Zone1 It's virtually impossible for Protestants to understand Catholicism


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I read all these posts and threads by Catholics and Protestants and the former are always trying to explain Catholicism to the latter, to no avail. Every now and then a Protestant "gets it" and eventually converts but most of the time, that does not (or does not seem to) happen. That's just my own POV. So I just kind of gave up, although I still answer reasonable questions from those who seem to really want to understand, which is not many, to be sure.

Most people who are baptized Catholic as an infant & raised Catholic (even if poorly) end up making good citizens because they hear the Word of God at Mass every Sunday, sometimes even daily, and usually the parents are law-abiding people and etc.... But still, so many Protestants have been told over and over by their pastors and friends and/or family that Catholicism is.. fill in the blanks: idolatrous, evil, the anti-Christ.. you freaking name it.

I have been telling people about the most important aspects of the Catholic faith for a LONG time (the Real Presence...), but again, very few of them seem to even begin to get it, mostly (my POV) because they don't WANT to get it.

Fine, that's your choice, but please do not pretend you know everything about the Catholic faith!
Actually the Protestant churches are still 'Catholic', they just no longer send money to the Vatican. Anglicans, Episcopalians, and Lutherans are still mainly Catholics. The Evangelicals came later, and are mis-named 'Protestants', but they are not strictly Protestants, they are something else entirely, independents. Most are more Jewish than Catholicism is, theologically, and came along after the Reformation. The evangelical sects mostly use the Masoretic Text for their OT and Greek Textus Receptus NT commentaries on the OT. I prefer a NKJV study bible with footnotes listing various disputed translations among the translation versions. Calling them Protestant Protestants just doesn't sound catchy.
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Actually the Protestant churches are still 'Catholic', they just no longer send money to the Vatican. Anglicans, Episcopalians, and Lutherans are still mainly Catholics. The Evangelicals came later, and are mis-named 'Protestants', but they are not strictly Protestants, they are something else entirely, independents. Most are more Jewish than Catholicism is, theologically, and came along after the Reformation.
well, I'm not one to get hung up on words and splitting hairs.

Whatever you call them, they are NOT Catholic. Only Catholics know what it's like to be Catholic.

All Christians are somewhat Catholic or however you may want to put it because all "churches" derived from the Original, namely the Catholic Church. But they didn't stay faithful to that Church, and so they are all protesting the CC
I remember the nuns in catechism admonishing us kids to stay out of those places (Protestant churches).
I read all these posts and threads by Catholics and Protestants and the former are always trying to explain Catholicism to the latter, to no avail. Every now and then a Protestant "gets it" and eventually converts but most of the time, that does not (or does not seem to) happen. That's just my own POV. So I just kind of gave up, although I still answer reasonable questions from those who seem to really want to understand, which is not many, to be sure.

Most people who are baptized Catholic as an infant & raised Catholic (even if poorly) end up making good citizens because they hear the Word of God at Mass every Sunday, sometimes even daily, and usually the parents are law-abiding people and etc.... But still, so many Protestants have been told over and over by their pastors and friends and/or family that Catholicism is.. fill in the blanks: idolatrous, evil, the anti-Christ.. you freaking name it.

I have been telling people about the most important aspects of the Catholic faith for a LONG time (the Real Presence...), but again, very few of them seem to even begin to get it, mostly (my POV) because they don't WANT to get it.

Fine, that's your choice, but please do not pretend you know everything about the Catholic faith!
If you ask 5 different Catholics to explain Catholocism, you will probably get 5 different expanations. It is the same for every Christian denomination. I feel that our focus should be on God, not the denomination that is the path to God.
I feel no denomination can say all of our adherents are the best Christians.
I read all these posts and threads by Catholics and Protestants and the former are always trying to explain Catholicism to the latter, to no avail. Every now and then a Protestant "gets it" and eventually converts but most of the time, that does not (or does not seem to) happen. That's just my own POV. So I just kind of gave up, although I still answer reasonable questions from those who seem to really want to understand, which is not many, to be sure.

Most people who are baptized Catholic as an infant & raised Catholic (even if poorly) end up making good citizens because they hear the Word of God at Mass every Sunday, sometimes even daily, and usually the parents are law-abiding people and etc.... But still, so many Protestants have been told over and over by their pastors and friends and/or family that Catholicism is.. fill in the blanks: idolatrous, evil, the anti-Christ.. you freaking name it.

I have been telling people about the most important aspects of the Catholic faith for a LONG time (the Real Presence...), but again, very few of them seem to even begin to get it, mostly (my POV) because they don't WANT to get it.

