Jacksonville billboard: 'The NRA is a terrorist organization'


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:


I don't know if the NRA is a terrorist organization, but they should have their non-profit status removed, which of course means less with Rumps corporate tax cuts.
. If want to start removing things, then let's start with all the bullcrap the leftist have added over the last 30 or more years. Yeah that ought to do it.

You mean higher pay for workers?

Employer safety standards for workers?

Over-time pay for workers?

Republican standards are higher ROI for investors.
The march in Washington, that billboard, the fight to end the 2nd.......

ALL of these things, like it or not, are evidence of the massive "progress" the far left has gained. Just to be having this conversation.
ALL of these things would have been virtually impossible 20 years ago or more.

20 years from now it may be impossible to defend 2nd Amendment rights if they continue to succeed at the rate they have been.

Think that over.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail....is for good men to do nothing"

The evil ones are the ones who go into schools and shoot up kids.

The reason why we are having this conversation is because in the last 20 years, we've had hundreds of mass shootings, we've had to throw up metal detectors and security guards and key-cards in every aspect of our lives and we still can't stop them.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:

This has to be a conspiracy by the NRA to get more membership, because it is working like a motherfucker.
Well, does it work for membership as much as mass shootings work for their membership?
Yep. People see these mass shootings and think, “I should join the NRA.”

Former SCOTUS Justice: “Repeal the 2nd Amendment.”


“Ban all semi-autos and magaznes above a 5-round capacity”

No big deal.

“The AR15 and all weapons like it should be permanently banned.”



Here NRA. Take my money. Take it. Those mass shootings make me want to join clubs. Sign me up!!!
The march in Washington, that billboard, the fight to end the 2nd.......

ALL of these things, like it or not, are evidence of the massive "progress" the far left has gained. Just to be having this conversation.
ALL of these things would have been virtually impossible 20 years ago or more.

20 years from now it may be impossible to defend 2nd Amendment rights if they continue to succeed at the rate they have been.

Think that over.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail....is for good men to do nothing"

The evil ones are the ones who go into schools and shoot up kids.

The reason why we are having this conversation is because in the last 20 years, we've had hundreds of mass shootings, we've had to throw up metal detectors and security guards and key-cards in every aspect of our lives and we still can't stop them.

How about you provide a list of these hundreds of mass shootings, or you could chose to tell the truth.


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:


The NRA leaders, members and supporters I know do more to educate people in defending and enforcing laws.
not violating them.

Terrorism involves violating Constitutional rights to life liberty property and security.
which is the opposite of people advocating to DEFEND laws and rights of people and the public from criminal abuse and oppression.

Can you name which NRA people are advocating to "violate' any laws or rights?
All the people I know are teaching to DEFEND Constitutional rights as protecting EVERYONE's right to security.

Which "terrorists" do you think this PSA refers to?

The NRA (NAZI RETARD ASSOCIATION) is responsible for every gun death in America. That's about 30,000 deaths per year, far surpassing any other terrorist group.
How many NRA members have committed a mass shooting? All that billboard does is highlight the complete and utter stupidity of those who paid for it.

Adam Lanza and his mother were NRA members. The NRA generally doesn't publicize who their members are, so there are probably more than that.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:

. Whoever put that up should be sued big time. Hate speech is illegal I thought ?? That is a lawsuit in the making right there.

it's only slander if it's not true.

Who has the NRA terrorized? To compare the NRA to a terrorist organization speaks to the ignorance and the dishonesty of the left wing nuts. Congrats, you are a dishonest nut.

The NRA sure terrorizes Congress.
How many NRA members have committed a mass shooting? All that billboard does is highlight the complete and utter stupidity of those who paid for it.

Adam Lanza and his mother were NRA members. The NRA generally doesn't publicize who their members are, so there are probably more than that.
No what they had was a certificate from the NRA which one can get without being a member.
How many NRA members have committed a mass shooting? All that billboard does is highlight the complete and utter stupidity of those who paid for it.

