It's time to fight back hundreds of #closethecamps rallies planned across the country

Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Ok, let’s release them into the country

Then what

They have nothing
No jobs
How many don’t speak English

Where will they go,
who is responsible for them

Are we still obliged to provide their needs
if we are no longer detaining them

Tell me what the fucking plan is

Yes, we would still have to give them health care, housing, educations, jobs because we cant just let them be homeless on the streets. And then I suppose this will become the norm for whoever wants to cross the border whenever they want because they have a much harder life than we do. We can just replace the Border patrol with Walmart greeters, what the hell? theres no drugs , contraband or criminals much to speak of any way ... so lets build a stronger America with our Democrat brothers !! finally we can have some real diversity.

Don't you understand? The most important thing we can do is ensure that the democrat party has a constant supply of uneducated, poor, angry, resentful, anti-American voters to vote them power over us every 2 and 4 years? Please, you have got to get your priorities straight....
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

All it would take is for some other Congress critter to view the detention center. They would see AOC lied her ass off.

Oh an they are entitled to nothing.

They shouldn't even be here. Fake asylum seekers one and all.

They should be booted back to Mexico. Maybe they would accept the asylum Mexico offered every one of them.
Protesting to close the camps?

Turn the fire-hoses and tear-gas on the protestors, run 'em down with police cavalry, and give each a good thumping with a nightstick.

Rubber bullets, stun-grenades and tazers might also come in handy.

Sound like great fun... a grand idea... especially if some of the most vocal Liberal Snowflakes are at the head of the rioters.
That's a good start. Then go full Kent State.

I heard that someone put an alligator in the Rio Grande. It is thriving. Have a serious stocking with alligators. The invasion can turn into lunch time.

Alligators seen swimming in the Rio Grande
No need to kill 'em intentionally... just beat the crap outta them on the streets.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...
Nope, they were Fascists...modeled after the Italian Fascist Party.
They got their start as Socialists and appealed largely to the working class, before deviating elsewhere...
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
You do realize the pictures you see of the children in cages were from Obama's presidency? So you gonna say Obama is a horrible man?
Ok, let’s release them into the country

Then what

They have nothing
No jobs
How many don’t speak English

Where will they go,
who is responsible for them

Are we still obliged to provide their needs
if we are no longer detaining them

Tell me what the fucking plan is

I can tell you this because I see it with my own eyes......
Bus loads of immigrants with a back pack, sitting on corners in Broward County Florida.
They look lost. No where to go. The homeless shelters MUST be WAY over loaded.

Broward County is hard Blue. All these illegals are welcomed there.....except....the Leftists don't want to foot the bills now that they are actually arriving in droves there.

Dems promised them sanctuary. I suspect crime and violence will spike (even higher)
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Don't break the law and you don't get put in a detention center

Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

It sure is when you think about how many countries they passed through to get to ours. They could have asked for asylum in any of them. But didn't. Ever wonder why??

Hell Mexico offered them all asylum and they turned it down.

Use your feeble brain dipshit.

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