Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

As is the entire state – the consequence of incompetent Republican rule and the cancer of rightwing racism.
It's a LIe............As in my Mother N Laws case she was the last white there. Had many black friends. But the element there was robbing and KILLING........

The house was burned to the ground after it was sold for the price of a shed. It was burned because a WHITE LIVED THERE.........OMFG.
That is the point I was making by asking the question.

Blacks bring crime. Moving out of a Black area or not wanting Blacks to move in is much more connected to concerns about crime and drugs than it is any kind of racism. It is cultural based not race based.
Go anywhere in America that is occupied by a vast majority of blacks and I guarantee you it's not very nice.

Pretty go anywhere in the world and you probably won't find a black country that's a first world country. I'd bet the ones that are 2nd world are fewer than 3rd world ones.

Blacks around the world for all of man's history have historically been poorer, violent, run down and less civilized vs non black countries.
Rhodesia > Zimbabwe > third-world shithole.
That is the point I was making by asking the question.

Blacks bring crime. Moving out of a Black area or not wanting Blacks to move in is much more connected to concerns about crime and drugs than it is any kind of racism. It is cultural based not race based.
I'm more aiming at the Coyote. Wasn't aiming at you. Was just making a point.
That is the point I was making by asking the question.

Blacks bring crime. Moving out of a Black area or not wanting Blacks to move in is much more connected to concerns about crime and drugs than it is any kind of racism. It is cultural based not race based.
Poverty brings more crime, not race.
Poverty brings more crime, not race.
The Negros are "poor" but they always find money for drugs, cigarettes, crack, illegal firearms, Colt Malt Liquor and lottery tickets.

They are poor because the goddamn Democrats keep them poor so as to have a voting vassal class.
Poverty brings more crime, not race.

That's sure a cop out. People who come here legally are from countries that make what we consider poor laughable. Yet most of them obey our laws, stay out of jail and prison outside of DUI offenses.

You people on the left act like poverty was chosen by the government, and not self-inflicted. We will make these people poor, and these people not. I'm sorry, but outside of those with mental or physical disabilities, poverty is an option, and you can't give me one example of how it isn't.
That's sure a cop out. People who come here legally are from countries that make what we consider poor laughable. Yet most of them obey our laws, stay out of jail and prison outside of DUI offenses.

You people on the left act like poverty was chosen by the government, and not self-inflicted. We will make these people poor, and these people not. I'm sorry, but outside of those with mental or physical disabilities, poverty is an option, and you can't give me one example of how it isn't.
You’re reading a whole lot more into what I said than I said. Poverty is usually not self inflicted or an “option”. Lots of causes but here is one, medical bills. Either way it doesn’t matter. Most crime is correlated with poverty. That is a fact. If it was race you would see the same rates across the economic spectrum with blacks but you don’t. Crime also increases with population density. That is a fact. Not race.
You sure as hell did, why else did you send Native American kids to boarding schools to have their culture beaten out of them?

Who is you? Nothing wrong with taking more efforts to have Indian children educated. Give me one instance where their heritage was erased. You are part of the cancel culture, not me.

There is a lot of myth there, much of that is still true.

No myth at all. In 1960 I was born into a community known as Slavic Village. If interested, look it up. It was a beautiful community. It's where all the Polish immigrants came to live. The houses were not large and neither were the lots but the people were great and one of the safest places to live. You could walk down the street at 3:00 am and never worry about your safety.

My sister made friends with a neighbor girl two doors down. With the help of my mother to translate, she taught this girl English. Then the girl would go home and teach her family what my sister taught her, and they all eventually became fluent in English. The father always pushed everybody in his family to learn, learn, learn as much as you can, because they didn't have that opportunity in Poland. The girl my sister taught ultimately became a gynecologist.

My father seen the writing on the wall when liberalism started to infect our country. He built us a house in the suburbs and we continued our safe lifestyle. Once in a great while I'll go back to our old house in Slavic Village to breathe in some nostalgia, but wake up very early on a Sunday morning when the lowlifes are done shooting each other up.

In our community many people were bilingual but chose Polish. Outside our community, everybody spoke English.

It absolutely is not a myth, there are landlords who are total slumlords. I know people who can’t get major repairs done for years much less routine maintenance.

