It's time!

You think the US Army Company will be coming for us or to stand with us?

There will be a large number in the military that will refuse. It will make America weak and may even be attacked from other country's in our weaken state.

John Brown led an armed insurrection against the US to fight against slavery. He had a more noble cause than someone whining about the loss of his AK-47

The US Military led by Robert E Lee had no problems with putting him down and hanging him

Gun nuts who put love of guns over love of country will be no different

Actually John Brown went up against the Virginia MILITIA.
There will be a large number in the military that will refuse. It will make America weak and may even be attacked from other country's in our weaken state.

John Brown led an armed insurrection against the US to fight against slavery. He had a more noble cause than someone whining about the loss of his AK-47

The US Military led by Robert E Lee had no problems with putting him down and hanging him

Gun nuts who put love of guns over love of country will be no different

Actually John Brown went up against the Virginia MILITIA.

Do you ever tire of being wrong?

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's raid, accomplished by 20 men in his party, was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee
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Branch Davidian Compound
Ruby Ridge
The Civil War

Just three examples of those who confronted our government and ended up on the short end of the stick.

You can add in the United Klans of America, who were sued in federal court and rendered financially desitiute.

Go ahead, arm yourselves. Good luck with that.

Just that many less freakaziods out there.

The government will be so short on man power they will have to call the U.N for help.
John Brown led an armed insurrection against the US to fight against slavery. He had a more noble cause than someone whining about the loss of his AK-47

The US Military led by Robert E Lee had no problems with putting him down and hanging him

Gun nuts who put love of guns over love of country will be no different

Actually John Brown went up against the Virginia MILITIA.

Do you ever tire of being wrong?

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's raid, accomplished by 20 men in his party, was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee
Whose wrong?
By early morning, eight companies of Virginia and Maryland militia had John Brown and several of his men trapped inside a fire-engine house on the Arsenal grounds. By this time, most of John Brown's men were already dead, having been shot down as they tried to get away. Now, Brown, with the hostages and several of his men, was holed up inside the firehouse on the United States Arsenal grounds.

Robert E Lee and John Brown 1859
What would have helped in this situation?

The weapons were purchased legally by and registered to a divorced female teacher who I assume was around 50 years old.

So what can you propose that would have averted this tragedy?

I don't know the full background of Adam Lanza and his mother/family but from what I have read, help with/for Adam may have prevented this. Obviously something was wrong with him. What kind of services/help did he receive as a child, as an adult? Or did mother treat him as 'normal but odd' and not get any help for him? Where did/could Mrs. Lanza turn for help? Her ex-husband and oldest son seemed to have been out of Adam's life for a number of years leaving the 24/7/365 care of Adam all on his mother. Did Mrs. Lanza try to get help but met dead ends? Did Adam Lanza simply fall through cracks?

Was she on the loony side? I know she was a doomsdayer (which doesn't mean loon) but she took her mentally unstable son and taught him how to shoot. :confused: He pre-planned this, prepped for it, bought special gear for it and was trained how to shoot! He knew what he was doing.

As much as it sounds great to mainstream special needs people into society, sometimes that just isn't feasible and where do these people have to go when that happens? What kind of help is available for adults with mental issues? What kind of help is available for those caring for these adults? That's the conversation we should be having, those are the issues that we should be addressing, imo.

(I'm not specifically asking you these questions, M; just throwing my thoughts out there.)
Actually John Brown went up against the Virginia MILITIA.

Do you ever tire of being wrong?

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's raid, accomplished by 20 men in his party, was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee
Whose wrong?
By early morning, eight companies of Virginia and Maryland militia had John Brown and several of his men trapped inside a fire-engine house on the Arsenal grounds. By this time, most of John Brown's men were already dead, having been shot down as they tried to get away. Now, Brown, with the hostages and several of his men, was holed up inside the firehouse on the United States Arsenal grounds.