Adam Lanza and his mother were NRA members. The NRA generally doesn't publicize who their members are, so there are probably more than that.
No what they had was a certificate from the NRA which one can get without being a member.

Oh Bullshit. A certificate is a membership. They were gun enthusiasts connected to the NRA.
How many NRA members have committed a mass shooting? All that billboard does is highlight the complete and utter stupidity of those who paid for it.

Adam Lanza and his mother were NRA members. The NRA generally doesn't publicize who their members are, so there are probably more than that.
No what they had was a certificate from the NRA which one can get without being a member.

Oh Bullshit. A certificate is a membership. They were gun enthusiasts connected to the NRA.
No it’s not if you are really naive or partisan enough to believe someone can’t get a certificate without being member that’s sad you can also make donations to the NRA and not be member. As you seem to be slightly irrational and not very well informed on the topic I will call it a day here.
The march in Washington, that billboard, the fight to end the 2nd.......

ALL of these things, like it or not, are evidence of the massive "progress" the far left has gained. Just to be having this conversation.
ALL of these things would have been virtually impossible 20 years ago or more.

20 years from now it may be impossible to defend 2nd Amendment rights if they continue to succeed at the rate they have been.

Think that over.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail....is for good men to do nothing"
Tell Our Vision to Television

Gun owners should organize a huge march on Washington as a warning to the Deep State not to take our guns and not to impeach our President.

LOL on so many levels.

1 - Thinking inbred gun nuts could ever get organized enough to do anything like this

2- You actually buying in to the boogeyman "Deep State". I'd ask you to define the "Deep State" and who is a part of it, but we both know you don't ask for details and specifics when you guzzle down your talking points from your corporate masters.
Only Collective Action Is Effective Action

There is a different Deep State in the private sector, but if it inflates your dependent ego to define enemies of your precious public Deep State as flunkies of the corporate Deep State, who am I to interfere with your therapy? But the cure I prefer to shake you out of your smug delusions is involuntary shock treatment, which you will get if the gunowners quit relying on unreliable individual powers to take our country back.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:

. Whoever put that up should be sued big time. Hate speech is illegal I thought ?? That is a lawsuit in the making right there.

it's only slander if it's not true.

Who has the NRA terrorized? To compare the NRA to a terrorist organization speaks to the ignorance and the dishonesty of the left wing nuts. Congrats, you are a dishonest nut.

The NRA sure terrorizes Congress.

Thanks for confirming you are dishonest and a nut.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An anti-GOP political action committee known for controversial tactics is going after the National Rifle Association with a Jacksonville billboard deriding the group as a "terrorist organization."

For those driving along Interstate 295 near Commonwealth Avenue and Interstate 10 on the city's Westside, the signage is hard to miss -- "The NRA is a terrorist organization," the message reads.

It's not clear exactly when the billboard went up. But according to the sign, it was paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee led by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton.

"It got you to call me, which you probably wouldn't have done otherwise, right? It has people talking. We put up these billboards and it begins a conversation," Taylor told News4Jax by phone Friday. "People are discussing the issue and not just because of us, but because the issue is so important."

Southern Georgia folk making a positive statement for America! So much winning! :113:


The NRA leaders, members and supporters I know do more to educate people in defending and enforcing laws.
not violating them.

Terrorism involves violating Constitutional rights to life liberty property and security.
which is the opposite of people advocating to DEFEND laws and rights of people and the public from criminal abuse and oppression.

Can you name which NRA people are advocating to "violate' any laws or rights?
All the people I know are teaching to DEFEND Constitutional rights as protecting EVERYONE's right to security.

Which "terrorists" do you think this PSA refers to?

The NRA (NAZI RETARD ASSOCIATION) is responsible for every gun death in America. That's about 30,000 deaths per year, far surpassing any other terrorist group.
. Yawn..

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