Its time to stop blaming liberals for Trump's big mouth and tweets!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Its so easy to keep this partisan crap up, of us vs them shit....But Trump is the reason this country is at odd's with itself, Trump and the haters that continue to support his madness. Dem's didn't make this guy go on the campaign trail and shit all over everybody but good ol boys and trashy white women. They don't force his tweets, his mouth to open or the shit that come out his mouth. From day one, Trump had the best opportunity to get shit done in this country with control pretty much over the entire country and instead, he waged war on the american people and let the chips fall were they may.
To me this isn't about people blaming anyone for what Trump tweets or says, some of it has hurt him and his agenda. What people like myself have a problem with is first, the double standard of reporting, especially with words vs actions. Second, the questioning as to why an absolute focus on anything but vital policies.

If you tun on MSNBC today, are they going to discuss how lower taxes might help average Americans. Or what the best response is to dealing with 11 illegal immigrants, or how to bring back jobs to America after so many years of trade abuse and outsourcing? NO, of course not. They want to attack, and go the way of Bernie, complain but provide no solutions.

Worse, they would rather focus on PC culture, micro aggressions, transgender washrooms, exploiting racial divisions and petting ponies. The average American doesn't care for much of this. They want a booming economy, liberty, economic opportunities and fair trade not exploitation. They want a safe country devoid of billions of dollars going to illegal immigrants while they struggle.

It doesn't matter if he tweeted or didn't. He could Mother Teresa and some outlets would go at him, because they want a particular kind of country based on socialism, big government, bankruptcy and crony capitalism.
Its so easy to keep this partisan crap up, of us vs them shit....But Trump is the reason this country is at odd's with itself, Trump and the haters that continue to support his madness. Dem's didn't make this guy go on the campaign trail and shit all over everybody but good ol boys and trashy white women. They don't force his tweets, his mouth to open or the shit that come out his mouth. From day one, Trump had the best opportunity to get shit done in this country with control pretty much over the entire country and instead, he waged war on the american people and let the chips fall were they may.
Only you are bothered by his tweets. Don't pretend we care. Democrats are desperate to create an issue where none exists.
Its so easy to keep this partisan crap up, of us vs them shit....But Trump is the reason this country is at odd's with itself, Trump and the haters that continue to support his madness. Dem's didn't make this guy go on the campaign trail and shit all over everybody but good ol boys and trashy white women. They don't force his tweets, his mouth to open or the shit that come out his mouth. From day one, Trump had the best opportunity to get shit done in this country with control pretty much over the entire country and instead, he waged war on the american people and let the chips fall were they may.
How can he get anything done with all off the media attacking him 24/7 with he said she said BS, and fools like you parroting it like it was written in stone?
Its so easy to keep this partisan crap up, of us vs them shit....But Trump is the reason this country is at odd's with itself, Trump and the haters that continue to support his madness. Dem's didn't make this guy go on the campaign trail and shit all over everybody but good ol boys and trashy white women. They don't force his tweets, his mouth to open or the shit that come out his mouth. From day one, Trump had the best opportunity to get shit done in this country with control pretty much over the entire country and instead, he waged war on the american people and let the chips fall were they may.
How can he get anything done with all off the media attacking him 24/7 with he said she said BS, and fools like you parroting it like it was written in stone?

Perhaps he should stop attacking the media and watching cable news, and get to work.

With his constant lying and the steady stream of leaks from the White House regarding his focus on his poll numbers, attendance at his Inauguration, and losing the popular vote and rages against the press, he's bringing this stuff on himself.
Its so easy to keep this partisan crap up, of us vs them shit....But Trump is the reason this country is at odd's with itself, Trump and the haters that continue to support his madness. Dem's didn't make this guy go on the campaign trail and shit all over everybody but good ol boys and trashy white women. They don't force his tweets, his mouth to open or the shit that come out his mouth. From day one, Trump had the best opportunity to get shit done in this country with control pretty much over the entire country and instead, he waged war on the american people and let the chips fall were they may.
How can he get anything done with all off the media attacking him 24/7 with he said she said BS, and fools like you parroting it like it was written in stone?

Perhaps he should stop attacking the media and watching cable news, and get to work.

With his constant lying and the steady stream of leaks from the White House regarding his focus on his poll numbers, attendance at his Inauguration, and losing the popular vote and rages against the press, he's bringing this stuff on himself.
Perhaps the media liars should stop lying, and fools like you stop parroting everything you hear like it's gospel, when in reality, you have no idea.

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