Robert E Lee and John Brown 1859

*********** Colonel Baylor declined. "My men are volunteers. They know how to blast away, but I can't expect them to charge that firehouse from across this yard with the Marines here," he said.
Do you ever tire of being wrong?

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown's raid, accomplished by 20 men in his party, was defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee
Whose wrong?
By early morning, eight companies of Virginia and Maryland militia had John Brown and several of his men trapped inside a fire-engine house on the Arsenal grounds. By this time, most of John Brown's men were already dead, having been shot down as they tried to get away. Now, Brown, with the hostages and several of his men, was holed up inside the firehouse on the United States Arsenal grounds.

Robert E Lee and John Brown 1859

*********** Colonel Baylor declined. "My men are volunteers. They know how to blast away, but I can't expect them to charge that firehouse from across this yard with the Marines here," he said.

But earlier you said it was the marines?
Whose wrong?
By early morning, eight companies of Virginia and Maryland militia had John Brown and several of his men trapped inside a fire-engine house on the Arsenal grounds. By this time, most of John Brown's men were already dead, having been shot down as they tried to get away. Now, Brown, with the hostages and several of his men, was holed up inside the firehouse on the United States Arsenal grounds.

Robert E Lee and John Brown 1859

*********** Colonel Baylor declined. "My men are volunteers. They know how to blast away, but I can't expect them to charge that firehouse from across this yard with the Marines here," he said.

But earlier you said it was the marines?

Lesson learned reb

What happens when you take up arms against your country?
You get hung for treason

Now, are you still supporting gun owners firebombing a police mans home if he confiscates guns?
*********** Colonel Baylor declined. "My men are volunteers. They know how to blast away, but I can't expect them to charge that firehouse from across this yard with the Marines here," he said.

But earlier you said it was the marines?

Lesson learned reb

What happens when you take up arms against your country?
You get hung for treason

Now, are you still supporting gun owners firebombing a police mans home if he confiscates guns?
Let it be a lesson to you not to mess with the militia and not to use wiki.
Those who take up arms against their country?

They will kick your ass

You are an ignorant fucktard.

Here, let me essplain to you and whoever else wants to follow along how the smart fighters will do it as the government rounds up all the hotheads.

1. They get the addresses of the top LEOs that would take peoples guns and place them on the internet.

2. If a LEO actually busts someone for mere posession of said gun, someone acting independently will eventually go to the dudes house and set it on fire while the LEO is in bed with his family...OR

maybe they will wait for the LEO to come out of his favorite bar and slash him across any of seventeen arteries/veins and leave him to bleed out in the parking lot...OR

maybe they will snatch the LEOs wife and leave her blindfilded in some area she would never go to like a ghetto or a NASCAR race. lol. No one tries to fight a tank head on or shoot it out with a SWAT team, you fuckhead.

They would attack the strength of morale of the cadre of LEO orgs till they stoip enforcing the objectional law and leave the cops that patrol the streets alone.

3. Some constitutionalists in the LEO organizations would be symapthetic and assist the movement by leaking info to the public in any of thousands of ways, and not get caught because they know how the LEOs watch for that shit.

4. They start to target media types and academians that support the public by sabotaging their autos, kitchen appliances, etc.

There are dozens of ways to do this kind of stuff without the stupid ass shit that you seem to be fixated on. If you would read how some successful people have done this shit like Micheal Collins maybe you souldnt be such a stupid fuck... nah, you cant help being a stupid fuck and no book could every remedy your lack of gray matter.

So go tell your shit to people that give a fuck what some retarded ass hole like you thinks, or more acurately, tries to think.

Bingo we have a winner. You're talking to someone who will not comprehend what you mean. He thinks you have to go head to head against tanks to fight.

So big reb...

Still supporting gun rights advocates fire bombing a cops house with his kids inside?

Makes you proud to be a pro gun advocate doesn't it?
You are an ignorant fucktard.

