I've finally made sense of the Harvey Weinstein witch hunts


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

To most Americans, Weinstein is a nobody.

That said, the recent pile-on everyone is seen as just that.

At the rate things are going, there will be no one on the planet that has NOT been sexually molested in some way.

Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

To most Americans, Weinstein is a nobody.

That said, the recent pile-on everyone is seen as just that.

At the rate things are going, there will be no one on the planet that has NOT been sexually molested in some way.
For real. Everyone has a camera and a lawyer these days. I'm pretty sure I was groped by my female piano teacher once when she was supposedly "correcting" my posture. She's probably 80 now, I wonder if she has any money?
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

No the Clinton's are not out of the picture, once the so called Russian collusion probe is over, then the Clinton's will be out of the picture.

But even the far left Hollywood was lack luster in condemning Harvey, which they had known about for 30 years.

The reason why Harvey was taken down, is because he was seen with Trump. If Hilary were president do you think this would ever come to the fore front?
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.
If that is supposed to help them against Trump in 2020 then it is an indication of just how inept they are to govern a nation in ways to actually benefit the nation. Oh I forgot, the liberals don`t want the USA to be a nation but having nothing to use against Trump in the sexual "assault" category other than a decades old joke of the kind which was common at that time. They will continue to conflate it with the blizzard of sexual abuse/assault accusations that followed Weinstein`s exposure hoping that by then (2020) it is a potato hot enough so that no one will dare differentiating between a D.Trump joke about women and "sexual assault". They are quite obviously trying to build a bridge between a comment offensive to some as verbal "assault". And thus a dirty joke made decades ago will have morphed into an "assault" of the sexual kind.
There is no way any court anywhere on this planet would have deemed the joke Trump made in a private conversation at that time as a "verbal assault" on women not even a female judge.
I think that recording remained unpublished over all these years because at the time when it was made it could not have been published without the consent of the party who had been recorded without being made aware of being recorded. Since then and especially since the Obama admin violated almost every privacy right whenever it suited them it makes no more of a difference if Trump said that in private to only 1 other person or if he had said it publicly on the airwaves/media. So all it takes now is to blur the rest of the boundaries between "offensive speech"--->" verbal assault" with the emphasis on "assault" and a sexist joke--->="sexual assault".
It`s a typical liberal M.O. they have done it that way with many other items on their agenda, like stifling freedom of speech, depriving full term babies in the womb of the right to life, almost succeeded to deprive police officers to use deadly force to defend themselves in life threatening situations especially if the assailant had the same skin color as the President before Trump and so on and on. I almost forgot...if you are a public official and refuse to march with a bare ass gay parade you are already a "bigot" and a Nazi.
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

There's also the explanation that as movie production capabilities have become more democratized and less monopolized, then people depend less and less on powermongers and untouchable status such as Weinstein enjoyed and exploited.

So as he lost influence where people have other choices to get into the industry and have their movies made, then he didn't have the protection he used to have to cover up for his abuses and misconduct. So as the money changed, so did the environment that used to depend on him and others like him.

Once people don't need you, and can't be bought to keep silent, then this weakens the shield that had given him "immunity" from consequences of his actions.

Votto I have yet to see when the shield around govt immunity and coverups of legal abuses by judges and lawyers monopolizing access to courts and justice
is going to weaken enough to let that "can of worms" be opened for all to see!
Hahaha it`s not just the snow flakes on this side of the ocean that throw fits after Trump bull dozed a path for ordinary people to retake what is their`s. Check out this video:

Gemany is in the situation that all the people who voted for Trump were so fed up with...but just like the Clintons Merkel clings to power like a blood sucking tick.
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

Amen, but Trump should be expunged even before 2020 - like NOW.


Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

To most Americans, Weinstein is a nobody.

That said, the recent pile-on everyone is seen as just that.

At the rate things are going, there will be no one on the planet that has NOT been sexually molested in some way.

Are you not aware that virtually every woman you know has been sexually molested as some point in their life? Probably more than once.

When I was a child, boys at the local swimming pool grabbed my genitals underwater. I told the lifeguards and they were thrown out.

I’ve had my ass grabbed by men I didn’t even know more times than I can remember over the years. A man grabbed my breast as he exited the elevator of my apartment building.

My 27 year old daughter hates riding public transit because she is frequently groped on crowded buses or trains.

Schoolgirls in Japan have started a movement to stop men from groping them on the subway.

It’s an unpleasant fact of life for women. One that men seem to be blissfully unaware of.
Trump is an ignorant whore. This is all he will ever be. A dirty man. He has been a prostitute all his life. We Americans deserve so much better than this slut.
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

Trump is an ignorant whore. This is all he will ever be. A dirty man. He has been a prostitute all his life. We Americans deserve so much better than this slut.
Hello you stupid fucking hypocrite. How does it actually feel to be such a fucking hypocrite? Good? Say, does soros actually pay you for your internship?
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.
This is really ludicrous. Everything in life for you is a conspiracy isn't it? LMAO
I find myself leaning more towards us having a "social" and "cultural" reassessment of behaviors that used to be common place and generally considered "non-offensive."

