I've Been Called "Racist" For YEARS - My Wedding Picture

Yet another, "look at my black best friend" argument, from a diehard white supremacist.
He never said she was his best friend, lying racist, he said it was his wife. Hey, why don't you go shoot a white child in the head and make something of yourself?
He's already a piece of feces, so that's something. :dunno:
No need to kill a child over it.
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - President Lyndon B. Johnson
Best movie ever!

I must agree with the Coyote. But always remember: I am no one to be trifled with.

You know...I heard they were going to remake it (or maybe already did) - I won't watch it. The original had the perfect cast, it can't be duplicated or improved on. Good soundtrack too :)

facts never effect the actions or beliefs of liberals.


When they think men can become women, women can become men, and celebrate such perversity, teaching it to impressionable children, while promoting the ongoing slaughter of unborn babies, how can liberals ever look any thinking person in the face and expect to be taken seriously.

Bless you, Correll.
That's me on the left with my wife. That's my Best Man on the right.
So much for the destructive lies of race-baiting, power hungry Democrats.

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Some of my best friends are black. lol.

Does he agree with your political views?

a cliche, but have you ever really thought about it?

i mean, liberals more and more are segregating themselves from conservatives, or even moderates who do not share their radical views. because you can't stand to be around people whom you pretend in your mind are "bad:.

so, if white "wacists" are comfortable being around black people, doesn't that imply a level of tolerance and acceptance that does undermine, if not disprove your accusations of wacism?
That's me on the left with my wife. That's my Best Man on the right.
So much for the destructive lies of race-baiting, power hungry Democrats.

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You got married in 1953? And your best man couldn't wear a tie? And what happened to the rest of the cake?
I did not think of specifying a dress code. On seven day R&R I was happy as hell to be with the love of my life, even if only for a short while. It was heaven as we frolicked at Waikiki Beach and toured the Polynesian Cultural Center then snorkeled at Hanauma Bay. Heaven. Been back many times, taking parents, inlaws, daughters, and five sisters in law (I stayed at home, avoiding being the odd man among six squawking women). They could not afford the trip. I could.

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