I've changed my mind about "white privilege"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

It's not because I don't still view it as a bullshit issue invented by leftist apparatchiks, at least in the context they have used to coin it.

However I have witnessed and I have to acknowledge that black people do get scrutinized by police more heavily. Yes there are reasons for that, but the fact remains. I've seen blacks surrounded by cops in rich liberal white neighborhoods for "walking while black". I have seen blacks yanked out of cars and searched under circumstances that white people would have gotten out of. I've seen blacks incarcerated for petty crimes for years, for shit I got away with, and I had the ability to read their records. I met more than a few Trustee's that got fucked really hard in court and I won't even pretend that it wasn't because they were black.

The problem is, as Zo points out to in the video is that white people (who aren't retarded) immediately take a defensive posture because we aren't guilty of anything as individuals. At least not unless you're a democrat DA and seek to punish blacks more than rich whites. Most of us have nothing to feel guilty about, most of us were just as disgusted about what happened to George Floyd as the bed wetters pretended to be and black people were. The man was murdered, on video, by a cop who was immediately fired but not arrested. I don't care what Floyd's history is, I don't care if he fought like Tyson to resist arrest, once he was cuffed he was neutralized and kneeling on his back and neck is contradictory to everything I learned in regards to making arrests.

Making an arrest is a serious power, any civilian can do it actually. Do it in an improper way, without cause and you're going to wish you were dead by the time the system is done with you. Police are expected to live up to higher standards because they have a greater power to detain and investigate that the public and commissioned security does not. Anyway I digress..

I can acknowledge that black people get the shit end of the stick a lot, but that makes me guilty of nothing. My ancestors were not here before 1865 that I know of, and if any of them were they weren't slave owners. I don't look at it as a matter of "privilege" but a matter of oppression, but on the other hand, black people (usually liberals) are sometimes pushed ahead of everyone else, regardless of merit, but because of race alone, and that is some serious bullshit there also.

My ancestors were not here before 1865 that I know of, and if any of them were they weren't slave owners. I don't look at it as a matter of "privilege" but a matter of oppression, but on the other hand, black people (usually liberals) are sometimes pushed ahead of everyone else, regardless of merit, but because of race alone, and that is some serious bullshit there also.
I see this statement a lot.
Well, my family were here, they were in the south, and they owned quite a few slaves. This I have fact checked and verified. That same plantation still exists in large parts to this day as a state historical site.

Nope...no guilt. Not a modicum. Could care less.
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Take George Floyd out of the conversation. There is NO DISAGREEMENT WHATSOEVER that his death was the result of excessive policing, and NOBODY is criticizing the DEMONSTRATORS, although the whole worldwide thing is a grotesque over-reaction.

Police pay closer attention to "Black" behavior on the streets because Police see, with THEIR OWN EYES, the excessive level of petty crimes, violence, drunkenness, substance abuse, and general anti-social behavior that pervades that community. Any good cop knows that if he sees a car with four or five Black Yoots in it, it is a lead-pipe cinch that a close examination of the car and its occupants will produce some evidence of criminal behavior. It is unfortunate that some Black people who are completely blameless have to suffer with this scrutiny, but "we" cannot demand of the Police that they ignore or un-learn the lessons that their experience provides.

It is almost universally true that in every case where the police (or the quasi-police in some cases) have been caught in what might have been an over-reaction that caused a death, the Black victim was doing something that he oughtn't to have been doing. Even if it was something very minor like selling individual cigarettes on the sidewalk, there is always some criminality - often petty criminality - that resulted in the Police having an interest. One almost hopes that SOMEDAY this will happen to some Black person who is completely innocent, then we can all, together, burn down the country.

But the basic point here is not being openly articulated, because it is preposterous and provably false.

That point is this: Black "inequality" is the result of "white" racism!

That assertion is at the root of each and every demonstration in this country, if not around the world. And it is poppycock. The reason it is not openly asserted is because the facts crush it. White racists don't cause the horrific Black school dropout rate, or the grotesque academic record of American Blacks, especially Black males. White racism plays NO PART in Black bastardy, which is at the root of economic "inequality." White racism does not cause Black petty criminality, substance abuse, the rejection of the prevailing culture or the "middle-class work ethic."

In this country and in this day and age, for every Black person who is rejected for an employment position because of his or her race, there are a hundred comparable positions where race makes no difference. The very idea of a Black student being rejected in an application for a school because of race is preposterous; the opposite is clearly true. They are accepted despite shortcomings that would result in a "white" student being rejected out of hand.

