Jackson MS - its like a 3rd world country

Alright…let’s take that statement. How would you prove it?

1. Make sure the the 50% claim is correct first.
2. What is the economic class of black offenders?
3. What is the economic class of white offenders?
4. What are the violent crime rates by blacks and whites by race and economic classes.
5. Account for urban vs rural by race

We live in a country where our welfare people live in better homes, eat better, have more amenities in their house or aparment than your average working class European. Now, I'm in poverty. I have two choices: Get a job and get out of poverty, or kill somebody. I fail to see the logic here.


According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known.[52] Among homicide victims in 2019 where the race was known, 54.7% were black or African-American, 42.3% were white, and 3.1% were of other races.[53][54] The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites, and their victim rate was similar. About half of homicides are known to be single-offender/single-victim, and most of those were intraracial; in those where the perpetrator's and victim's races were known, 81% of white victims were killed by whites and 91% of black or African-American victims were killed by blacks or African-Americans.


I had to stop reading these long drawn out stories that nearly put me to sleep. I was looking for something more concrete than single persona accounts of the US government erasing Indian culture which your stories didn't provide. The first one merely talks about (as you usually do) what happened in the 50s when a grandmother couldn't care for her grandchildren. The government will do that to white, Asian, Hispanic and middle-eastern people as well.

That is cool that you’ve been a landlord for 30 years and it from what you’ve written before you‘ve been a good one. Have you been a landlord all around the country so you are an expert? Just as an FYI, one doesn’t have to be a landlord to understand the issues from both ends, a tenant can as well.

I've been both, tenant and landlord. In fact I rented here for seven years before buying the place when the former landlord secretly told me he was selling out. He didn't want to upset the other tenants so we worked out a deal without anybody knowing about it.

In our Facebook forum people often want to lay the blame of our decaying city on landlords, and they have no evidence to support their claim. Like you, they make these unfounded assumptions. No, I haven't been a landlord across the country. Have you been a tenant across the country?

It's true inner-city landlords let their place go to hell as long as they can bring income, but they didn't turn the place into hell, it was like that when they bought it. In the suburbs we are held to tight standards whether you own a single house or multi-family units. So it all boils down to the people you rent or sell to more than it does the shape of the property. When you are forced by government to rent or sell to who they want you to, that's when the neighborhood starts going down hill. I've seen first hand in the three areas I lived.

The Democrat party is still trying to destroy nice areas as always. We both know Democrats are not happy unless they are destroying things for happy people.

As is the entire state – the consequence of incompetent Republican rule and the cancer of rightwing racism.

Not true. Jackson, as you would expect, is run top to bottom by people just like you. Many parts of Mississippi are very nice, but those parts aren't run by people like you.

You need to get out of your trailer park more often and see other places.

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