J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

Yes. It was. Move on. The media, big tech, etc played a HUGE hand in Donald Trump's 2016 win. Without the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc (all of whom you people were praising to the high heavens then), he doesn't win...period.

As far as January 6th goes, it's guilt by association. You were there. If you were there, you bought the lie. You weren't protesting that day. You were there to see that the results of the election were thrown out. You wanted to be part of history. You wanted to tell your children and grandchildren you were there that day when it happened.
We put people into prison now because of "guilt by association", Jack? Did you really just make that statement? Is that really how liberals conduct themselves now? No need to be guilty of an actual crime! Oh no...all you have to do now to be thrown in prison unjustly is to be around someone who did something illegal? With that thinking any BLM protester at any protest that later turned violent is guilty of arson, looting and assaulting law enforcement? Doesn't matter if they actually DID any of those things...if they were there...then they're guilty! Those protesters at Supreme Court Justice's houses? They're guilty of the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice according to your new standard of guilt by association!
You’re referring to a narrative made from cherry picked messages.

Conservatives have been saying that’s a bad thing.

That was just one out of thousands reported that came to mind, but feel free to post some of the non-cherry picked messages from the FBI lovers
We put people into prison now because of "guilt by association", Jack? Did you really just make that statement? Is that really how liberals conduct themselves now? No need to be guilty of an actual crime! Oh no...all you have to do now to be thrown in prison unjustly is to be around someone who did something illegal? With that thinking any BLM protester at any protest that later turned violent is guilty of arson, looting and assaulting law enforcement? Doesn't matter if they actually DID any of those things...if they were there...then they're guilty! Those protesters at Supreme Court Justice's houses? They're guilty of the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice according to your new standard of guilt by association!

Democrats control the courts so it's a one sided guilt by association. The DOJ charges against peaceful Jan 6 protesters was done to shut down future protests.
The lies keep coming. They're shitting their pants now that the media has access to all the footage. LOL!

The entire committee needs to be investigated and prosecuted if this is true. He's basically saying they made rulings and conclusions without examining any evidence.

I have not read the thread, but how did McCarthy get it, but J6 liars didnt have it.

That was just one out of thousands reported that came to mind, but feel free to post some of the non-cherry picked messages from the FBI lovers
You created a narrative based on a single text.

That’s not okay.

Strzok will probably get compensated for the damages your false narrative did to him.

You created a narrative based on a single text.

That’s not okay.

Strzok will probably get compensated for the damages your false narrative did to him.

Not sure how that will go anywhere when the text were made on government phones...
He was fired because he was a political hack masquerading as an FBI agent! His lawsuit is a joke. His actions were inexcusable and he lost his job because of them! He wasn't "defamed"...he was EXPOSED!
He was railroaded without due process for political reasons.

The FBI is now afraid to investigate Trump even when there is clear evidence of potential crimes. In a society with laws, that can’t be the case.
We put people into prison now because of "guilt by association", Jack? Did you really just make that statement? Is that really how liberals conduct themselves now? No need to be guilty of an actual crime! Oh no...all you have to do now to be thrown in prison unjustly is to be around someone who did something illegal? With that thinking any BLM protester at any protest that later turned violent is guilty of arson, looting and assaulting law enforcement? Doesn't matter if they actually DID any of those things...if they were there...then they're guilty! Those protesters at Supreme Court Justice's houses? They're guilty of the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice according to your new standard of guilt by association!
Has everyone who appears in every photo or film taken that day been put in prison? Cause something tells me if that answer was yes, we'd have to build a LOT more prisons. So far, I haven't seen anyone arrested for J6 being placed in prison "unjustly". They've all deserved it. My rancor extends to all the lemmings there that day because they swallowed the lie. Yes, IMO, guilty by association. Despite your protestations, the legal system doesn't see it that way so you can relax.