Here, let me essplain to you and whoever else wants to follow along how the smart fighters will do it as the government rounds up all the hotheads.

1. They get the addresses of the top LEOs that would take peoples guns and place them on the internet.

2. If a LEO actually busts someone for mere posession of said gun, someone acting independently will eventually go to the dudes house and set it on fire while the LEO is in bed with his family...OR

maybe they will wait for the LEO to come out of his favorite bar and slash him across any of seventeen arteries/veins and leave him to bleed out in the parking lot...OR

maybe they will snatch the LEOs wife and leave her blindfilded in some area she would never go to like a ghetto or a NASCAR race. lol. No one tries to fight a tank head on or shoot it out with a SWAT team, you fuckhead.

They would attack the strength of morale of the cadre of LEO orgs till they stoip enforcing the objectional law and leave the cops that patrol the streets alone.

3. Some constitutionalists in the LEO organizations would be symapthetic and assist the movement by leaking info to the public in any of thousands of ways, and not get caught because they know how the LEOs watch for that shit.

4. They start to target media types and academians that support the public by sabotaging their autos, kitchen appliances, etc.

There are dozens of ways to do this kind of stuff without the stupid ass shit that you seem to be fixated on. If you would read how some successful people have done this shit like Micheal Collins maybe you souldnt be such a stupid fuck... nah, you cant help being a stupid fuck and no book could every remedy your lack of gray matter.

So go tell your shit to people that give a fuck what some retarded ass hole like you thinks, or more acurately, tries to think.

Bingo we have a winner. You're talking to someone who will not comprehend what you mean. He thinks you have to go head to head against tanks to fight.

So big reb...

Still supporting gun rights advocates fire bombing a cops house with his kids inside?

Makes you proud to be a pro gun advocate doesn't it?
That would be obama's buddy bill ayres who has attacked police.
But the police I know will be on my side.
The Heller Court clearly severed ‘military service’ from the individual right to own a firearm. Indeed, the notion of armed citizens ‘rising up’ against some perceived ‘unjust government’ is a naïve fantasy.
Bingo we have a winner. You're talking to someone who will not comprehend what you mean. He thinks you have to go head to head against tanks to fight.

So big reb...

Still supporting gun rights advocates fire bombing a cops house with his kids inside?

Makes you proud to be a pro gun advocate doesn't it?
That would be obama's buddy bill ayres who has attacked police.
But the police I know will be on my side.

Wow bigreb

You think police will be on your side when you kill their kids and slash their throats?

You gun nuts really are delusional
What would have helped in this situation?

The weapons were purchased legally by and registered to a divorced female teacher who I assume was around 50 years old.

So what can you propose that would have averted this tragedy?

I don't know the full background of Adam Lanza and his mother/family but from what I have read, help with/for Adam may have prevented this. Obviously something was wrong with him. What kind of services/help did he receive as a child, as an adult? Or did mother treat him as 'normal but odd' and not get any help for him? Where did/could Mrs. Lanza turn for help? Her ex-husband and oldest son seemed to have been out of Adam's life for a number of years leaving the 24/7/365 care of Adam all on his mother. Did Mrs. Lanza try to get help but met dead ends? Did Adam Lanza simply fall through cracks?

Was she on the loony side? I know she was a doomsdayer (which doesn't mean loon) but she took her mentally unstable son and taught him how to shoot. :confused: He pre-planned this, prepped for it, bought special gear for it and was trained how to shoot! He knew what he was doing.

As much as it sounds great to mainstream special needs people into society, sometimes that just isn't feasible and where do these people have to go when that happens? What kind of help is available for adults with mental issues? What kind of help is available for those caring for these adults? That's the conversation we should be having, those are the issues that we should be addressing, imo.

(I'm not specifically asking you these questions, M; just throwing my thoughts out there.)

