i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

No. My point is very obvious. Americans like to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but think the USG’s constant imperialist wars of aggression are a-okay.
It's good to see you admit the Russian invasion of Ukraine is an imperial war of aggression, but in fact there have been no American imperial wars of aggression for 100 years. America has not sought to retain control over any adversary it defeated or to exploit its economy or to define the rights of that country's citizens to benefit the US, as Russia is attempting to do in Ukraine now.

Prior to WWII, imperialist wars were commonplace but since then civilized countries have moved on and such actions by them are not tolerated, but Russia, under Putin's rule, has moved backward to a more primitive and brutal time when there were no laws and people had no rights and it was ok, even celebrated, to take whatever you wanted if you were strong enough to. Putin simply doesn't understand the world he is living in today.
It's good to see you admit the Russian invasion of Ukraine is an imperial war of aggression, but in fact there have been no American imperial wars of aggression for 100 years. America has not sought to retain control over any adversary it defeated or to exploit its economy or to define the rights of that country's citizens to benefit the US, as Russia is attempting to do in Ukraine now.

Prior to WWII, imperialist wars were commonplace but since then civilized countries have moved on and such actions by them are not tolerated, but Russia, under Putin's rule, has moved backward to a more primitive and brutal time when there were no laws and people had no rights and it was ok, even celebrated, to take whatever you wanted if you were strong enough to. Putin simply doesn't understand the world he is living in today.
Absurd. You are the poster boy for what I’m talking about.
Ukraine has been making progress on free and fair elections, constitutionally guaranteed rights, independent judiciary and other vertical separation of powers, freedom of speech and media independence, anti-corruption reforms.

Let me know which area you want to discuss in more detail, but in general Ukraine has commited itself to democratic reforms required to eventually integrate into European Union.
Nothing says free and fair elections like outlawing your opponents
Nothing says free and fair elections like outlawing your opponents
What the hell are you talking about? Zelensky was the opponent of incumbent named Poroshenko, whom he beat in a landslide.

And obviously there are no elections or political constests during a war, only martial law.
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No. My point is very obvious. Americans like to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, but think the USG’s constant imperialist wars of aggression are a-okay.
Not Americans like YOU though, right? So then why is it you have so much trouble condemning Russia for it's invasion and keep blaming America for it?

Kinda makes you look like you are full of Russian shit.
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Putin and gang are finishing up what some of their predecessors started in getting rid of peoples they do not think deserve to live.

These poor souls like many others through history have believe the propaganda until they are enlightened. The riches of the lands stolen from them for the few and they are used for fodder to feed the war machines.

This song needs to be done in Russian and Chinese for the masses who are possibly buying into the cruelty of the current war and threats of war.

It means nothing to you maybe but bi-partisan majority of Americans disagree and support helping Ukrainians have their own country, because they believe Ukranians share our democratic values.
"share our democratic values"????????????????????? Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth, they don't share our constitutional values. Hell, the democrat party in this country does not share our constitutional democratic values.

And the majority of Americans agree with what I just posted, you are part of a shrinking minority.
Not Americans like YOU though, right? So then why is it you have so much trouble condemning Russia for it's invasion and keep blaming America for it?

Kinda makes you look like you are full of Russian shit.
The point here is that what Russia does in Ukraine is none of our damn business, Ukraine used to be part of Russia and half of the Ukrainian people want to rejoin Russia. But if that happens the payments to the Biden family and the Pelosi family and the Rodney and Kerry families would stop, and that is why we are sending billions to Ukraine, so they can send part of it back to the DC establishment corrupt families.
The point here is that what Russia does in Ukraine is none of our damn business, Ukraine used to be part of Russia and half of the Ukrainian people want to rejoin Russia.
That wasn't his point. His point was that it is supposedly hypocritical for Americans to look down on Russian invasion, while supporting our own. My point is of course that he himself looks like a hypocrite for not simply condemning Russian invasion and instead blaming us for it.

Aside from that, I don't know where you get your info but VERY few Ukranians want to live under Putin and Zelensky has an overwhelming support of Ukranians in their fight against Russian invasion. Ukranians used to have mixed feelings about Russia and the extent of co-operation between their countries, all that is GONE, replaced mostly by outright hate to strong disaproval.

It is absolutely our bussiness to promote international order and open, democratic governing to ensure long term stability and growth. Isolationism does not work, as history has proven time and time again and it especially does not work in the context of modern global economic and social integration. The only serious question is how agressive we are in pursuing those interests.
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"share our democratic values"????????????????????? Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth, they don't share our constitutional values.

Yes Ukraine has corruption problems but they also showed willingness to address them and most importantly implemented systemic MEANS for the people of Ukraine to hold their government accountable through a peaceful, lawful, political process.

They have blood-proven their commitment to joining the modern western world, because they belive that our way of open economic development and governing is the right path for their contry, not Russian style corrupt authoritarianism.
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Yes Ukraine has corruption problems but they also showed willingness to address them and most importantly implemented systemic MEANS for the people of Ukraine to hold their government accountable through a peaceful, lawful, political process.

They have blood-proven their commitment to joining the modern western world, because they belive that our way of open economic development and governing is the right path for their contry, not Russian style corrupt authoritarianism.
Imagine being such a pathetic sniveling bootlicker that you believe the only possible reason someone would want to criticize the most powerful and murderous power structure on earth is if they were paid to do so by a foreign government.
Imagine being such a pathetic sniveling bootlicker that you believe the only possible reason someone would want to criticize the most powerful and murderous power structure on earth is if they were paid to do so by a foreign government.
....? What the fuck what you've just said have to do with the post you are replying to?

And btw, If you are saying that I'm saying that you are paid by Russia to post here then...stop consuming whatever mind altering substances is causing you to misread my posts so badly. Plenty of clueless fools like you eat up and spread Russian propaganda without getting paid for it.
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....? what are you replying to?

If you are saying that I'm saying that you are paid by Russia to post here then...stop consuming whatever mind altering substances is causing you to misread my posts so badly.
To you. Because you are guilty of exactly what I stated above more than anyone else here. Don’t you agree?
To you. Because you are guilty of exactly what I stated above more than anyone else here. Don’t you agree?
What the fuck does that have to do with the post you quoted?

If you quote a post your reply ought to have something to do with it's contents.

And no, I'm not saying dupes like you are smart enough to get paid for spreading silly Russian propaganda.
It is absolutely our bussiness to promote international order and open, democratic governing to ensure long term stability and growth. Isolationism does not work, as history has proven time and time again and it especially does not work in the context of modern global economic and social integration. The only serious question is how agressive we are in pursuing those interests.
It's not enough for you to be just a vlasovets, you need to be a hypocritical vlasovets.
What the fuck does that have to do with the post you quoted?

If you quote a post your reply ought to have something to do with it's contents.

And no, I'm not saying dupes like you are smart enough to get paid for spreading silly Russian propaganda.
How about this?

Sacrificing for a war in Ukraine that didn't have to be while defense companies make record profits. When will the people learn that their interests & interests of warmongering capitalist are not the same? End the war in Ukraine, abolish NATO, reject "full spectrum dominance."
How about this?

Sacrificing for a war in Ukraine that didn't have to be while defense companies make record profits. When will the people learn that their interests & interests of warmongering capitalist are not the same? End the war in Ukraine, abolish NATO, reject "full spectrum dominance."

What's the problem with defense companies making money? Why should I oppose sending HIMARS to Ukraine? Because someone in America gets paid to produce them?

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