'I've Had Enough': When Democrats Quit on Obama


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
'I've Had Enough': When Democrats Quit on Obama

White House aides were aware Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl had been tagged a deserter, and that they would be grilled over not keeping Congress in the loop. But they figured people would be most outraged over the national security implications.

The White House has been surprised by how much attention has remained on the questions about Bergdahl, from the circumstances of his disappearance to the wild beard his father grew while he was being held that's even led to Bergdahl's hometown canceling a celebration. All this, Obama aides say, is in their minds a proxy for the hatred toward the president.

The new approach: Frame the criticism as another example of Republicans complaining about something just because Obama was the one to do it.
D For Democrat Or Dodge


Deny, denounce, deflect, and distance.

Via Boston Globe
D for Democrat. Or dodge. - Opinion - The Boston Globe

According to Patches O’Houlihan, the legendary coach featured in the film “Dodgeball,” winning required mastery of the game’s five d’s: “dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.” Today, that silly catchphrase for an even sillier movie has become the operating manual for congressional Democrats campaigning for re-election. As they weave through the minefield of President Obama’s policy blunders, they’ve avoided discussing the substance of a host of important issues. One can’t help but be impressed by their dexterity in deploying a few d’s of their own.

Deny. On Benghazi, Democrats’ central tactic has been simply to deny there exists a problem worth evaluating. The attack upon the US Consulate in Libya left four Americans dead; desperate calls for assistance drew no military response; and White House talking points were famously edited to remove any reference to Al Qaeda. But even after it was revealed that the White House withheld e-mails from Congress, most Democrats still insist there is nothing to debate. By condemning any proposed hearing as “partisan,” they hope to keep voter interest to a minimum.

Denounce. Ignoring the growing scandal within the Veterans Affairs health system has proven far more difficult. At first, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, Chairman of the Senate Veterans Committee, simply denounced the falsified records and excessive wait times in Phoenix as aberrations within an otherwise well functioning system. His assurances that the VA “provides very high quality health care — period” and that now-deposed VA Secretary Eric Shinseki “has done a very good job” have been likened to statements by Baghdad Bob, the Iraqi government spokesman who insisted that a great victory was at hand even as American tanks rolled through his city.

For those in tough campaign fights, papering over systemic failures of the VA bureaucracy was never an option. Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor called the revelations “inexcusable,” but refused to call for Shinseki’s resignation. As a member of the committee responsible for overseeing the VA system, Pryor’s exposure on the issue is particularly high. His colleagues were much quicker to throw the secretary overboard. Democratic senators in Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, and North Carolina all called for Shinseki to go. He has, but the scandal continues to widen: last week, investigators found similar fraud at VA hospitals in Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, and Indiana.......More at the link
It is not surprising to, at last, find some Democrats who are ever so reluctantly beginning to show mild opposition to The One.

What IS surprising that there are actually some Democrats with decency to do so.
It is not surprising to, at last, find some Democrats who are ever so reluctantly beginning to show mild opposition to The One.

What IS surprising that there are actually some Democrats with decency to do so.

It won't last. Trust me.

dimocraps are scumbags. It won't take them long to rationalize their vote through self-delusion and their single-issue view of the world.

Their ability to win lies solely and completely with their ability to lie.

They are masterful liars, the best the world has ever known.

If we can get the truth out, we have a chance. If we can motivate Patriotic Americans and SHUT DOWN this bullshit voter suppression tool of "They're all the same" dimocraps will never win another presidential election.

The differences between the parties is astonishing.

Republicans try to do the best they can but often fail. dimocraps don't even try. They just simply don't care.

You can completely understand the entire dimocrap party when you finally realize that they just don't care about America or Americans.... Only themselves.

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