Ivy: A Gen-X DNA Tale


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism eco-paranoia vignette inspired by the film The Emerald Forest and the works of artist Graeme Base.

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Dr. Pamela Isley was a botanist at Harvard working on theories regarding the macro-consciousness of eco-capacity in modern civilization. Questions such as, "Does industrialization affect humanity's perspective of systemic eco-degradation?" were on Dr. Isley's mind. Pamela was shrewd, sensitive, serene, and sneaky and wanted to forward eco-consciousness as the true modern 'intelligence.' However, one day, she simply snapped and went insane and decided to become an eco-terrorist named 'Poison Ivy.'


Poison Ivy started drawing pictures of robotic insects (called 'Insecticons') and laying these drawings out on copied paper (courtesy of Kinko's and Xerox!). She would strew out these paper-printed drawings of Insecticons all over the White House lawn (e.g., on Easter Sunday), in front of the Lincoln Memorial (e.g., on Christmas), and on the footsteps of the Smithsonian Institute (e.g., on Earth Day). Poison Ivy became known as the 'Insecticon-Idiot' to the FBI, since her drawings symbolized pure savage angst towards industrialization-related unnatural corruption of Earth's flora and fauna. Ivy's Insecticon-drawings represented anti-capitalism.


Because Ivy's drawings gained an underground 'cult-following' with impressionable idealistic young Americans interested in eco-activism, Ivy decided to hype up her 'Insecticon-doodle' mission to explore the sociocultural impact of animalia-iconography in professional American sports (particularly the NFL --- professional football!). Poison Ivy looked at the bird-imagery team logos for the Atlanta Falcons, the Seattle Seahawks, and the Philadelphia Eagles. She paid special attention to the Eagles, since, of course, the bald eagle was America's national patriotic 'mascot.' Ivy suggested that drawings of the Eagles-logo and Eagles-logo bumper-stickers reminded everyday Americans of the psychological 'sway' of animalia-imagery used for marketing. One New Yorker writer called Poison Ivy the 'evil Graeme Base.'

eagles (2).jpg

U.S. President Donald Trump was greatly offended when Poison Ivy strewed countless printed copied-papers with Eagles-logo stickers pasted on them all over the White House lawn on Super Bowl Sunday. The Philadelphia Eagles (led by phenom-QB Carson Wentz) were tackling the titan-QB Tom Brady led New England Patriots (aka, 'The Metal Machine') in the Super Bowl title-game after the two teams finished their dominating high-winning seasons by arriving at the final game --- in pursuit of the coveted Vince Lombardi Trophy. President Trump was cheering for the Patriots and did not care for Poison Ivy's 'eco-terrorism gesture' of strewn Eagles-logo papers on the White House lawn that day! Trump made an official statement to the press.

"It grieves me to see that political change can not be addressed with adult, mature, professional, objective, and democratic debate/discussion in public pulpits. Poison Ivy has effectively made 'eco-terrorism' romantic for the American public (a dangerous trend!), and we humbled Americans would rather have enjoyed the Super Bowl game (between the gritty Eagles and the strong-horse Patriots) without Ivy's 'radical antics.' I for one can say (without any doubt whatsoever) that Poison Ivy speaks to the juvenile-angst of the 'overtly-liberal' Generation-X, so perhaps American teachers and scholars can evaluate how terrorism (in general) creates undesirable 'commercial turbulence.' Besides, most Americans wanted to see the Patriots win an unprecedented 6 Super Bowls!"




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