Ivermectin: Could Population-Wide Distribution Have Prevented China’s Recent Mass COVID Outbreak?

I really did go through these articles in search of a real study. Again, I could find no reliable study that indicated the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Epoch times is not a study.
I really did go through these articles in search of a real study. Again, I could find no reliable study that indicated the effectiveness of Ivermectin. Epoch times is not a study.

What don’t you understand about where the majority of the funding comes from to do these studies? What don’t you understand about censorship in the MSM. What don’t you understand about politicized “science”? What don’t you understand about government officials getting highly paid jobs with big pharma after they leave office, provided they do their part while in positions of power in the FDA and USDA? Follow the money and the politics. Unfortunately for all of us, these trump all science.

Let me be clear about this. There are many scientists who peer review studies and give their blessings. They are trusting the numbers from the studies because they have no choice but to trust them. Many studies are valid in the sense they follow the scientific method, but if the numbers are wrong, the entire study is wrong. GIGO. There is a lot of political garbage inserted into studies funded by big pharma and political entities.(climate change is a perfect example)
I didn’t say they created the intial virus, though I wouldn’t rule out that they may have had their hand in the leak. (Yes, it was leaked from a lab) I am not saying the vaccine is a poison, what I am saying is that at least one Pfizer director admitted on camera that they were batting around the idea of keeping the virus going so they can keep the vaccine train going. Follow the money. Don’t be so naive.

You are one in a cult that suppresses alternative thought. You don’t realize it.
Of course none of that ever happened...but you're well beyond rescue.
What don’t you understand about where the majority of the funding comes from to do these studies? What don’t you understand about censorship in the MSM. What don’t you understand about politicized “science”? What don’t you understand about government officials getting highly paid jobs with big pharma after they leave office, provided they do their part while in positions of power in the FDA and USDA? Follow the money and the politics. Unfortunately for all of us, these trump all science.

Let me be clear about this. There are many scientists who peer review studies and give their blessings. They are trusting the numbers from the studies because they have no choice but to trust them. Many studies are valid in the sense they follow the scientific method, but if the numbers are wrong, the entire study is wrong. GIGO. There is a lot of political garbage inserted into studies funded by big pharma and political entities.(climate change is a perfect example)
There is a whole world of databases of studies compiled by scientist easily accessible to peers worldwide. When you critique a study you look at many things but mainly how it is constructed and if it can reproduced by other scientists, well about the most important thing you learn in a good masters program is how to understand and decide if data compiled by other scientist should be utilized to improve your practice. When you guys (not you, the collective conspiracy theory types) start talking MSM suppressing this or that, it really cannot happen. I am sure reporters access these databases and decide wether to report on something or not, but they don't change the science available to other scientist in the field. If there were evidence Ivermectin was effective there would be real science with reliable studies indicating it's effectiveness. I have yet to see one.
Of course none of that ever happened...but you're well beyond rescue.

What do you mean it didn’t happen. Let me guess, you didn’t hear the Pfizer director’s comment on hidden camera released the other day. I know CNN and MSNBC likely decided not to cover it.
There is a whole world of databases of studies compiled by scientist easily accessible to peers worldwide. When you critique a study you look at many things but mainly how it is constructed and if it can reproduced by other scientists, well about the most important thing you learn in a good masters program is how to understand and decide if data compiled by other scientist should be utilized to improve your practice. When you guys (not you, the collective conspiracy theory types) start talking MSM suppressing this or that, it really cannot happen. I am sure reporters access these databases and decide wether to report on something or not, but they don't change the science available to other scientist in the field. If there were evidence Ivermectin was effective there would be real science with reliable studies indicating it's effectiveness. I have yet to see one.

It is supposed to work that way and it used to work that way. That is not longer the way science works. Both scary and sad.
It is supposed to work that way and it used to work that way. That is not longer the way science works. Both scary and sad.
I can sign on to a database right now. Don't believe all the silliness from the nuts.
I can sign on to a database right now. Don't believe all the silliness from the nuts.


You are forced to believe much of the data presented in these studies. You don’t mine all the data yourself. Therein lies the problem.
No, its concrete proof that you're a fucking idiot.
From 300 million as promised when the SLS was proposed dollars to launch to over 4 billion dollars to launch to go to the moon is proof enough of the federal government eing corrupted in all ways.
Report the truth to me? Which side is it that has been suppressing data? Yeah, that would be the left. The lunatics on your side of the aisle.

Suppressing data? If the Democrats are suppressing data, they're doing a terrible job at it. Maybe they should promise it will disappear like a miracle like your blob did.
For your information many drugs created by pharmaceutical companies are used by Veterinarians on animals and prior to release for human use. Ketamine is a fine example. It was used in Europe for short term anesthesia in Europe for years but restricted for human use in the U.S. until it came to notoriety in the first gulf war as a battlefield anesthetic.
There are many drugs used on pets first before allowed to be used on humans.
BTW Ivermectin as been approved for humans since 1987.


Ivermectin is an effective horse wormer. Just ask all of those people with appeared on Joe Rogen's show touting it's benefits against covid. Oh wait!! They all DIED from covid.

While you're touting cures from comedians, and YouTube kooks, from the Mayo Clinic, which is recognized as the "Best Hospital in the World", we have this:

  • Ivermectin. The drug ivermectin, used to treat or prevent parasites in animals and in humans, isn't a drug used to treat viruses. The FDA hasn't approved use of this drug to treat or prevent COVID-19. Taking large doses of this drug can cause serious harm. Don't use medications intended for animals on yourself to treat or prevent COVID-19.

Unqualfied loons on the internet, or the Mayo Clinic???? Gee let's go with "unqualified loons on the internet" for all the marbles.
Did hear the Pfizer guy say they were contemplating mutating the virus so they could preemptively create vaccines they could then sell to fix the problem they created? Do you realize that most members of the FDA get jobs with big pharma once they leave office? You don’t think they are doing their future employers some favors in preparation for a big pay-day in the private sector? The fact that the MSM is suppressing the Pfizer story should be very tellling, but alas, lefties will never, ever get they they are being used.

More specicially, it shouldn’t be too hard for you lefties to see that you were bamboozzedl. Invermectin or any other inexpensive, generic treatments would have crushed big pharma’s plan and cost them billions.

If you could put your politics down for just a minute and try to think rationallly, given the information at hand, you would change your mind. That requires a wise, humble person. Very few people have these qualilties, particularly those on the left.

No, I didn't hear that. Do you have a credible link to a source that subscribes to journalistic standards of fact checking and verification????

I suggest you take your own advice. The same loons promoting ivermectin on the internet and in interviews, are SELLING you prescriptions. They're making millions of other sufferers from Oppositional Behaviour Disorder, Republicanism, or just plain gullibility.
Ivermectin is an effective horse wormer. Just ask all of those people with appeared on Joe Rogen's show touting it's benefits against covid. Oh wait!! They all DIED from covid.

While you're touting cures from comedians, and YouTube kooks, from the Mayo Clinic, which is recognized as the "Best Hospital in the World", we have this:

Unqualfied loons on the internet, or the Mayo Clinic???? Gee let's go with "unqualified loons on the internet" for all the marbles.

Doc rated a post quoting the Mayo Clinic, with a valid link to the data from which the quote was taken, as "Fake News". That tells you everything you need to know about his credibility.
It could have but that would have disrupted pfizers plan to experiment on billions of people while making hundreds of billions of dollars while being indemnified by the federal govt for the deaths and serious injury to millions of Americans.

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