And why do you keep bringing up SC justices? The ONE person who got pinched for actually planning violence against an SC justice was nabbed long before he could get close to said justice. And I am SURE, if it were one of the liberal justices, you wouldn't care. Just think, if you want to hold to that whole "protesting isn't a crime" argument, you'll have to extend that to people protesting in front of say...a Republican US Senators house, or a conservative SC justices house. They at least, have a measure of protection above what say the countless election workers and school board members across the nation get when just and righteous "patriots" exercise their 1st amendment rights to protest in front of their houses, and their 2nd amendment rights to carry firearms.

Has everyone who appears in every photo or film taken that day been put in prison? Cause something tells me if that answer was yes, we'd have to build a LOT more prisons. So far, I haven't seen anyone arrested for J6 being placed in prison "unjustly". They've all deserved it. My rancor extends to all the lemmings there that day because they swallowed the lie. Yes, IMO, guilty by association. Despite your protestations, the legal system doesn't see it that way so you can relax.

And why do you keep bringing up SC justices? The ONE person who got pinched for actually planning violence against an SC justice was nabbed long before he could get close to said justice. And I am SURE, if it were one of the liberal justices, you wouldn't care. Just think, if you want to hold to that whole "protesting isn't a crime" argument, you'll have to extend that to people protesting in front of say...a Republican US Senators house, or a conservative SC justices house. They at least, have a measure of protection above what say the countless election workers and school board members across the nation get when just and righteous "patriots" exercise their 1st amendment rights to protest in front of their houses, and their 2nd amendment rights to carry firearms.

Has everyone who appears in every photo or film taken that day been put in prison? Cause something tells me if that answer was yes, we'd have to build a LOT more prisons. So far, I haven't seen anyone arrested for J6 being placed in prison "unjustly". They've all deserved it. My rancor extends to all the lemmings there that day because they swallowed the lie. Yes, IMO, guilty by association. Despite your protestations, the legal system doesn't see it that way so you can relax.

And why do you keep bringing up SC justices? The ONE person who got pinched for actually planning violence against an SC justice was nabbed long before he could get close to said justice. And I am SURE, if it were one of the liberal justices, you wouldn't care. Just think, if you want to hold to that whole "protesting isn't a crime" argument, you'll have to extend that to people protesting in front of say...a Republican US Senators house, or a conservative SC justices house. They at least, have a measure of protection above what say the countless election workers and school board members across the nation get when just and righteous "patriots" exercise their 1st amendment rights to protest in front of their houses, and their 2nd amendment rights to carry firearms.

People have been given long prison sentences...not because they were violent...but because they were at a protest! Think about that!

Then contrast what has been done to Jan. 6th protesters and compare it to what has been done to BLM protestors who burned and looted dozens of cities across the nation. Compare it to what has been done to the protesters that tried to intimidate Supreme Court Justices at their homes. Compare it to what has been done to the far left activists that have vandalized pro pregnancy clinics across the US in the past year.

Oh, and just so you know? The only reason that man looking to assassinate Kavanaugh was apprehended was that he turned himself in! The Biden DOJ didn't protect conservative Supreme Court Justices from liberals because the Biden DOJ doesn't like conservatives!
People have been given long prison sentences...not because they were violent...but because they were at a protest! Think about that!

Then contrast what has been done to Jan. 6th protesters and compare it to what has been done to BLM protestors who burned and looted dozens of cities across the nation. Compare it to what has been done to the protesters that tried to intimidate Supreme Court Justices at their homes. Compare it to what has been done to the far left activists that have vandalized pro pregnancy clinics across the US in the past year.

Oh, and just so you know? The only reason that man looking to assassinate Kavanaugh was apprehended was that he turned himself in! The Biden DOJ didn't protect conservative Supreme Court Justices from liberals because the Biden DOJ doesn't like conservatives!
Not getting dragged into a "whataboutism". Violence against women's health clinics has been well documented over the past few decades. Now, back to J6. Those who've gone to prison for J6th..have gotten those sentences because they deserved them. That day was not about protest. It was about making sure the peaceful transition of power was halted. That day was based on a lie, perpetrated by the loser of a free and fair election. Everyone there that day should have been smart enough to see through that lie and stay home. So I have no sympathy for what happens to people...who were there that day.

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