Since no one responded to this well thought out post, I'll add mine. Help for young adults with mental health issues ends at age 18, generally. Even well-off parents can be cash strapped to provide the mental health services necessary for their kids. I don't know if Obamacare provides mental health services, but I believe universal preventative health care, including mental health care and treatment, is esssental and might prevent a horrific incident from happening.
Bingo we have a winner. You're talking to someone who will not comprehend what you mean. He thinks you have to go head to head against tanks to fight.

So big reb...

Still supporting gun rights advocates fire bombing a cops house with his kids inside?

Makes you proud to be a pro gun advocate doesn't it?
That would be obama's buddy bill ayres who has attacked police.
But the police I know will be on my side.

Strange reb.....this thread shows you applauding the idea for your gun loving buddies....murder, arson, rape

Anything else you guys dream of for people who take your guns?
So big reb...

Still supporting gun rights advocates fire bombing a cops house with his kids inside?

Makes you proud to be a pro gun advocate doesn't it?
That would be obama's buddy bill ayres who has attacked police.
But the police I know will be on my side.

Strange reb.....this thread shows you applauding the idea for your gun loving buddies....murder, arson, rape

Anything else you guys dream of for people who take your guns?

That is all in your demented little small mind.
That would be obama's buddy bill ayres who has attacked police.
But the police I know will be on my side.

Strange reb.....this thread shows you applauding the idea for your gun loving buddies....murder, arson, rape

Anything else you guys dream of for people who take your guns?

That is all in your demented little small mind.

Earlier I posted this:

A popular uprising which those gun nuts above seem to hope for is little more than a fantasy of a boy playing with toy soliders. Shay's Rebellin comes to mind as well as well as Sam Adams comment - to revolt against a Monarch was one thing but against a Republic it is a crime punishable by death.

The comments by CrusaderFrank, JimBowie and BigRep are the fantasy of grown men acting like little boys, they cherish revolution in the name of liberty but fail to recognize, "All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State".
Albert Camus

Do you have a comment you'd like to share?
Strange reb.....this thread shows you applauding the idea for your gun loving buddies....murder, arson, rape

Anything else you guys dream of for people who take your guns?

That is all in your demented little small mind.

Earlier I posted this:

A popular uprising which those gun nuts above seem to hope for is little more than a fantasy of a boy playing with toy soliders. Shay's Rebellin comes to mind as well as well as Sam Adams comment - to revolt against a Monarch was one thing but against a Republic it is a crime punishable by death.

The comments by CrusaderFrank, JimBowie and BigRep are the fantasy of grown men acting like little boys, they cherish revolution in the name of liberty but fail to recognize, "All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State".
Albert Camus

Do you have a comment you'd like to share?
I believe I already have.
That is all in your demented little small mind.

Earlier I posted this:

A popular uprising which those gun nuts above seem to hope for is little more than a fantasy of a boy playing with toy soliders. Shay's Rebellin comes to mind as well as well as Sam Adams comment - to revolt against a Monarch was one thing but against a Republic it is a crime punishable by death.

The comments by CrusaderFrank, JimBowie and BigRep are the fantasy of grown men acting like little boys, they cherish revolution in the name of liberty but fail to recognize, "All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State".
Albert Camus

Do you have a comment you'd like to share?
I believe I already have.

I don't.
Strange reb.....this thread shows you applauding the idea for your gun loving buddies....murder, arson, rape

Anything else you guys dream of for people who take your guns?

That is all in your demented little small mind.

Earlier I posted this:

A popular uprising which those gun nuts above seem to hope for is little more than a fantasy of a boy playing with toy soliders. Shay's Rebellin comes to mind as well as well as Sam Adams comment - to revolt against a Monarch was one thing but against a Republic it is a crime punishable by death.

The comments by CrusaderFrank, JimBowie and BigRep are the fantasy of grown men acting like little boys, they cherish revolution in the name of liberty but fail to recognize, "All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State".
Albert Camus

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Throughout history Progressives taking away guns leave us only 2 choices: kill us when we're armed or kill us when we're unarmed

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