American's have become easily offended little twats and I think this kind of stuff is what we get out of that "flaw"; an attempted rewrite of historical events taken out of it's context and thrown into modern "utopia ideas" mentality.

I mean, it was a very common joke that women had to climb the corporate ladder on their knees when I was growing up. I can't even count how many times folks implied that I was exchanging sex for promotions. I think the difference is that I didn't get offended by it, I laughed it off as the joke it was intended as; and as far as those who actually believed that, fuck em because their opinion didn't matter to me. I'm a far "stronger" gal than today's women (and men frankly); who can't even handle real life, much less any field that involves any kind of hard or "cut-throat" competition. It's like when my husband jokes that he "wears the pants" I make the choice to not get all butt hurt offended about it - he knows damn well that I'll put up a worthy fight over the stupidest shit... (like where the glasses go in the kitchen - they are exactly where I want them and he's reduced to bitching uselessly about it when he gets a glass out. Similarly, I bitch constantly about him leaving his clothes on the floor in front of the basket, meanwhile he gives no fucks and that's just the way it is so I gotta deal.) Today's folks /choose/ to be offended. ~shrug~
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

Weinstein was "thrown under the bus" initially by two women (starting with McGowan) that wanted something they felt that he had at the time. Hell, even his current wife was aware of his affairs and didn't give a damn until it became a national issue. Then it was time for a divorce because the relationship became detrimental to her own success.

This (all of the ongoing crap) is being tried in the court of public opinion because most of it can't be tried in an actual court. The current status of the Democrats indicates they really aren't smart enough to plot it out. Now, they can ride the coat tails of this like there was no tomorrow. However, it would be a phenomenally stupid move on their part to not be able to differentiate between sexual abuse and/or harassment and people who made some really shitty choices and are seeking absolution.

Rose McGowan is known for playing in a television show that geared for teens and young adults. She was never considered a really good actress. She hooked up with a director (married at the time) that was going to cast her as a lead in 3 movies and he dumped her when he found out nobody wanted to fund his movies because she was the lead...........as she was never considered a good actress. She trashed an Adam Sandler film on twitter for a cheezy part. Bad movie. Really bad. She was all kinds of pissed off because there are no really good female roles. She's right. There aren't. That said, Rose McGowan is not Meryl Streep (a triple threat).Those roles would not be available to her then or now.

Does that make Weinstein less of a disgusting piece of crap? Nope.

But even the Democrats couldn't make that shit up.

Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

Lol. Yeah that’s it all right,lol.

Or, you know, it could be that we finally hit the turning point, and people realized that this shit isn't going to work anymore.

If it helps you process it, you're welcome to believe that it's all a conspiracy.

Hold on to that as long as you can.

Moore will get the boot, Franken will stay.

You watch!
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.

Weinstein was "thrown under the bus" initially by two women (starting with McGowan) that wanted something they felt that he had at the time. Hell, even his current wife was aware of his affairs and didn't give a damn until it became a national issue. Then it was time for a divorce because the relationship became detrimental to her own success.

This (all of the ongoing crap) is being tried in the court of public opinion because most of it can't be tried in an actual court. The current status of the Democrats indicates they really aren't smart enough to plot it out. Now, they can ride the coat tails of this like there was no tomorrow. However, it would be a phenomenally stupid move on their part to not be able to differentiate between sexual abuse and/or harassment and people who made some really shitty choices and are seeking absolution.

Rose McGowan is known for playing in a television show that geared for teens and young adults. She was never considered a really good actress. She hooked up with a director (married at the time) that was going to cast her as a lead in 3 movies and he dumped her when he found out nobody wanted to fund his movies because she was the lead...........as she was never considered a good actress. She trashed an Adam Sandler film on twitter for a cheezy part. Bad movie. Really bad. She was all kinds of pissed off because there are no really good female roles. She's right. There aren't. That said, Rose McGowan is not Meryl Streep (a triple threat).Those roles would not be available to her then or now.

Does that make Weinstein less of a disgusting piece of crap? Nope.

But even the Democrats couldn't make that shit up.

It's given me a whole new outlook on Hollywood actresses. I no longer see a talented actress, I see a high price call girl
Multiple women say Donald Trump made unwanted, inappropriate sexual advances on them

I often wondered why Harvey Weinstein was thrown under the bus by the left. After all, he was a big Dim for decades and gave boat loads of money to them. At first I thought it was just because he backed a loser in Hillary, and it was time to purge the party of the Hillary clan to make room for the socialists to take over for good, but I know think there is yet another motive, to take down Trump.

When Trump was running against Hillary, accusations did not hold water against Trump, especially due to the fact that Trump was running against Bill Clinton's wife, someone who also had woman accusing him of sexual assaults. However, the Clinton's are now out of the picture and it Is just Trump. Add to this fact that Harvey Weinstein has created a nation wide witch hunt for men accused of sexual assaults against women, and what you have is a good political tool to expunge Trump once and for all in 2020.
Interesting that it never crossed your mind that people actually were disgusted by sexual predators. This is why we continue to have sexual predators.....because they just don't get it that what they do is wrong....they think people reject them for other, nefarious reasons. It's all about excuse making.

Isn't it?

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