Cogent observers have noted that the practice of "virtue signaling" has become a greater pandemic in today's culture than the Corona Virus. Each evening we see hordes of Black and "white" virtue signalers professing the pathetic point that they are not racists, like every other "white" person in the country. Put them in a police uniform for six months, let them ride around in urban neighborhoods and see what goes on, then we can ask them if they have any preconceived notions about Black criminality.

I can't wait.
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Any good cop knows that if he sees a car with four or five Black Yoots in it, it is a lead-pipe cinch that a close examination of the car and its occupants will produce some evidence of criminal behavior.

I can agree to an extent, but if they're just riding around getting high, give them a break. I can see if they have what are obviously burglary tools when none of them do construction work, fine. It is so easy to violate a law that many people do so without even knowing it.

I know someone who got busted for having a billy club in their car. She also had a legal pistol, but the billy club, purchased at a military surplus store for $5 was ILLEGAL and just by possessing it immediately after she purchased it, she was a criminal. She spent a week in jail over it rather than pay a $500 fine.

Now I can agree that cops on the street can sniff out criminal behavior easily and the leftist media loves to exploit the cases where they fuck up, but should they even be bothered with someone selling cigarettes? That was horse shit.

White racists don't cause the horrific Black school dropout rate, or the grotesque academic record of American Blacks, especially Black males. White racism plays NO PART in Black bastardy, which is at the root of economic "inequality." White racism does not cause Black petty criminality, substance abuse, the rejection of the prevailing culture or the "middle-class work ethic."

I would argue that white racism absolutely does cause these issues. White racist democrooks are responsible for failing schools and the mafia... I mean school unions, that protect negligent teachers. White racist democrooks promote welfare that replaces fathers. White racist democrooks exalt "thug life" and promote it in media and entertainment (along with black subservient sociopaths). White racist democrooks promote the rejection of virtue, morality and traditional values like a work ethic.

As far as the rest of your post I can agree well enough that I don't have more to add. Besides, long posts bore people.

Take George Floyd out of the conversation. There is NO DISAGREEMENT WHATSOEVER that his death was the result of excessive policing, and NOBODY is criticizing the DEMONSTRATORS, although the whole worldwide thing is a grotesque over-reaction.

Police pay closer attention to "Black" behavior on the streets because Police see, with THEIR OWN EYES, the excessive level of petty crimes, violence, drunkenness, substance abuse, and general anti-social behavior that pervades that community. Any good cop knows [snipped]
You know what, I stopped reading at the point above. There are areas in this country that are pretty much all white. What kind of crimes do you think the police there deal with? What kind of crimes do you think they deal with in the poor white areas?
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You know what, I stopped reading at the point above. There are areas in this country that are pretty much all white. What kind of crimes do you think the police there deal with? What kind of crimes do you think they deal with in the poor white areas?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, as if one sort of crime is better than another perhaps? Maybe you believe that the drug deals and prostitution in urban ghettos are different than the same shit that happens in trailer parks?

I'd like some clarification.

You know what, I stopped reading at the point above. There are areas in this country that are pretty much all white. What kind of crimes do you think the police there deal with? What kind of crimes do you think they deal with in the poor white areas?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, as if one sort of crime is better than another perhaps? Maybe you believe that the drug deals and prostitution in urban ghettos are different than the same shit that happens in trailer parks?

I'd like some clarification.
Well more to the point is how so many of the posters here with a racist bent refer to "black" crime as if it is somehow worse than "white crime" (you know they believe this to be true). Case in point is the commenter who stated:
"Police pay closer attention to "Black" behavior on the streets (this is also known as racial profiling which has been ruled unconstitutional ) because Police see, with THEIR OWN EYES, the excessive level of petty crimes, violence, drunkenness, substance abuse, and general anti-social behavior that pervades that community" <--- these are the same damn crimes you see in all white areas.

On the other hand, you don't actually understand what white priviledge means. A privilege is a benefit, special treatment or immunity (from something negative) that one obtains by membership of a certain group which is not extended to or availabe to others not of this group. The people who established the United States of America believed that God designated the white race as superior and the black race as inferior and as such destined to be subservient to the white race - in perpetuity (essentially until Jesus returns).

"This is White Privilege Looks Like" (you don't get to simply declare you don't have it)


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