Yes some landlords are slum lords, just like some home owners are slum property owners like my next door neighbor. He keeps the place up, but he rents to section 8 people. They invite all their lowlife inner-city friends and family over, throw parties with their food stamps, make noise well into the morning on work nights. I think we had to call the police over a dozen times since this guy bought the place about five years ago. The police were only out one time for a disturbance of one of my tenants, and that was over fireworks in June.

Speaking of which, how long have you been a landlord to know so much more about rental property than I do? I've been a landlord for nearly 30 years now.
Just what is your definition of a "Communist"?

It can be found on the US Communist party website. Communism is socialism on steroids. If you go there, compare their agenda to that of the Democrat party. You'll see very few differences. Do you think for one minute the Democrats are going to tell you who they really are? Oh, they will one day, when it's way too late for our country.
You’re reading a whole lot more into what I said than I said. Poverty is usually not self inflicted or an “option”. Lots of causes but here is one, medical bills. Either way it doesn’t matter. Most crime is correlated with poverty. That is a fact. If it was race you would see the same rates across the economic spectrum with blacks but you don’t. Crime also increases with population density. That is a fact. Not race.

Blacks per capita cause most of the violent crime in our country. They makeup over 50% of all our murder rates. When you consider most of the offenders are male, that means all our murders are committed by 7% to 8% of our entire population, and that are black males. Poverty has nothing to do with it.

Like I said before, give me a situation where poverty is not self-inflicted, and don't say medical bills Nobody pays medical bills into poverty. Research shows that people that file bankruptcy over medical bills is untrue. When people become very ill, they take a lot of time off of work they don't get paid for, and everybody has to live. So they borrow on credit cards to go shopping, pay utilities, gas for the car, take a home equity loan out hoping they will recover from the illness and start to repay what they borrowed, and when that doesn't happen, they have no choice but to file bankruptcy. That's besides the fact I excluded people with physical or mental challenges.
Who is you? Nothing wrong with taking more efforts to have Indian children educated. Give me one instance where their heritage was erased. You are part of the cancel culture, not me.

No myth at all. In 1960 I was born into a community known as Slavic Village. If interested, look it up. It was a beautiful community. It's where all the Polish immigrants came to live. The houses were not large and neither were the lots but the people were great and one of the safest places to live. You could walk down the street at 3:00 am and never worry about your safety.

My sister made friends with a neighbor girl two doors down. With the help of my mother to translate, she taught this girl English. Then the girl would go home and teach her family what my sister taught her, and they all eventually became fluent in English. The father always pushed everybody in his family to learn, learn, learn as much as you can, because they didn't have that opportunity in Poland. The girl my sister taught ultimately became a gynecologist.

My father seen the writing on the wall when liberalism started to infect our country. He built us a house in the suburbs and we continued our safe lifestyle. Once in a great while I'll go back to our old house in Slavic Village to breathe in some nostalgia, but wake up very early on a Sunday morning when the lowlifes are done shooting each other up.

In our community many people were bilingual but chose Polish. Outside our community, everybody spoke English.

Yes some landlords are slum lords, just like some home owners are slum property owners like my next door neighbor. He keeps the place up, but he rents to section 8 people. They invite all their lowlife inner-city friends and family over, throw parties with their food stamps, make noise well into the morning on work nights. I think we had to call the police over a dozen times since this guy bought the place about five years ago. The police were only out one time for a disturbance of one of my tenants, and that was over fireworks in June.

Speaking of which, how long have you been a landlord to know so much more about rental property than I do? I've been a landlord for nearly 30 years now.
That is cool that you’ve been a landlord for 30 years and it from what you’ve written before you‘ve been a good one. Have you been a landlord all around the country so you are an expert? Just as an FYI, one doesn’t have to be a landlord to understand the issues from both ends, a tenant can as well.
You accused me of saying something I didn't.

Now, apologize like a decent person would.
A decent person would notice the punctuation instead of continuing the faux outrage. No apology given when for that, but can you answer the question? If not, bye :)
Blacks per capita cause most of the violent crime in our country. They makeup over 50% of all our murder rates. When you consider most of the offenders are male, that means all our murders are committed by 7% to 8% of our entire population, and that are black males. Poverty has nothing to do with it.

Alright…let’s take that statement. How would you prove it?

1. Make sure the the 50% claim is correct first.
2. What is the economic class of black offenders?
3. What is the economic class of white offenders?
4. What are the violent crime rates by blacks and whites by race and economic classes.
5. Account for urban vs rural by race


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