Fine, that's your choice, but please do not pretend you know everything about the Catholic faith!
2% of U.S. adults are converts to Catholicism – people who now identify as Catholic after having been raised in another religion (or no religion). This means that there are 6.5 former Catholics in the U.S. for every convert to the faith.Oct 10, 2018

It looks like only about 30,000 converts per year in the U.S. for a Church with over 50 million adults as members. While The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had 212,172 converts in 2022. And, the total number of members in the U.S. is 6,804,000. Which is really truly a missionary Church? We have 62,000 full-time missionaries out converting throughout the world. The Catholic Church isn't much of a missionary Church like Jesus Called the 12 Apostles to be and go out to the d4 corners of the earth.
If you ask 5 different Catholics to explain Catholocism, you will probably get 5 different expanations. It is the same for every Christian denomination. I feel that our focus should be on God, not the denomination that is the path to God.
I feel no denomination can say all of our adherents are the best Christians.
can't argue.

On the other hand, Jesus did establish a CHURCH.

which ones goes back to the time of the Apostles?

only one
2% of U.S. adults are converts to Catholicism – people who now identify as Catholic after having been raised in another religion (or no religion). This means that there are 6.5 former Catholics in the U.S. for every convert to the faith.Oct 10, 2018

It looks like only about 30,000 converts per year in the U.S. for a Church with over 50 million adults as members. While The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had 212,172 converts in 2022. And, the total number of members in the U.S. is 6,804,000. Which is really truly a missionary Church? We have 62,000 full-time missionaries out converting throughout the world. The Catholic Church isn't much of a missionary Church like Jesus Called the 12 Apostles to be and go out to the d4 corners of the earth.
it used to be...

sad things have happened
well, I'm not one to get hung up on words and splitting hairs.

Whatever you call them, they are NOT Catholic. Only Catholics know what it's like to be Catholic.

All Christians are somewhat Catholic or however you may want to put it because all "churches" derived from the Original, namely the Catholic Church. But they didn't stay faithful to that Church, and so they are all protesting the CC

Actually the Catholic Church came along hundreds of years after what became the Eastern Orthodox existed, and before that it was called The Way, and was predominantly Jewish and centered on synagogues. Peter never set foot in Rome, and the Roman Church was just another bishopric among many until later as well. The East and West split in 1054.

Only Catholics keep claiming they're the first and only real church. It's total fictional nonsense. I do enjoy their Latin masses, though, and it's a shame they did away with them for the most part. Latin is a cool language; scared the crap out of savages.
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it used to be...

sad things have happened
This is what is part of the great apostasy that Paul taught about. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are not running the show of the RCC. Doctrines were changed and polluted. A Restitution and Restoration of all things was necessary and it began in 1820 line upon line, precept upon precept.
I read all these posts and threads by Catholics and Protestants and the former are always trying to explain Catholicism to the latter, to no avail. Every now and then a Protestant "gets it" and eventually converts but most of the time, that does not (or does not seem to) happen. That's just my own POV. So I just kind of gave up, although I still answer reasonable questions from those who seem to really want to understand, which is not many, to be sure.

Most people who are baptized Catholic as an infant & raised Catholic (even if poorly) end up making good citizens because they hear the Word of God at Mass every Sunday, sometimes even daily, and usually the parents are law-abiding people and etc.... But still, so many Protestants have been told over and over by their pastors and friends and/or family that Catholicism is.. fill in the blanks: idolatrous, evil, the anti-Christ.. you freaking name it.

I have been telling people about the most important aspects of the Catholic faith for a LONG time (the Real Presence...), but again, very few of them seem to even begin to get it, mostly (my POV) because they don't WANT to get it.

Fine, that's your choice, but please do not pretend you know everything about the Catholic faith!
Catholicism is no different than any other organized religion. They are all contrary to God's teachings and are designed to promote human political agendas. Case in point--the CC removing books from the original inspired Bible.
Catholicism is no different than any other organized religion. They are all contrary to God's teachings and are designed to promote human political agendas. Case in point--the CC removing books from the original inspired Bible.
Which books did Catholics remove?
I read all these posts and threads by Catholics and Protestants and the former are always trying to explain Catholicism to the latter, to no avail. Every now and then a Protestant "gets it" and eventually converts but most of the time, that does not (or does not seem to) happen. That's just my own POV. So I just kind of gave up, although I still answer reasonable questions from those who seem to really want to understand, which is not many, to be sure.

Most people who are baptized Catholic as an infant & raised Catholic (even if poorly) end up making good citizens because they hear the Word of God at Mass every Sunday, sometimes even daily, and usually the parents are law-abiding people and etc.... But still, so many Protestants have been told over and over by their pastors and friends and/or family that Catholicism is.. fill in the blanks: idolatrous, evil, the anti-Christ.. you freaking name it.

I have been telling people about the most important aspects of the Catholic faith for a LONG time (the Real Presence...), but again, very few of them seem to even begin to get it, mostly (my POV) because they don't WANT to get it.

Fine, that's your choice, but please do not pretend you know everything about the Catholic faith!

You, nomadic5 is the one who thinks he knows everything.
It's not impossible for protestants to understand Catholicism at all.

However, I agree w/you on one point OP, most Protestants don't even know what the word means.

But there's a remnant that do.

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