, deny her proper medical attention for her cancer, get her to confess that she was trying to over throw the government.

I had no idea the Democrats were, sweating, old ladies with cancer. I had no idea that the democrats are afraid grandmas are going to overthrow their government.

Think that, now that is admitting you are guilty as hell, this is proof the Democrats lie, that they are fascists, that they were the KKK, they are willing to throw Cancer stricken Grandma in hard core prison, in solitary confinement, to sweat a confession out of her, "come on grandma, admit you were about to overthrow the government."

I see the face of evil, of pathetic, have a party on your win! You caught Grandma, and got her to confess right before she dies of cancer.

Yep, that is real power, when you throw Grandma in Jail for almost overthrowing the government, but damn if justice was not served, she confessed.

Now that we see the Democrats threw grandma in jail, we all know the democrat party is guilty of all the evil that is reported about them. When Democrats threw a dying women in prison, with murders and rapists, in prison cause she dared to support Trump, the Democrats are showing everyone, you better not investigate election fraud, look what we do for walking on the lawn, to a grandma.

Threat heard loud and clear boss.
I just read where the 69 year old grandma with cancer pushed threw the police lines 3 times! This is super hero grandma

What kind of police line was this, where a 69 year old grandma with cancer over powers the police 3 times!

Pam Hemphill, who had flown to Washington, D.C. from Idaho on Jan. 5 to support Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, had pushed through police lines three different times

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